>encourage porn stars to be degenerate
>encourage them to move to israel once they have picked up a life time of STDs
Why are jews so retarded? So much for the high IQ myth.
A dog always returns to its vomit.
Jenna is BASED.
What's so bad about this?
big win for Israel
can we start a war over this??
>even the dogs in Australia are retarded
she looks like shit
Is "aliyah" a euphemism for porn?
bring your sheckles.
No, it's an Israeli dish made from foreskin.
IQ is genetic, only Ashkinazi Jews have high IQs. Jenna Jameson converting doesn't raise her IQ.
That is clearly not the face of a human anymore.
No goy no, you we're supposed to keep your degeneracy in western countries, don't come here. Multiculturalism and sexual liberation is good for them, not for us.
dude what
You can't make it in the States because the foreskin has to be medically discarded here.
could a jew explain how this woman will be perceived in israel
i would be very surprised if shed be considered a jew despite her conversion
didn't they say pedophiles are allowed to return to isreal anytime. what is going on.
Gotchya goyim
Depends, it against Jewish law to discriminate against a convert except with marrying into Priestly or Rabbinical families.
However many only view Orthodox conversions as legitimate.
That said almost half the population of Israel is as degenerate as any in the West so they probably don't give a fuck.
Who cares
Delet this
The whore is abandoning her twin sons... What a jew!
Kek, see what you created?
Underrated post. Good point.
>former adult movie star
She'll go back. They always go back.
Your evil plans backfired Mr. Goldstein.
What Israel really needs to to show Donald Trump what a big racist loser he is by doing the opposite of everything he has planned for America starting with borders. Israel needs to institute an open borders policy is accordance with Liberal ideals and the love for humanity. Israel can be the leader in globalism by doing away with its walls and fences. The Israelis can embrace their neighboring countries with the same love the Liberal Democrats in American have for those immigrating across the US border.
Seriously, what is the worse that can happen?
She just wants more dry cutdick action.
multiculturalism is only for gentiles
nobody will give a single fuck. israel is pretty much germany with sand and more nationalists
>a right leaning porn star moves to Israel
why would any Jew, except for the most hardcore orthodox, give a single shit about this? she doesn't even do porn anymore.