Quit denying who you are cuckos

Half of you fuckers are in denial about being a millennial. The cut off years are 1982 - 2004


>inb4 atlantic being cucked
>inb4 taking stance it doesn't apply to you because of x

If you deny it, it implies you hate labels, which makes you more of a millennial than before

Other urls found in this thread:


Social constructs that don't exist.

>social constructs

im not a millennial you nefag, i was born in 2005 get fucked XD

Sounds like quite the spook to me

It's christmas, can we tone down the spook?

>a 34 year old is the same generation as a 12 year old

This is exactly the kind of thing an eleven year old russian shitposter would say

Who /1993/ here?

...and my axe!

Wrong. Mid 90s is the correct ending date

>The majority of researchers and demographers start the generation in the early 1980s. Many end the generation in the mid 1990s. Australia's McCrindle Research[28] uses 1980–1994. A 2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers[29] report and Edelman Berland[30] use 1980–1995. Gallup Inc.,[31][32][33] Eventbrite[34][35] and Dale Carnegie Training and MSW Research[36] all use 1980–1996. Ernst and Young uses 1981–1996.[37] Manpower Group uses 1982–1996.[38]

People who don't remember 9/11 can't be millennials (assuming humans begin remembering shit consciously around age 5-6)

Besides the whole idea of "Millennials" is a horseshit idea, including my source, saying remembering 9/11 is the axiom is not a good argument if you did want to define the range of people.

Reporting in bro

I don't deny that I'm a millenial but this generation disgusts me.

End point is somewhere between 1995 and 2000, you degenerate

Not related
>reading any publication by people from my generation

Christ. I was bored and I went onto Vice, this was a mistake.

I was born in January of 1981 :)

Technically Sup Forums is Gen Z. Sup Forums was made in 2006 and Sup Forums a little later

nobody denies it, I just dont want to be a part of it


Being a millenial is a state of mind, it just so happens that the majority of people born in that time spam have the same state of mind so they are all lumped together

We aren't fucking normies

>Half of you fuckers are in denial about being a millennial. The cut off years are 1982 - 2004

I'm 32 and speaking to a 20year old is like talking to a little child.

that's a comfy image

29, I don't disagree but that has been true for all generations.


woah it's almost like that's a lot of earth's population right now, since most of the people born before 1940 are DEAD.


I'm a millenial but part of the nationalist minority among them.

Same boat. The real cut off seems to be people whole made it through college, or at least high school before the advent of social networking. I think the real shift was for people born in '91 and later. Think about it, formative years were forever changed with MySpace, Facebook, et al.

Yup, my pastimes included swimming in the local creek and riding my 4-wheeler. Myspace came at the end of highschool, and I barley touched it.

Yeah, and?

1995 here. Agreed 10000%. Deus Vult

>gen z
>not based as fuck


Always known i've been Gen-Y/Millennial, why would people deny it?

I'm in the other half, born in 1966. Now what?

>the Atlantic
>saged and hidden

They have those attitudes because most of their parents are filthy muzzies who taught them to be just like they are.

Interesting theory, care to back that up with facts?

Our media and culture is absolute trash though. I'm disgusted with what is popular.

1977-1986 is the Oregon Trail generation. We didn't grow up with the internet or cellphones.



tfw 1995, verrrry much on he edge


1998, I'm hardly a millennial

In 25 days you better fix that so it says 20-34.

>Greatest Generation. These are the people that fought and died in World War II for our freedom, which we appreciate.
I don't think they do appreciate it.

Fuck me if it was shown that a lot of white men died so 50-60 years later their nations would be run over by freedom hating sandniggers.

>Millennials. In October 2004, researchers Neil Howe and William Strauss called Millennials "the next great generation," which is funny.
I do agree, it is funny.

It has always been this way, a generation spans 25 years.

My boomer parents don't consider themselves '68er (what we call the quintessential ex-hippie boomers), either, although they were born in the late 50s.

Its been trash for years, the interesting thing is how they flourished despite it.

>babies under a year old to 5 years old
Yeah I'm sure their opinions really screwed with the data.

>12-18 year olds

I think favorite cartoon is the best way to define this.

Mine was probably Hey Arnold.

There should also be a division between people like me who got their first phone in high school and kids who are so used to smartphones they pinch to zoom in on pages of books.

Gen Z
Teacher here, yeah they are self-centered adn entitled. The rest of that list on the 12-18 year old are fucking bullshit.
I could agree that they are creative to some extent...

Considering how many sandniggers there are in Sweden, about 70% at my school (Stockholm is a pile of puss), do they even factor into this whole Generation thing? Since the majority of them didn't even do any fighting in WW2?

the majority of their grandparents that is... which is possibly 99% not-participants in WW2

how can someone who was 10 years old during may 68 be considered a 68er?

Do you think non-white birth rates just spiked suddenly? Whites have been on their way out in the USA for a solid decade or more.

Well, I'm 21 which is way out of the range of this "Oregon trail generation" (apparently born 77-86), but I didn't get a phone until I was 17, and I grew up playing outside.

A lot of sources begin Gen Z in 1995 or 1996, but i'd say that's jumping the gun a bit. I'd say it's more like 1998 or 1999 or something, those 18 and under had a more technological childhood then those just a few years older.

>grouping people born in the 80s with people born in 2000's

>people born after 9/11 are in the same generation as the people who invaded iraq
wewius ladius

As I said before i think the final year of Millennials hovers around 1995-1997, not the 2000s.

I'm very suspicious about this whole gen X/Y/Z garbage.
The concept didn't existed a couple décades back, and I Wonder what's the purpose.
What I know however is that this concept has been pushed pretty hard in the (((media))) over the last decade.
If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say it's to shift the attention away from the social engeneering taking place for the normies being able to dismiss the decay as "just a generationnal thing".
Am I wrong Sup Forums or did I miss something?

why does it matter? All that ends up happening is kids born in the year 2000 spam replies to/fight about who fits into the single infograph which makes them look 'based' by pol standards.

Noone here is going to be defined by the tumblr type views shared by people within their age range