Haha Alefantis doesn't even have a basement! Entire conspiracy debunked in one sentence
Other urls found in this thread:
He doesn't even have a basement.
It's a cellar.
When it has to get shilled this hard that nothing is wrong there must be SOMETHING wrong somewhere.
*audience giggles, ready for the genius punchline*
*entire audience screams hysterically, convulsing on the floor*
Why are they so eager to dismiss a transparent public investigation?
60 Minutes (TV show) have conducted and aired its own investigations into UK gov linked rings.
I do however hope all this pizza shit is actually fake.
Because autists can't discern reality from fantasy and go shoot up pizza places in question.
They're synonyms ya dingus.
Colbert show is garbage
Pizza gate is fucking real. Totally proven now.
because its fucking real.
James Alefantis is garbage. John and tony? trash
hillary is really connected through bills pedo activities.
notice how he never shows any of the actual quotes like "I left a very important pizza map at your place...", he just says we saw pizza mentioned too often. He never shows any of the creepy pics either.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
Like 10 seconds in and Colbert is talking about which news you should be reading and which ones are fake or lies ("the ones on social media or written by some anonymous guy").
Nope, not transparent at all.
I haven't seem them so worked up to debunk a conspiracy theory since that time people said Hillary might be in bad health.
I wonder if they realize nobody trusts them anymore
Flynn even gave it attention, and his son got caught for making 'fake news'.
>Flynn will be national security adviser in whitehouse
It's all bizarre.
i think they are being sarcastic
>My friend Ole Dammegard joins me and child trafficking researcher, author and expert Carine Hutsebaud to discuss the global pedophilia and child trafficking epidemic. Carine's work in this area has been ongoing for 30 years, and neither she or Ole are surprised by the Pizzagate Podesta email revelations, it's just "standard operating procedure" in nations all over the world, Ole says.
Why in the fuck is the entire media attacking Pizzagate so hard and viciously?
it doesnt matter. pizzagate will go nowhere and they are laughing at the msm backlash against pizzagate.
the feds are surely using this to red flag people as well.
I cant believe that I ever liked that massive faggot.
Technically, the dude didn't shoot the place up.
Literally every MSM outlet is pushing this fake news thing and even using the same lines.
They wouldnt be fighting so hard to call it fake if it wasnt real.
Colbert should die. hes in on it. They're getting scared. We need a big push of some sort
Man this makes kinda hope that the whole thing is real and gets blown wide open at some point. At which point Colbert would be on his knees begging for forgiveness for being complicit in the cover up and enabling kid rape.
Speaking of the Pope I was quite surprised to discover that he just assumes everyone shares his sexual interest in poo. Some serious projection in his comments.
i want to say let the courts decide punishment
why the fuck would you want this to be real. children sold raped killed. what the fuck
I didn't believe in pizzagate until the media started trying so hard to convince me it wasn't real.
Do libtards honestly think people are going to back off now that some hack CBS shill "discredited" this thing?
>MSN now attacking Wikileaks directly
I wonder if the whole Fake News thing isn't being done to keep their existing viewers from straying.
Subgenius clearly mentioned.
Give me slack or kill me.
All hail Eris!
Fuck'em if they cant take a joke.
Thats nice and all but the sentences are a joke because this thing goes to the top.
the Jews are boiling with rage, their masks are slipping and becoming ham fisted
I'll agree wtih him on this. You have to be a bloody retard to believe in this pizzagate bullshit.
refuted or misled info
i know. thats why i said "i want to say"
all the way to the top and global
fuck off then
Around 1:25, he hesitates when he says "this is a lie"
Yes, goys, only believe in OUR approved media! After all, we would never want to fool you.
Of course a fucking Swede shill defends cannibalism and pedophilia. Go to your human sacrifice bonfire and jump in it in honor of your Phoenician gods.
>Mainstream media actually talks about Pizzagate
So has it been a slow news week or something? Any other time Pizzagate would get a lone post on CNN at best.
Isn't it odd that the media says something the opposite like "Trump is not going to be the President"?
The perma-virgins ITT are pathetic, lmao.
Because it involves people who are above the law so in a way its nice to see (((them))) get treated like normal pedos would.
one would ask themselves why does every media outlet know and care about what a board anime loving neets talk about when before this entire election they considered Sup Forums to be an ultra hacker group lol
>hacked by Russia
Colbert is getting his talking points straight from the elite.
This is the biggest confirmation (not that we needed it) that Colbert works for the DNC
He puts Wikileaks (with their 100% accuracy record) in the same sentence as Alex Jones.
Fucking shill needs a bullet like the rest of them
Pizzagate is a falseflag that was spammed to death here in order to both discredit us and to destroy alt-media ie non mainstream shilled media.
Sorry man, I'm not some nut-job conspiracy theorist. Focus on the real issues going on. Like the millions of Syrians flooding Europe. All is not magically fixed because Trump got elected president.
American ""Humor""
Just the fact that everyone is scrambling with weak attempts to debunk this whole thing just gives me more credit in my eyes. At this point we're probably a step away of catching Biden with his dingus in a child.
I hope it's fake for the kids. I hope it's real so the MSM discredits itself further. Imagine the horror as Colbert et al realise.
There are several hidden rooms on top of the cellar having an underground tunnel
Doubtful. Everyones hand was played too quickly. Their cleanup squad makes sure the elite stays clean.
