How many white children have you had so far Sup Forums. You ARE trying to save the white race, aren't you ?
How many white children have you had so far Sup Forums. You ARE trying to save the white race, aren't you ?
turk here, ive had 3
69 white kids
Most of Sup Forums is under the age of 30, therefore too young to be having children anyway. A bird builds it's nest before it lays eggs, and so should you.
I'm black but my Swedish-American wife and I are on our 5th kid.
Does that count?
pick one mehmet
>waiting till 30 to have children
If by 25 you havent learned a trade, married, and had at least one child then you are actively working against the interests of your race. Building a nest is not that hard to any half competent individual.
Zero. But I'm only 21.
No, and don't try to come here.
5, my wife says it'll be at least a dozen before she's done.
more than white you, you piece of shit
white than*
One 1 year old son, planning to get another kid.
Enjoy having a wife age along with you. It's better to wait until you're 35+ to get married (prenup), and have a wife at least a decade younger than you. That's not possible when you're 25, at least not legally. Why rush?
0 (Zero)
And it will remain zero. I'm not going to waste time and resources on some parasite. My gf has her tubes tied so no worries. Feels good man.
I'm won't be done with college by 25, how the fuck will I start a family?
So, Turkroaches are the "New Face Of America"? Really makes you think.
ur a cheeky cunt mate
You are a dissapointment to Geert.
I'm an undesirable social reject who will never find anyone who wants me.
I don't care. I'm not here on Earth to please anyone.
3. One for dad, one for mum and one for the economy just like treasurer Costello said
Gave sperm. 5 children, all to white couples, the donor picks the receiver race. All the power is with you as donor desu.
With a government agency as an intermediary, they have the ability to contact me when they are 16, but not before then.
So that would be approx 2030.
Takes a lot of pressure off, all recipients are high net worth generally. I still want to be a father, but Im also not going to go neurotic as I get older if it isnt going to plan, house prices are a massive issue to starting a family. Fuck being a serf who only rents and have fuck all money. I dont want children who are reliant on the state, they'd go to private schools.
I'm not fully white (5/8 English, 2/8 other Northern Euro, rest Amerindian and African) so none
Also having a large population that display recessive traits is a sure sign of being inbred, you fucking hillbilly
>have a wife at least a decade younger than you
This is a recipe dor disaster. Youll be 10 years ahead of her in wisdom and experience which is bound to create friction. Especially when you encounter a problem that because of her age she just wont understand like you do.
You dont need college. Go to a trade school. Become a welder, NDT, electricia, plumber. These are all well paying jobs that are always in demand, and dont take more than a year or two of schooling to get.
>implying women mature mentally past the age of 18 anyway.
What "problem" would it cause? Name an example.
0, i want to get wizard powers
women dont want me, if they still dont when im 30, thats okay.
I'm 24, kissless, jobless, and I live with my parents.
It's not easy. I wake up every day and hate what I see in the mirror. But to be fair I have a skin disease and a herniated disk in my lower back, so living is a chore in general. Also, don't underestimate motivation. If you have none of it, you can't really accomplish anything. Take my word for it.
Fun is an easy example. Say you marry a 20 year old woman. You being 30 have lived through your 20s and have had your fun, you've gotten those party urges out, youre into different things now. The 20 year old however has not, she'll want to live her life and go to clubs, drink, and generally do shit that youve been over for a while. Even of you do humor her and begrudgingly go out for a drink shell know you arent having fun which will ruin the time for both of you.
Discipline is another thing, ties in with the wisdom point. You being older will want to discipline your child in a way she won't understand, inexperienced patents will usually be too lenient or hard on their kids because they substitute life lessons and wisdom with some kind of "easy extreme"
>The 20 year old however has not, she'll want to live her life and go to clubs, drink, and generally do shit that youve been over for a while
Women don't think like men. Men require a variety of sexual partners, women generally don't. Are there exceptions to the rule? Sure, but who cares?
>Even of you do humor her and begrudgingly go out for a drink shell know you arent having fun which will ruin the time for both of you.
I know how to talk to women of all ages. Not to mention, women don't mature at the same rate as men, and it's not even close. I was more mature than my own mother at age 18. Finding a woman equally mature is absurd. She'd have to be 70 years old.
>You being older will want to discipline your child in a way she won't understand
I'll make her understand. I've redpilled girlfriends in the past. It's only difficult if you're a socially-inept autist.
None... But I make 3 white women pregnant already while I was being a tourist in Germany.
Am I doing it right Sup Forums?
You're coming at this from a very perverted perspective. One that doesnt value women in the slightest. Especially with hiw you claim that women will never be mire than mentally 18 years old, yet youll somehow make them "understand" something that only wisdom grant them. If you want to raise a stable child your wife needs to be more than just a 20 year old girl who youve trained to regurgitate your beliefs. Mature women exist, its just up to you to find them.
Yes but aren't you worried that they might come in contact with you to make you help pay for the child support? I read somewhere about some international law in the West that could enforce that
i got 2 Girls, fucking Twins...
>You're coming at this from a very perverted perspective. One that doesnt value women in the slightest
I'm just telling it like it is. You must be new here. Did you forget the name of the board you're posting on?
> Especially with hiw you claim that women will never be mire than mentally 18 years old, yet youll somehow make them "understand" something that only wisdom grant them.
Women don't know anything about anything unless a man teaches them. Usually it's her father doing this, but that tends to stop at age 18, after that it's up to you to take over, and mold her like clay. Problem is, fathers and men in general aren't training their daughters/girlfriends/wives at all, let alone properly.
>If you want to raise a stable child your wife needs to be more than just a 20 year old girl who youve trained to regurgitate your beliefs.
