At my family's home for Christmas in Vermont see my younger sister whose 15 watching a marathon of Steven Universe. Watch because has bored and it was fucking pure indoctrination. It's about some fat kid and lesbian aliens that get powerful through fusion which is sex. Had allegories to force fusion. Sister loves this shit look up the creator Rebecca Sugar
There not even hiding it anymore lesbian aliens in a fucking children's show
I'm gonna shill for E;R here simply because it's on-topic.
The fat kikelet for a main character didn't tip you off?
>TFW I actual like the show watch it with my girlfriend can be entertaining although the Fandom is cancer
I haven't just kids shows since 2010 I only seen Family Guy and American Dad with my friends on occasion
The show doesn't make sense from the episodes I watched it has something to do with the gems fighting each other over the safety of the earth and some shit with the fat kid being the son of one them
The plot is a background for the characters
>Implying Pearl isn't great
That ending is he /ourguy/
Why is a fat kikelet a nu Male beta who is retarded and has a black love interest
Get your sister to watch some non-degenerate japanese lesbians instead.
I only know a couple videos from him and they're not politically loaded. From what I've seen, he usually does commentaries on shows like Steven Universe and he did a video about Life is Strange.
>fusion which is sex
What, mate?
>kids shows
>Family Guy and American Dad
>I don't know shit about it but I'm mad
You'll fit right in.
>the son of one them
No, he is Rose Quartz.
But he has a father
The fandom is abhorrent. MLP and Overwatch can't even compete.
Only anime she watched was Pokémon because she plays the games
It's SPACE MAGIC, I ain't gotta explain shit.
So he's his mom and his father fucked his mom. So does the mean he fucked his son?
I love Adventure Time, it's not pushing anything onto you, it's just nice stories for a chuckle when you are in the mood for something a little imature.
But Steven Universe was bad, I barely could stand the first two episodes.
I watch it for the green meme alien
>Adventure Time
>Not pushing a whole bunch of agendas
Kek, please give us a sign if you want this degenerate garbage cartoon off the air.
mfw I am having to raise a child in such a degenerate time period.
Really, I don't, I don't know about how he came about. I think he is actually Rose. I know she died in creating him. >it's just nice stories
Until the quality dropped at, I can't even remember when. After Simon & Marcy? Before then? I don't know, some point, i didnt keep up with the end. At least SU hasn't hit it's quality drop yet.
>But Steven Universe was bad
In what ways? It's better than everything else CN currently produces.
Peri a shit, Lapis a cute
They're rocks.
>non-degenerate japanese
I thought they were not-Italian
and they love the cock.
What are the agendas? Can't think of any, but am always happy to learn.
I only watched the first two episodes, but the stories didn't really interest me and the characters are very uninteresting to me as well, I heard from someone on Sup Forums who said it gets better at ep14, i might look into that.
Also minus points to me are the artstyle and that every character looks like a tumblr user.
>it was fucking pure indoctrination
Idc it's a funny cartoon, if you can't deal with homosexuality as a part of society you might want to consider killing yourself
I'll stick with The Amazing World of Gumball.
The eternal Aryan strikes again.
If you enjoy Steven Universe as an adult you should kill yourself. If you enjoy it as a child, you should also kill yourself.
how's that emo phase treating ya
what a sad little man
They have to go back.
>If you enjoy Steven Universe as an adult you should kill yourself.
Elaborate, Tyrone. Are you offended by colored, moving pictures?
It's pictures of color shitlord
I like how everyone here ignores that everytime when something in the show is happening every space rock lesbian and everyone else fails and turns to Steven. The cis. Pure gold.
The fact that he's a fat faggot results of the fact that this show is american and thus needs to represent it accordingly
fuck off back to tumblr faggot and take the nigger with you
Didn't watch it, and never will, especially since I know it's kike propaganda.
I only watch the best.
Yep, wanted to do the same thing. He's underrated.
I recommend his other vids too.
The son is the mom
Homestuck >>> SU
t. Sup Forums
>he seriously watches it
no wonder your country is such shit
Harpy a best
>tfw you will never have a cute little harpy wife who will give you eggs everyday.
Not really an agenda besides egalitarianism (and of course normalization/fetishization of bubblegum x Marceline )
Lol there's an episode in the 5th(?) season where a character intros himself as "Gamergate"
Anyways, It's gone downhill since Finn met his dad, or more specifically, since Pendleton stepped down
Posting nu-jews now are we?
yuri is disgusting and cringey
Shut up nigger Steven Universe is chill
>Rebecca Sugar is a literal goblin jew dating a black gorilla named Ian
Nah man, Centorea is the best
>tfw you will never have a large breasted centaur wife who you can ride places everyday.
Says the nippon posting wannabe nazi
Holy shit, AT is still going. I thought it ended long ago. They never air it anymore.
>since Pendleton stepped down
He's not working on it anymore?
>wanting a titcow horsebitch
>Wanting a birdbitch that can barley use her hands.
Looking at a show you clearly don't watch and saying something as extreme as
>Its indoctrination by the ultra-left to cause young girls to embrace lesbianism
Is no better then Jack Thompson's ramblings against GTA back in the early 2000's
And what does she need hands for? All she need is a hole for me to fuck and a hole for the eggs to come out of(are they the same hole? Is that how birds work?). And she's great because unlike basically every other type of monstergirl she's totally safe and won't hurt you.
Ok, let's cut the crap
Peridot is best gem and you all know it
>On Sup Forums
>Not a Jasperfag
Thank you for showing me this
Doesn't even have a weapon
>weapon is a fucking pompadour
Lapis a best.
E;R is a SU fag aswell
>I-it's not like make a SU video every other wek because I like it or anything, b-baka
Birds have a fused digestion/reproduction tract and don't have sex in the same way humans do.
It's threads like these that remind me Sup Forums is for preteens through sophomores.
digits and science confirm that with Harpy your only have the choice between vaganus hole or mouth hole.
user BTFO
watch the episode 8 from season 4, it has Trump references
So, so does that mean she wouldn't have a hole for getting dicked? I think being a monstergirl would mean she would.
She'd still be better than a dangerous piece of obsolete farm equipment(horsebitch).
>So, so does that mean she wouldn't have a hole for getting dicked?
No, but it would be extremely painful.
How do birds do sex then? I don't know about birds?
Male birds have a tiny tube that barely penetrates and instantly delivers sperm into the vaginal tract.
Yeah, I think harpies must have more human-like organs. They have to get fucked by humans because they're one of the ones with only females.
But, man, animals are weird.
Truly inspiring, best post on Sup Forums in months/years.
>Putting a strong redpill at the end of the video
He is /ourguy/ indeed
ITT: Too many manchildren
I opened this with the intent of having a good laugh but the only thing I got were feels ;_; Humans are such trash, AI takeover when?