Tfw Capitalism collapse in your lifetime

>tfw Capitalism collapse in your lifetime

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not real Capitalism


This is a /leftypol/ raid thread.

Praise cuck.

Watch this commies.

>tfw America will collapse in your lifetime

Already happening here.

Who's that semen demon

please make it happen. the jews have gotten their way for far too long

Time to bug out


Yes, long live the heavily armed rogue nuclear regime that rises from it's ashes.

Capitalism will almost certainly outlast carbon-based life.

Cant wait

>Mfw Capitalism recovery in my lifetime

>long live
>heavily armed rogue nuclear regime
Someone doesn't grasp how nuclear weapons work.

> late stage communism

>mfw waiting for Marx's prediction of a revolution into a classless stateless society to finally occur

/leftytards/ are up late.

Be a shame if I got repeating numbers.


>Someone doesn't grasp how nuclear weapons work.
I am well aware of how they work.


Marx never held a job or interacted with the common man and lived a life of relative luxury due to the handouts of the elite.

Just when we fucking joined the club, why must you do this to us?