Are liberals smarter than us?
Are liberals smarter than us?
no faggot
Are people who contradict themselves at every chance they get smarter than us?
Some are, most are not.
dumb frogposter
I'm asking this because I was reading a WaPo article's comments on how fake news makers target conservatives because they are more likely to fall for it than liberals.
>An excerpt: There is a correlation between liberalism and intelligence, meaning people with higher intelligence tend to be liberal. This is not surprising at all if you've ever talked to someone who is ultra-conservative.
No, you are just as stupid as them
t. ancap
Probably smarter than you.
Don't lump me in with you.
>(citation needed)
doens't matter intelligence isn't everything
>implying this isn't fake news that liberals will fall for
>We are so smart and everyone we dont like is so dumb XD
No one could really take that seriously. Its meant to persaude school kids.
fake news source talking about fake news
You perhaps.
Not me.
Statistically speaking, more of them have advanced degrees, so take that as you will.
yeah but who cares
Their heart is in the right place, but they're not street smart and are subject to a cucking
A lot of them also wasted a lot of money and got into a lot of debt for shitty degrees. Not too smart.
Academically yes, but their arrogance blinds them to common sense and reason
indoctrinated liberal here
but i'm smarter than all the libs too
we are liberals you fucking cuck.
Dude, Sup Forums is where autistic stem people go when they realize their university is trying to indoctrinate them. People here are usually the top performers in their classes.
We actually have more power arguably than government agencies in terms of cultural direction. In the span of like 2 years, maybe less, we've developed and created a more effective memetic warfare system than any govt agency that has billions in funding could even dream to achieve.
Our culture is impenetrable. You literally have to browse Sup Forums for at least a month to even understand half the shit that goes on around here. And people who analyze us for the government tend to get redpilled in the process of analyzing us. Because in order to understand Sup Forums you have to be Sup Forums.
Education =/= intelligence
Not really. They just like to get a gender studies degree and call themselves college-educated.
the thing is, people who are smart are also compassionate.
mainstream media says the liberals are compassionate.
therefore they have more of the "smart" people
How can someone being blue pilled be smarter?
taking the red pill turns you gay, no joke
>Kahan's work administering these tests to liberals and conservatives didn't turn up any meaningful differences between the two.
>"Bottom line," Kahan said in an email, "there's ample evidence of politically biased information processing across the entire ideological spectrum."Kahan's work administering these tests to liberals and conservatives didn't turn up any meaningful differences between the two
>it's fucking nothing
>Dude, Sup Forums is where autistic stem people go when they realize their university is trying to indoctrinate them.
Seriously, in what countries does this happen to STEM students? And does it really happen, or you're just exaggerating again?
>Have infinitely more corporate cash stacks and almost total control of all media and academia
>Still losing elections
>Half of them still whining about being poor
I dunno. If they're smart, it's not reflected in the outcomes of their endeavors.
>all those little appeals to emotion
their ideas are like little balloons they inflate with the hot air they blow. easily popped by the smallest logical point.
The fuck you on about now, my nig?
How many false rapes and hate crimes are proven hoaxes that liberals still think really happened? Liberals are probably more rabidly gullible than anyone. And they're worse than everyone about it because they often follow up with action.
>also wage gap and patriarchy
The fact that you can question your own intelligence proves that you are smart. That or you are just a frogposting faggot
It's complete nonsense.
The mainstream media is peddling fake news. They're constantly lying and liberals eat it up without question.
Take the election polls as an example. They took them at face value, they all believed the polls were real.
We showed them concrete proof the polls were fake. We showed them that they were oversampling democrats, we showed them e-mails talking about oversampling democrats, we pointed out that republicans had a higher turnout in the primaries etc.
Every single piece of evidence suggested that Trump was going to win. None of them listened.
Who is the dumb one here?
All the stuff about Rotherham, the shit that's going on all across Europe because of ''refugees'', the fact that the vast majority of ''refugees'' aren't even Syrian etc. They care about none of this. THIS is ''fake news'' to them, as they listen to mainstream music where it's all sunshine and rainbows with people making funny faces making silly noises.
We don't even take sources like Breitbart and Infowars at face value.
Whenever they say something there's loads of skepticism.
We're always the first one's to debunk fake news stories.
on my first day of college my physics prof proposed a socialist agenda
it's real
hell no, I've never lost a debate to a liberal and I've debated principals.
Allegedly in some schools, even students in STEM programs are required to take retarded social science and muh studies classes.
Ask yourself this;
The WaPo article is literally Fake News.
The reported on reports they knew were fabricated by a fictional team of "experts" to try and convince people that the Kremlin was issuing propaganda to manipulate the gullible.
A cursory glance of the material they provided demonstrated that the "experts" were in fact trolls from a Bernie supporters sub-reddit, and among their listed FSB Sleeper Agents was Ron Paul, and that their website and "institution" was a fake utilizing fake sources.