>Having a name to discredit
Nice try faggot
Cry babies!!!
This complete retard wanted (Elizabeth Warren) to run for Pres. and practically screamed at anyone who would listen that Trump had "less than a zero percent chance" to be the Pres.
He doesn't know anything more than his marching orders from Soreass tell him.
One of lifes greatest mysteries that may never get solved.
> there's more media coverage of pizza gate than any other mainstream false-flag conspiracy ever
You have to remember that we are seen as a 'epic hacker group' to normalfags. If we are connected to anything it simply discredits both us and the topic.
Well then OP, what is it?
Aren't there still Hilary Clinton emails that we and even congress havent seen yet? Something off of anthony weiners computer. havent seen any hearings lately
This smear/discredit campaign reminds me how the catholic church handles all there pedo shit.
It's all connected
the biggest flaw of pizzagate is: lets say is real,how the fuck the pussy grabber drumpf is innocent?
you guys have nothing
>mfw DCPD start a proper investingation and it has happenings
i thought pol could recognise basic sarcasm
Who is he to say its a lie? He isnt an investigator much less even informed on the subject. What makes him think he can say that?
ehehehehehehehheheh yes goyys
don't believe in the pizzagate goys
it isn't real
don't look into it
nothing to to see here goyim
That's damning proof that there is a legitimate conspiracy. Everything that came out of that fools mouth just reinforced everyones suspicions.
The guy is a jester with a fucked up right ear that he is concious about and constantly tugs as his tell.
Congress has to get the clearances to review these emails that the Shitllary camp swears up and down don't exist as classified documents.
letterman was better, that guy is boring.
"we" don't have a name to sully and we don't have a reputation to uphold.
This line of shilling is really really retarded.
Has anyone gone from believing pizzagate to denying it?
>Colbert, CNN, Fox, BBC, NYT, WP, WSJ, the Verge, Forbes, CBS, ABC, USA Today, the Independent, the Daily Beast, Vice
How the fuck are we supposed to inform the normies when we're up against what practically is the whole of mainstream media?
I can feel my cognitive dissonance kicking in. I consider myself relatively redpilled to the point of being called a tinfoil wearing schizo (ask me about zions, jfk, 911, marijuana, big pharma, holocaust exaggeration, federal reserve, corruption in practically every sector of the govt, etc) but seeing this many media outlets flat-out reject this "conspiracy theory" is making me question my sanity. I know MSM isn't to be trusted but how is it that so many are denying it? Are they connected? Is the world THAT fucked up?
>we are (((entertainment)))
>we can tell you what is fake news
This is why i only watch TYT for alt news and some other progressive youtubers. They can be trusted to be accurate with their USA news stories
She would be a much better president than Hillary
it's often cut that way to make the viewers at home think the audience went absolutely wild
or they employ a couple paid clappers to make the crowd seem louder
We defeated them with Trump we will win again here too.
>he didn't turn the candlestick to reveal the secret dungeon
Actually, the same media blows the bad shepherds within the Catholic church out of proportion. You have it the opposite.
letterman is rolling in his grave
Did the media not learn at all from Gamergate?
You'd imagine they would realize that drumming up a storm about how it will only make it all the more obvious that something's wrong.
You have to be a complete cocksucking idiot if you believe pizzagate is real.
Fake News is a poison, better make sure your alt news source is reputable. This is why Trump won. Too many lies being pushed by brietbart and regurgitated by Fox News
Isn't news. It's fucking Action Dipwad reairing Ancient Aliens w/ the commentary on so that Hearst and Disney can make even more money off of tards.
According to Wikileaks the emails of John Podesta have been completely wiped starting on the day Maddie Mccann was kidnapped and then going all the way back. Wikileaks says the first email that shows up is the day after Maddie was kidnapped.
Quite a coincidence, John Podesta generally matches the police sketch that Maddie's parents are pleading with anyone to help them identify this person.
John Podesta has a collection of paintings that feature scantily clad children in situations and poses that imply bondage and guests to his home are on record as being mortified.
John Podesta's whereabouts on May 2nd have already been proven. We just need the next day on May 3rd 2007 when Maddie was kidnapped and then we can close this chapter.
We already beat all of them with Trump.
The organizations are now shadows of what they were only 2 years ago, meanwhile we've grown exponentially in power.
Yes, it's fucked up. That much. Probably more.
I don't believe Pizzagate, but all these mainstream media outlets reporting it as "FAKE PLEASE STOP INVESTIGATING" looks conspicuous as fuck to anyone with half a brain.
>pizza place has a upload/download section on it's website with gigabyte sized files
There is a real, provable, thing going on with these god-less shills. Is it everything ever PGG says is going on? Probably not. Is it still something we should nail away at until the truth presents itself? FUCK YES IT IS GO THE FUCK AWAY
> Watching TYT.
> Entering a liberal echo chamber ever.
literally this
these shows are so fucking pathetic
i bet there is a screen saying *clap now* for the plebs
What the fuck is that even for?
this is pure flowing judaism
When does the comedy start?
everone who was here since the podesta mails dropped know exactly whats real
it all started in the email game threads
do you deny that the police drawings are 100% looking like the podesta brothers ?
>Who is Edward Heath
>Who is Jimmy Savile
>Who is Cyril Smith etc etc etc
This stuff is decades old, educate yourself