Wrong. Women are naturals at their role in child-rearing. It's a father's duty to take over most of the responsibility of raising children (especially boys) once they become teenagers. I simply know what my role is, and what a woman's role should be.
>Mature women exist, its just up to you to find them.
"""Mature"""" women tend to be past their expiration date, ergo not someone you should have children with, if that's even still biologically possible.
Im not new here, I just choose to let my lofe experience out in the field influence me more than the failures that post on the political board of a chinese shadow puppet forum
That is incorrect. Women learn a variety of things from a variety of places after the age if 18. Not unlike men, women cant stay in the nest forever. And if you really need to "mold" your woman to fit your vison then you're with the wrong woman.
I dont disagree with that first part, women are naturals at it. However they dont just disappear when the child begins going through puberty, just like you dont dissapear in its first few years of life. While you both have your natural strengths, until the kid is of age, it takes two to raise it properly.
Again, thats just not true. It seems the only thing stopping you from finding these mature women is your own view on them. There exist successful, motivated, intelligent, women who can still put the job aside to raise a kid when the time is right. And again, its up to you to seek them out.
Your problem is, you think you know more than you actually do. I'm not just saying that to insult you. You really don't know what you're talking about. I recommend you listen to videos related for your own benefit.
>even though youve been out there and exerienced these things first hand, you have no idea what yourr talking about and your worldview is wrong. Here, listen to this comeian highlight the faults and differences between men and women in an entertaining way, this should set you straight
Come on man.
It's only been 3 minutes, and you're already discounting what I have to offer, so why should I give a shit about what you have to say? Not to mention, you're dead-wrong. Some cunts have to learn the hard way I guess. Those videos I linked are GOLD. Watch them, or don't. It's your loss, pal.
>Having white blonde female children in Sweden
What a cruel father you are
I plan to have at least 3.
Zero, fuck the white race
Im not going to watch 4 videos (2 of which I've already seen because they used to get posted so often) because you cant come up with a reaponse for something as simple to talk about as men and women. And yea some cunts do have to learn the hard wayn does that mean that you need to adopt the mindset that you need to autisticly mold every single one to your vision, no. And the fact that you actually think you do shows an incredible lack of experience.
you must see it from a different angle, their value will increase as they become more rare or even later a myth
Good. I hope you don't watch them. You're such a whiny cunt, that I'm regretting offering any advice. You don't deserve it. By the way I came up with plenty of "responses", you didn't. I responded to virtually every point (or lack thereof) you made. Just look at all the green text. I gave you a chance, I entertained your ideas, and I responded accordingly. I turn, I offered my own advice, and you just can't be bothered. I don't care anymore. The only reason I shilled so hard was because I want the white race to survive, otherwise I wouldn't give bluepilled betas like you the time of day.
Nigger did you even read any of my resonses. I adressed your points and already told you Ive seen your videos. Kek, youre either a shitty troll or some kid who needs to get out more.
weak b8 m8 I r8 8/8
I read this article the other day, I should have listened. Have one last (you) and fuck off.
Black here and my wife just gave birth to a white baby.
You can thank me later for saving the master race, the White Race.
42 yrs old, no kids.
Anyway in Bongland the only people reproducing are terrorists.
Lmao. This has nothing to do with our conversation. Especially since I already have a woman. Nice try though.
Sorry burgerkike, I can't listen to that nigger for more than a few seconds.
At least link a vid from Dave Chapelle or someone else who can talk properly.
>return of kings
fuckers might drop some redpills here and there but they are still degenerate vermin that contribute to the downfall of society.
In other words, not much better than Sup Forums.
I am. I'm a NA with an aryan qt.
I refuse to put a baby in her and want nothing more than to pass her off to an aryan male.
Have one blonde haired white boy and wife is pregnant with our second.
Sorry leaf, I meant to say that Sup Forums is the beacon of light for all decent white people on this gay earth.
There, you should sleep better at night now, Trudeau.
3 beautiful blonde male children, wish they would have taken their mother's blue eyes though.
The entire white race is my descendant.
Thank me for you existing in 1st place.
Only one but I am putting some efforts in making another one. Life is tough man.
None, yet. Doesn't really matter, I don't think Sup Forums would want me having any children considering I'm a brown hair/ brown eye ""white"" person :^(
shut the fuck up retard
I'm only 18 and still in uni.
redpilled qts don't exist here in ((((new york))))
once im established in my career i will have to search one out.
can I have white children if I'm 1/8 black?
Two Japanese ones!
Have a 6 year old pure blood white son. He loves Trump made me get him a MAGA hat.
are you japanese or white?
Japanese but lived in America for a long time.
I've a nephew I'm trying to save from becoming a sissy. I had to show him touching grass wasnt anything to cry about because his mom is a rabid germaphobe who traumatized him about grass and dirt being terrible
Hi bigtoe
Why aren't the japanese breeding more strong & smart children? The world needs more of you
Four - Two boys, two Girls. Oldest is a boy.
>0 I plan on having 2-3.
>keep pumping out sla--, healthy white babies, goy, to keep your race alive!
I agree. It sucks. People just make excuses about being too busy. I think it is a deep cultural problem that cannot be fixed easily.
Theyre dehumanizing into the robotic future faster than other races
Humanity isnt heading in a good direction
>Life is tough man.
No it is not, you just want to live easy comfy life at a cost of your unborn kids. Do you live outside a city and have space around a house? Plant your own food in a Spring. Man up.
At least you guys are free to solve your problems on your own terms... The rest of the world over here has Jews and their indoctrinated puppets constantly getting in the way ._.
I've had 3. Prussian ancestry, wife is Irish/German mix
>pure blood white
I almost had one, but unfortunately I was a degenerate at the time and my girlfriend was Jewish, so we aborted it.
So instead I bought a lot of guns and ammo with all the money I saved.