He's our guy
He's our guy
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes he is
No, he's clearly just a redditor shitposter who likes le may mays.
So what's the difference with him and Sup Forums then?
You just described this board
He's doing it ironically. Sup Forums isn't satire.
But this board is satire
Why is Sup Forums always in search of a guy? Is this place really suppose to be named /pole/?
/po/ is satire is satire.
He doing it sarcastically, not ironically.
Sup Forums is doing it ironically. Pewdiepie isn't doing it satirically.
pewdiepie leader of the first youtube reich
God bless you fucking cunts. I needed a good laugh
Nah that's silly, you silly goose.
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
>Sup Forums is an excellent website, full of redpills and happiness.
this is clearly our public image. why would you think it's satire? it's a very clean image.
How do you know he doesn't secretly believe this stuff?
people used to say Sam Hyde was ironic when the hints started rolling in then it just got stronger and stronger until we knew for sure
i see the same happening with pewdiepie
>that shitty MCR music page on the right
yeah, he's just trolling and making fun of us.
Well he is a "minority" and they can't do nuffin rong.
Because he's a normie, he's a youtubefag, and above all he's a swede.
>He's a swede
Yeah...a swede who calls his own country cucks
the greatest trick pewdiepie ever pulled was making us believe he didn't read /pol
Fuck off newfag Sup Forums is not doing it ironically
Stop this slander. Sup Forums is a satirical board of peace.
He uploaded a video where he said YouTube was censoring him and forcing minorities
The greatest trick Sup Forums ever played was thinking you have a choice
Australia can't handle bantz, well that is new. I guess you really are dethroned as shitposters of Sup Forums.
All hail our canadian overlords
Sup Forums is a board of peace you fucking shill
Fuck off newfag Sup Forums is doing it ironically
Pol is a board of peace. We only want an ironic holocaust.
Is this a reverse-bait?
enjoy your ban stupid nigger.
Enjoy Walmart you stupid spic
you fucker
I hate to redpill you, but for many Sup Forums is a zoo, and so it also attracts peeps who wanna see these exotic animals live, and some even feed them, and others just wanna see how fucked up things can get and manipulate the animals
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Pewdiepie will lead the race war by recruiting millions of Generation Z.
Denmark hinger dinger durgin
fuck you Valdemar
>not recognising Sup Forums's post-ironic, post-humour unironic satirical irony
>being this dumb
Sup Forums fucking memed Trump into the White House and memed PewDiePie into a Nazi...
This has to be the craziest year in human history.
Like something isn't right. We are litterally having an effect on future events and molding reality.
Sup Forums is a satirical board of peace
Because I want someone who I can kill for. Someone who will point and say "that's the enemy to our country, kill him."
Instead every leader is a joke at this point.
>be gay
>wear spic-kickers
>He doesn't know Sup Forums is actually the largest LARP'ing event in history
lol, god damn I love this board.
White people are waking up.
save my mommy
Pewdiepie live sub countdown.
So he wore a maga hat while watching a hitler speech.
Yea not really convinced he's on our side.
>Ben discovers master is master buttfcucks his new padawan just like he and his prior padawan had got buttfucked.
>Force advances Pederasty through literal anal force
>Sith actually fighting degeneracy
Now a far superior movie.