I am white and I'm planning to have black kids, because I want a black wife.
I am white and I'm planning to have black kids, because I want a black wife
Godspeed user, mullato is the masterrace
fuck off faggot
How do you intend to meet one? what makes you think she'll turn her back on Tyrone for a scandi-siissy boy like you?
I am not a sissy, faggot.
6.2 230lbs workout every second day.
I love black women because they are sexy as fuck and love their asses.
most white girls looks like a dude faggot
degenerate swine
Good for you bro. Bang them black girls if that's what you're into.
Good luck, your kids will be unsuccessful and less intelligent than you
What kind of black? Being Europe they are African?
Example; How would a woman from Nigeria be different than a Kenyan?
thx, hope to find a beauty
>I am white
THICC black, like this
Haha, be careful you don't get arrested by the femdom police for having big muscles (that happens in Sweden, not sure about your country).
You could go to Africa to find one but there'd be a strong chance she'd be a green-card hunter or be infected with HIV.
how could you not, I mean really...
You're doing the right thing. I myself am taking the same path. The white race is dying. It's time to merge your genes with another, superior race (face it guys, we are the ones dying out, so we are the weakest by default). It's a matter of survival at this point.
That's a white girl disguise as a black woman.
We need real black girls
you were brainwashed into that shit
that doesn't happen in nature on its own.
>Claims to racemix
>posts Nazi Hate Symbol
wew lad
>Swede crossing the bridge on his phone
>are you me?
Totally agree
go to sweden pseudo dane
Agreed OP. black girls got that stuff
>I am white
2nd thread about negress i see in less than an hour on Sup Forums
Can you guys be more subtle?
Says more about the kind of shit that makes you tick when you come on Sup Forums than it does about us.
Is she is black then me is Alberto Barbossa.
I dont see the big deal. At least whites genes are being passed on. There's a lot of degenerate weirdo neets on here who are never going to have kids.
yfw your kids are merely half black.
>I am white and I'm planning to have black kids, because I want a black wife.
I don't think it works like that user...
>blue eyes
obviously not black
I am a quadroon, do pol like quadroons?
I want to be a farmer too, but we use machines now.
lol I often wonder what on earth the next generation are going to do with all the half-breed kids that are being produced. Studies show that their are never accepted by either race as one of their own.
Most mixed race people are utterly ashamed. Take Obama, he calls himself black, he doesnt call himself mixed, even though he is genetically just as white as he is black.
Im a only a quadroon and have this Problems, its like you are to black for the whites and to white for the blacks. All in all i identify more with whites.
ya ok shitskin
fucking kill yourself you fucking cuck
Pol is the easiest board to harvest saltworks from
Where are all the nigger cuckposters coming from? Is liking sheboons the new edgy meme fetish for ugly virgins?