Would you rather support jewish or muslim company?
Would you rather support jewish or muslim company?
Do you know how fucking beautiful earth would be if they weren't any Muslims or Jews?
jews are better than muslims
I'd rather serve the Jews. They're great people.
Do you mean the religions? Or arabs and ashkenazis?
I rather gas all semitic except for Al-Assad, just to trigger leftist.
Correct answer is neither, they're both filth
>He doesn't use ARM
Anyone who thinks Jews are the lesser evil is one brainwashed dumb fuck.
the one on the right is more indicative of a toxic liberal ideology than it is of them being a muslim company
what makes nvidia jewish anyway? because they are shrewd businessmen like Jews?
So what processor is in your computer?
Muslim. They dont promote faggot parades where degenerates wave their dicks and flanges in front of my daughter on main street.
On the other hand, it is impossible to boycott Jewish brands, because 99% of the global companies are run by Jews.
Produced in the same factory.
That's very Jewy of you.
>being this bluepilled
>Choose 10 random big companies that you usually buy stuff from.
>Check who's their CEO.
>Tell me how many of them are jewish, and how many of them are muslims
Enjoy the little redpill goy.
Define support.
If if should just buy something there I will go with the muslims.
In case of investing I will go for the Jews they know their stuff better I asume.
>buy Nvidia
>get jewed
>buy AMD
>get blown up
Hard choices
>mfw an amdcuck tries to play ARMA 3 or Planetside 2 but then complains it's "unoptimized" for his shitty 150$ CPU
The reason the west is fucking crippling and going downhill is because of the kikes. They culturally killing and destroying the west silently. Support degenerate faggotory culture, left retarded cunts, greedy cooperate blood sucking monsters. You are literally have to be some sort of special kind of retard to even compare the two.
Jews are trash generally. I've met more good Muslims. But any religious scum are worth killing. I can't really relate the Muslim people I've met to the kind of Saudi-style ISIS scum that have been so devastating lately, or my answer might be a little different, in that it would include gassing Muslims, but for now my answer is "Hitler was right about the Jews"... whether that means gassing or not... just take it for what it is.
Jews, because I wouldn't have to change a thing.
>takbir kuffir, the Muslims who want all races to mix in a global caliphate are nothing like Jews
Only one of them is an imminent problem of demographics.
Not necessarily blue pilled, Noam. Ashkenazis run all the businesses in America. If I chose muslim, I would lose my internet connection because all the internet companies are Kazar owned and monopolized. If the question was which businesses would I rather see shut down and wiped off the earth, I would pick Jew. Fuck them and all their businesses, the minorities and idiots who rely on them would die off and the world would be a better place. The Federal Reserve is a Jewish business, if that can go away then of course Im picking Jew.
I don't like that tweet, but then there's a tweet, and there's Intel making a public statement by saying they're essentially going to just hire niggers and women. Action speaks louder. Fuck Intel.
This is now a Anti - Palestine Jews thread. What is their deal? Are they our guy or the worst kind of Jew?
Anti-Israel* I mean
Jews and mudslimes have always been great allies against White Christians. Look at Al-Andalus
They are ultra-ultra orthodox jews who take the scriptures so literally they dont believe jews should have their own land, if even the regular ultra-orthodox kikes treat us goyims like absolute shitstains i cant imagine these would be any better..
Muslim company? Hahaha
African and indonesian muslims are shit too.
Muslim obviously, low-IQ sandniggers are less of a threat than high functioning autistic shekel-sniffing kikes.
This. So much this.
Yeah, and (((who's))) the ones that own the politicians opening the borders for them and the media, entertainment promoting white on black/Muslim race mixing and abandoning German culture? Who's the country getting most from Germany? Israel. Muslims are the tool, Jews are the ones using said tool. Semetics work together and are the greatest threat to the world.
Neither, I choose VIA
They're signaling so dumbfuck gentiles think they're astroturfed asses actually do something and that because they're saying mainstream criticisms about Israel that "not all Jews" are anti-gentile. They promote the illusion of a division within Israel when in fact the left is miniscule and the artificial state is closer to fascism than democracy (but they don't allow any other country to follow their footsteps). Consider the following: if they're ultra-orthodox, why would they be on our side? In their eyes we're the 'goyim.' Human cattle.
This. They're both SEMITES. Make the connection.
Jews. They are high-IQ capitalist racial nationalist kebab removers. They are everything we should aspire to be.
damn... wasn't ready for these feels
no niggers and gypsies too pls
desu joos > moslems