Why does Sup Forums get so triggered by AM/WF couples so much? If Asian girls love white men so much surely you don't mind if white women date asian men right?
Why does Sup Forums get so triggered by AM/WF couples so much...
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You have to go back.
White women don't Asian men lol unless they are both beta kpop weebs
>Asian guy dating Japanese woman
Statistically insignificant.
Really makes you think:
>Why does Sup Forums get so triggered
It doesn't, nobody cares at all in fact, now please fuck off australia.
German women should have been exterminated after the war
No one gives a fuck you stupid chink, you r/asianmasculinity faggots just keep spamming it because you are virgins.
Also whites are the most attractive race to women, you can spam your anecdotes on every forum known to man but that won't change the fact that your a 5'6 slit eyed chink with a 3' penis.
feel bad for asian guy
These are the equivalent of coal burners/mud sharks/gaijin hunters
looks kinda like alex jones
I don't get why you asian guys post this shit why not go get a white woman instead of making these threads. cause you can't?
I don't care, have nothing against asians and I guarantee half the fucking retards here that get triggered by it jerk off to asian porn regularly. The only issue white asian interracial couples is the eurasian kids they produce, Elliot Rodger wasn't a 1 off and I feel like there are a lot more eurasian males that feel the same way he did.
My mom wouldn't allow a skanky white girl in the house anyways. The last white girl I was with used to shoot heroin and meth, I had to sneak her in my house.
Wait, you're telling me a muzzie would get more replies than asians?!
no wei.
>dating someone who shoots the crystal jew
How degenerate are you gooks?
the fuck were u doing with that degenerate you fuckin degenerate nip?
Better question is, why are you pretending to be asian?
It's a non-issue and is only talked about because cucks like you keep making these threads.
I hate being an asian. Girls all hate me
But why do girls hate me so much?
I am not fat, I am tall and I am considered good looking. So Why hate me?
90% of Sup Forums jerk to cuck, black interracial porn
it really makes you think
Honestly i've stopped coming here ever since i got my pussy game going, nothing interesting after trump won
but im not dege... o-oh shieeeeeeeeet
It's simple really.
Sup Forums overwhelmingly yerns for white women, but that lust is not recipricated. That rejection makes them envious and bitter, when the object of their desire chooses Asian males over themselves.
It seems like rocket science, but is a secret Asian men have known for generations.
Race-mixing is always bad
Yup even mudslimes are seen as more attractive than asians. Honestly, asian """men"""" should skip all the suffering and go straight for the ladyboi life.
lmao. Triggered chink
>90% of Sup Forums jerk to cuck, black interracial porn
Half of the posters on here have folders full of black dicks for "arguments". I see them shouting "Fucking goddamn niggers!" while posting interracial/bbc images.
That guy looks like an Arab, lol
I think you're mistaken, what we don't like is seeing this thread for the 300th time
my dude the word is yearns
No, he doesn't Sweden. Is that immigration effecting your perspective on people who aren't white and thinking they are all Arabs
You are fucking dumb.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
I always have a doubt with Aussie flags because half the time it's just random Aussie cunts trolls, and half the time it's bots and CTR-like groups.
This time it's ((()))
>Why does Sup Forums get so triggered by AM/WF couples so much?
I find AMWF couples inspiring because it shows that anyone can find themselves a woman if they put their mind to it, even an asian man.
Do we?
Tell me pol, why haven't you found a qtpi jap girl to impregnate and have beautiful hapa kiddos?
I didn't know she did drugs until she pulled out syringes in front of me.
I took her to her grandma's house for a long lecture and the girl hated me after that lol.
I kinda felt bad for her because her dad molested her in her teens and used her as a prostitute to earn more drug money for the whole family to shoot up.
I used to care a lot about her. She went missing for a week, and I slept in my car looking for her at all her usual spots. I took her back to her grandma's which is far away from the drug spots, and it's a federal property with police so her granddaughter couldn't do all the drug nonsense there.
Most likely she is dead or in jail/rehab now
It could be spelled yarns for all that matters. The point remains that white women find Asian males more sexually compatable than all else.
Don't argue with me. Be angry at your genetic code that failed you. (Pic related is happy White/Asian couple. She transported to Japan to find love... and found it.)
>blog is proof
k small dick chink
It's a blog by the SAME white dude in the vid. Yes it's fucking proof. The dude himself admitted it.
Because it'd be like playing Russian roulette, if you get a girl that's great. If you get a boy it's very likely he's going to grow up extremely beta and insecure, then when he reaches his teen years he probably either becomes a trap or he releases his insecurities in random online incel forums and shitposts these kinds of asian threads here between blog posts talking about how much he hates his racist dad and whore mother and how life sucks because he can't get a girlfriend.