Good job Sup Forums.
You just made this guy ruin his life.
I hope you all learn form this.
Good job Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
False flag, it's a cover up to discredit further investigation.
>false flagging a facility that shouldn't attract any attention
>giving it wide media coverage
doesn't add up. I personally saw two or three people in the pizza threads willing to raid it with their weapons.
It's actually a real shame, he should've just waited until the racewar
He's a true patriot if it's true. Guy went with a gun to save kids from pedos from federal politicians. What does Europe do with the Muslim pedo rings? Government supplies them kids and fucks them too.
What episode of sons of anarchy is it?
>He's a true patriot if it's true. Guy went with a gun to save kids from pedos from federal politicians.
This. Anyone shit talking him is literally a pedophile.
They were shilling this in the msm before (((Edgar))) decided to "investigate".
Btw, much like the crisis actors in sandy hoax, this guy has an imdb page.
His dad has an Imdb page.
Highlights from his bio.
>Elected President of the North Carolina Crime Stoppers Association (two terms). Served as Executive Director for Protect-A-Child, a national, non-profit organization to prevent abuse and abduction of children. Appointed by Governor Jim Martin to the Governor's Commission on Child Victimization.
>In 1988, President Ronald Reagan selected Harry to join 15 other broadcasters to visit US Military Instillation in Colorado. They received national clearance from the US Defense Department to visit the Cheyenne Mountain Nuclear Bunker the alternate command center for NORAD.
And you wonder why democrats want to take your guns. Your costing the NRA dearly with your fake news propaganda and forcing ammo sexuals to act on it.
Youre going to get someone killed for nothing i hope shit like this gets you V&
It's gonna be funny if he goes to investigate the fake news conspirators with a gun after he gets out.
Pussy. Besides shooting, the guy did nothing wrong. The country needs men of action that police society for justice.
We aren't the UK, we don't cower and allow pedos to exist.
Are you still in the country? I guess CTR is back for round 2. We will add insult to injury this time.
he gave up so easily and the cops had no troubles in handling him, there couldn't be a more obvious false flag.
Are you nuts? He went there have kid sex. He just didn't want to pay for it.
>you're responsible for his actions
Shill psychology 101
Fill me with the story amerifat bro
Vigilantism is against the law you dumb fucking idiot. Thats the governments job.
If youre promoting that then get v&
Or maybe he truly was a guy that has strong morals and wanted to be sure that kids weren't getting hurt. Pussy.
Mmh, really makes you think
So let me get this straight, if I post my opinions on the Internet, if someone dislikes it and does something illegal it's my fault? OK so should I get my opinions approved from CNN before a post them? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?
He was performing a citizens arrest and citizen investigation. A true patriotic citizen. A true American. Only globalist Clinton cucks have a problem with what he did.
Its Fake News. They keep spreading lies about Hillary Clinton running a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza shop and a gun nut shot that shit up with a rifle
Not sure who's the biggest idiot. You or him.
No the real connection is with DAVID BROCK. Not much to do with Hillary Clinton. She likely knew about the crime ring, but wasn't running it. David Brock on the other hand, IS running it.
So, what part of what he did was wrong again?
Why did he shoot the assault rifle?
Ohh the pizzagate shit. Fucking conspiracy theoriest cunts are dumb fucks.
we don't even know what really went down due to the cameras being moved. the question is...
did he get a taste of victory?
What have I missed?
Could I get some context?
Are you gonna tell your children when they ask you what you do for a living?
>I get paid to cover-up a massive
>why daddy?
>I don't want to believe it is true so I refuse to research it.
Ill say it in clear english for you. I agree with the pope 100 percent
>female cop
fucking really america.
>even the pope is literally shitposting
what a stupid cunt
shits been on the net for weeks, they shut that operation down and moved it the moment the started getting calls, turning up after its this old and thinking he will find anything? stupid
Pope's a faggot and so are you.
Both of you can go fuck each other and die.
Fuck the Pope
Nigger, this shit happenen a week ago
remember you get paid to cover up a pedophile-ring. When you go home tonight and put your head on your pillow remember what you'll do when you wake up tomorrow morning.
>do not ask questions
>do not research
>make sure you cover up this pedophile-ring
There's no such thing as Fake News.
You're right, Olavi. It's probably nothing.
Everything is normal
>Heavy breathing from facebook
What are you going to tell yours?
>I don't get paid but enjoyed making stupid fake stories and conspiracies on the internet
>Why daddy?
>Because I was an angsty teen who loved kicking puppies and creating trouble
>son I saw the media and government covering up child abuse
>i tried my very best to bring these crimals to justice
Sorry *sex stains*
Fake News will pay dearly for their sins
Fuck off Jew magician
reminder that sex slave tunnels were constructed in Gatlinburg, TN while the ENTIRE town was closed using the wildfire as cover
>James Alefantis
>J'aime les enfants - fr. "I love children"
Just another coincidence. Move along people.
Hello satan, enjoy hell
Says the heretic.
There's a special circle for you.
>Moloch Maschine
What did the humble pizza man mean by this?
Barclay Brothers confirming their inevitable endgame.
>the government is involved in child sex trafficking
>lets trust the government to investigate it
And you Americans wonder why no one takes you serious anymore..
Can you tell me more? Can't find anything on this.
What gets me about this whole thing, is why would anyone expect Comet Pizza to STILL be doing anything illegal on the premises. Attention has been on it since before Trump won. If you have the money/connections like Podesta does, then you would move that operation and any signs of it out, a.s.a.p.
This guy decides to raid it 1-2 months later. Great job.
Let's see.
>German government importing millions of Muslims, covering up their rape of young German boys and girls, giving them welfare and housing. German people fear and applaud this because not applauding will get you arrested.
>In America, an American takes matters in his own hands and use his constitutional given gun to go investigate a pedo ring himself because Americans have a strong sense of justice
The entire world mocks Germany. You're a global punchline. Even our leftist networks mock you.
>the news has is wrong to cover scandals
>even if they are true
What a cuck, catholics should call him out on this
Do you really need to make these topics everyday. Isn`t there something better you can do in your government job. Maybe help the sick the poor the shit at economics the media to provide better reporting. Why come to Sup Forums and spoil the entertainment. Why not go to twitter and help them with there known child porn problem.
someone should let him know the bible is fake news
Has anyone been able to make any connections between the gunman and anyone involved with CPP though? The only possibility I've been able to find is a possible contact made while he was in Haiti; but could easily be dismissed.
no its real
>Do you really need to make these topics everyday.
Nihonjinbro has a point.
Family friends? College friends? Work related? It's literally the only thing needed to confirm a false flag.
>attacking this guy with made up bullshit will make our made up bullshit true
So quiet...
>only a fool would take something posted here as fact
>a digeridoo whittling circle forum
>I think the media have to be very clear, very transparent, and not fall into – no offence intended – the sickness of coprophilia, that is, always wanting to cover scandals, covering nasty things, even if they are true
>even if they are true
Fuck this guy
How many more lives has the Quran ruined than Sup Forums?
We've got a lot of catching up to do.
Usually shitposting of this caliber is reserved for leafs.