>Mankind has been literally fighting over which form of government is best for millennia
>They've all sucked and been remembered incorrectly through nostalgia goggles by their shills
Did you guys ever think that humans are actually the problem?
Mankind has been literally fighting over which form of government is best for millennia
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh humans are shit may may
go back to facebook
>Humans are shit is a meme
You're the literal species equivalent of cancer.
>hurr durr humans are stupid
>kill them all because the world would be a better place
>no i can stay alive because i realizes how bad humans are
you should kill yourself and let us live our shit lives.
it's a win win situation faggot
Yes, I get it. You've established you have nothing of value to say.
and you have anything of value either?
you've not made one solid argument other than using memes
memes = /= arguments
Any form of government turns to complete shit when it gets too big. Like Rome, the US will fall. I'm content with moving to New Zealand or some other tiny island nation in the Pacific if shit gets too real.
>muh (((human beans)))
>muh pessimism means I am smarter than you
(((Humans))) are not a real group. When will this meme die?
There is only Race.
>Did you guys ever think that humans are actually the problem?
Humans aren't the problem.
Assholes are.
Just look at this board for example. Completely ruined by what else? Assholes.
Wanna have a gun?
NUH UH! You can't! Cuz I'm an asshole and I said so!
Wanna have drugs?
NUH UH! You can't! Cuz I'm an asshole and I said so!
Wanna drive a car?
NUH UH! You can't! Cuz I'm an asshole and I said so!
Wanna smoke cigs?
NUH UH! You can't! Cuz I'm an asshole and I said so!
Wanna fuck teen cunny?
NUH UH! You can't! Cuz I'm an asshole and I said so!
Same shit over and over.
Small governments aren't much better. They just can't do as much damage. Humans are bad at any scale. This is the truth. The fucking Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is healthier AFTER A FUCKING NUCLEAR DISASTER than when it hosted a human population. Republishits are always posting those niggers/hiroshima images, but they ignore that this applies to all humans.
Try reality, you fucking faggot. Also, how the hell are you getting uppity? You have literally one of the most unlivable countries on the planet.
>Humans aren't the problem.
>Assholes are.
Congratulations repeating yourself.
A good example of human government is to look at the prison environment. That's where the darkest sides of human nature reveals itself.
>chernobly better after nuclear disaster
Yes, they're the problem. Mostly atheist and Jews just escalate it.
Humans need to reach our level
>Congratulations repeating yourself.
Hey, not all of us are assholes.
You are. You know why? Because you complain rather than ignore.
Bitch, bitch, bitch.
Plenty of us live our lives without acting like assholes. It's easy.
Step 1 - Mind your own business.
Step 2 - Do what you want
Step 3 - Don't bitch
It literally is.
You're clearly an asshole though.
Government wouldn't exist without human beings.
It makes no sense to assume that human beings are the problem. Unless you know of some advanced species that agrees on how to govern their civilizations
>Unless you know of some advanced species that agrees on how to govern their civilizations
Wow. It's like it's an alien concept or something!
>the guardian
ok mr believes everything he reads
next you're going to tell me fukishima was a god send
I should probably let you know you got filtered a while ago.
>You're clearly an asshole though.
it takes two to tango, retard.
by that logic, it's all your fault because you won't blindly agree with everyone else.
>i don't want to hear anyone but myself
nice echo chamber faggot
>you won't blindly agree with everyone else.
You mean to destroy the Earth? Yeah, who could figure?
be less antagonistic if you actually want people to work together.
I'm pretty sure you're 15 and stupid though.
agreed. this trainwrack species is meant to end themselves of stupidity
>if i make a thread on Sup Forums i'll surely convince everyone else we are literally hitler
>this will save the earth
what kind of drugs are you on hippie?
>be less antagonistic
I don't have to.
>if you actually want people to work together.
You WAY misunderstand my intent.
I like the recent theory that if there is any intelligent, space faring, extraterrestrial life in the Universe, it must be synthetic.
Only machines have the resilience to stand up to the harsh environment of space, an AI with the ability to replicate and make calculated decisions is really the ultimate form of life in the Universe.
No we haven't.
And no they haven't.
We've fought when they sucked, but been at peace when they were fine.
Some of them worked well and then their time came to an end. Nothing lasts, everything changes, no system is permanent.
You're going to die.
*Humans* are not the problem, only (((some))) humans are.
The tribes in the amazon you live in peace with themselves, others, and the planet are not "the problem".
The humans who have bad ideology are the problem. Ideology such as defining non-human nature as dead substance that humans can exploit freely. Such as defining "Us vs. Them".
This is the true problem: Ignorance.
An ignorant human cause disharmony, an enlightened human brings harmony, joy, healing and light to the world.
>Do you troll or teach?
Reptilian detected.
>fighting over which form of government is best
KEK yea nah m8 war is about who gets what
>They've all sucked and been remembered incorrectly through nostalgia goggles by their shills
like you know shit about human history
Yet I am still here, you fragile faggot (((human))).
Commie fucking shitskin.