Breitbart BTFO

Breitbart BTFO

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ok then

>Caring about kikebart

What can you say? They fucked up and spewed a bunch of bullshit and they got put on blast for it by the same people whose article they took out of context. Has breitbart ever been right about science even once?

If only the Weather Channel stuck to their initial narrative of providing important weather information 24/7 instead of clogging airtimes with reality TV show noone wants to watch. But of course it didn't go to shit until NBC purchased the company.

ewww, yup the cancer, goddamn breitbart
...le sigh


Jew TV station blasts Jew online Rar for not properly jewing. This is breaking stuff and definitely weather relevant.

Also strong kek

Captcha: Pizza

Breitbart and Trump need to stop denying climate change. This just makes us look stupid

how is that related to their globar warming claims?

>Says not to cherry pick data, not to use emotions to make scientific claims, and to always accept science entirely
>scientist doesn't know the basic principle of science is debate and argument over what is a valid theory
>continues on to cherry pick her data during her emotional outburst
>All this because someone agreed with what she said and used it against her

Captcha: Pizza

Because the intention of calling them out on "global warming" is to discredit Breitbart as a source. The person you're responding to is calling out the MSM for pushing the narrative that "Islam is not homophobic" in order to discredit them as a source.

I'm all on board with economic and social conservatism, but denying scientific fact, what the fuck is wrong with people?

It's a (((scientific fact))) that all races are equal and there is only one race the human race.

If global warming was a real problem and they wanted to solve it they would call out China, India, and Africa for pollution and overpopulation.

Instead they just bitch at white countries who aren't even the fucking problem. That's how we know it's all jew tricks.

brilliant leaf post

>If global warming was a real problem and they wanted to solve it they would call out China, India, and Africa for pollution and overpopulation.
They are you fucking tard.
What they aren't doing is blaming it on the being primitive or some shit ideologues like you enjoy claiing, but on the real problem which is poverty. Do you think all that foreign aid is meant to aid those nigs?

>people actually defending kikefart on here
Wow, this place really does everything it does just to to spite liberals



Global Warming is real but good luck getting China to stop spewing garbage into the air.

That's my biggest issue with it is that Internationally it's ignored.

what did he mean by this?

>Muh poverty

Holy fuck you've lost it. Dad is starting to make little brother look sane.

When was the last time the global warming faggots told India to stop shitting in the ocean, China to stop producing smog and shit, and Africa to stop having kids?

Oh that's right. Never. They're too busy blaming America, Russia, and FUCKING WHITE MALES for all the problems in the world.

The people lobbying against global warming are the same ones demanding open borders and more food to feed the 10+ offspring produced by the animals of third world shitholes.

If they cared about global warming they would stop sending food and money. But they won't because they don't.

>Breitbart is wrong, they cherry picked the data
>Let me (((normalize))) the data by cherry picking it
>When we leave out lots of the data, Breitbart is wrong