Now ask yourself;
Do you see conservatives reposting and believing the Fake News that Russia is running an advanced Fake News propaganda network and that Russia "Hacked The Election"...or Liberals?
Yes, but if you start from different presuppositions you will arrive at different conclusions. I was liberal before I served in the army, 138iq.
You can easily tell what liberals actually believe and their lifestyle if you pay attention:
1) Nurture>>Nature
2) Minorities are pets who can be easily controlled and will never take MY job. Their smugness toward workers disappears immediately when get cucked out of a job position by asians or indians.
3)There are enough resources for everyone.
The best way to redpill normies is showing them reality accurately, without any narrative. Once you have to compete for something and work hard, you will quickly find out how much people are animals with a mask on their faces, their true motivations never match words.
Russia is very conservative.
all schools afaik
maybe not mit/cit
>>An excerpt: There is a correlation between liberalism and intelligence, meaning people with higher intelligence tend to be liberal.
this BS is dragged out periodically and the problem is how they're using the term liberal in two different senses. Probably intentionally.
Based simply on the racial demographics of the left today, no they're not.
It's also important to note: education =/= intelligence. Academic institutions have become overwhelmingly liberal since the sixties, roughly. So it makes sense that it would produce more liberal whites, regardless of intellectual capacity.
Intelligence is irrelevant on a collective scale. Only narrative matters.
There was some guy from one of our Universities posting material from his CS course that required them to write an essay on how Aboriginals contributed to computer science.
They had a sense of humor, I guess, since it finished with;
>"They didn't" is not an acceptable response.
Sure, whatever. Fuck it.
Yes. Classic liberals/libertarians have a higher iq. It's social conservatives (i.e. stupid Christcucks) that bring conservative iq down. If you really believe in "race realism," you have to accept that fact too.
No, but I do think a lot of people have gotten so comfortable in posting on Sup Forums, that they forget they can't just meme themselves out of an argument outside of an imageboard.
I only say this because when I browse the internet outside of 4/cripple chan, I can always tell when someone is from there and engaged in an argument. And so many, many times their arguments look weak and less informed than the liberal.
Not saying this is true for everyone, but something I noticed, and to not get comfortable with your debate skills if it's all from Sup Forums.
If theyre so smart why did they lose?
You sound dumb as shit.
If you don't know why you hold the opinions you hold, then yes. If you did, you wouldn't be asking that question
>retarded social science and muh studies classes.
Yes, like pretty much everywhere. But aren't these "studies" more neutral than wikipedia? Or does even mentioning of degenerates and minorities make you shout "PROPAGANDA!!! LIBERAL INDOCTRINATION!!! BIASED!!!"?
All public universities require electives that come from outside your major, private schools vary.
that's why i gave those examples
even a school like harvey mudd has required classes outside of the college
we can go on but the point of a liberal arts university is a diverse range of courses. i'd wager public universities are going to offer many degrees less like a liberal arts degree in the near future.
memeing is the way to goo
in person most people focus too much on the argument, it's not half as important to support your claims as it is to dictate which points the discussion will focus on
>aren't these "studies" more neutral than wikipedia?
No, I don't think so. These "studies" classes are the same desperate attempt that humanities programs in the US have made to save their departments from declining enrollment, and are now breeding the social justice itty bitty titty committees. I doubt it's a coincidence.
The mentally ill liberals shout about how great cultural enrichment is.....until they start getting culturally enriched in their own neighborhoods. lol
Then they start "becoming racist". You know, like most white people who have been forced to live near or amongst the shit skin savages. I wonder if they still think that "rednecks are ignorant, uneducated racists"???? hahaha
We told you so
Liberals consider themselves the only ones who think.
Conservatives consider themselves the only ones who work.
I've seen shitty work from conservatives, and moronic thoughts from liberals. Go figure.
Categorically, yes
Normie conservatives definitely are, we are a new group of conservative though, we are generation Z.
Probably. Also look at the leanings of most scientists.
This fucking generations love of all things "zombie" cracks me up.
>old enough to run over
>not old enough to fuck
An explanation is in order.
what the fuck lmao
That has been a book for a while.
If you're wondering who the fuck Ed Welch is, he's the guy that took a gun to investigate "PizzaGate".
Every time I see the statistics on this I question my own intelligence. I am conservative, yet every source tells me that only stupid people could possibly be conservative. I did well in school, got high test scores, and was given a fairly high IQ score, so what gives?
I think what's missing in these studies is that conservatives are split.
The redneck, failed high school Jesus republicans are at the bottom of the intelligence slider.
Most liberals are in the average to slightly above average range, which is high enough to make them think they are smarter than everyone else, even though they might not be.
Getting up into higher IQ's becomes more conservative again. As we know, IQ correlates with overall success, and the higher classes tend to be conservative.
However, there are more of the dumb type of conservative, which weighs down the average, making normie liberals seem more intelligent, and giving the impression that liberal values are intellectually superior.