Pope Francis: Fake news is like getting sexually aroused by faeces

Wow, Sup Forums - once again - BTFO by everyone.


>Writing fake news and stories about scandals is like being sexually aroused by excrement, Pope Francis has said.

>And since people tend towards coprophagia, or eating faeces, then the media should avoid spreading it, he said in an attack on the spread of disinformation.

>Francis apologised for his use of precise psychological terms that describe when people are aroused by excrement.

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However, he also said that the media covering up TRUE stories is just as sinful. but they won't mention that part.

Peter the goddamn Roman strikes again!

What the fuck does this catholic cunt have against scat porn connoisseurs? Fucking dickhead

I agree with Francis. Cnn should really keep their fake news schlong in their pants.

>It isn't the first time that the Pope has discussed sexual interest in excrement.
I think this might be the worst pope of all time.

>he also said that the media covering up TRUE stories

Funny, considering he's a fake Catholic

Check the prophecy of Saint Malachy. I think he's the last pope too.

If the prophecy of Fatima is of relevance to that, I do want to say that the 3rd prophecy stated that the last Pope would be one of Satan. Still, don't take my word on that.


>"The means of communication have their own temptations, they can be tempted by slander, and therefore used to slander people, to smear them, this above all in the world of politics," he said. "They can be used as means of defamation..."

>"No-one has a right to do this. It is a sin and it is hurtful," he said.

>He described disinformation as the greatest harm the media can do because "it directs opinion in only one direction and omits the other part of the truth," he said.

Now the pope has joined in the shitposting. Wonderful.

Holy fuck. Fucken clickbait story designed to go viral to spread the word that the pope says fucking kids is ok but talking about it isn't. We're not priests, cunt. Eat shit padre.

>Funny, considering he's a fake Catholic


is this the real life

what timeline am I even in now

I was quite surprised to discover that the Pope just assumes everyone shares his sexual interest in poo. Some serious projection in his comments.

He described the Earth as a pile of shit in that Environmental encyclical Laudato Si too.

Why does he have poo-poo on the mind so much, and make such liberal use of shit as an analogy? Argentinian genetics?

>Francis doesn't support sick scat fetishes
A pleasant surprise

I bet he used to consider all those priest pedo scandals fake news too until it was too big to deny

if fake news are like poop, Sup Forums loves the taste of them

Honestly not that bad, pretty agreeable. Ignores the fact that tactical fake news can achieve great successes for good.

what the fuck, the pope has lost his mind.

Speaking of 'Fake News'

[Pic of Gospel Bible]

why is the pope trying to get in on pizzagate denial?

>spread of disinformation
>catholic church

Jesuit scum

Exactly. Hightide-video.com for those of you uninitiated.

>"gods representative on earth"
>still has to apologize for offense


Dude fuck Francis. I don't understand how any Catholic could like this guy

I wish they'd hang this Pope already.


Is this fake news?

Your Pope belongs to us now, cucks. He spends his time washing Muslim's feet and taking a dump in his own Catholic beliefs.

White men are committing suicide world wide, and it's fucking beautiful. The brown people ARE coming, and they're progressive AF.

Your future will be brown, feminist, and very fucking Muslim. I don't care how much damage Donald Dumbfuck does in four years. He's only a bump in the road.

He's right, reading that reminded me about all the MSM lies about the SXSW bomb scandal on the pro-gg panel and the exploding van on Fox news. Everything he's saying applies to the MSM.

More like /d/ getting btfo lol

Also, why the hell would Pope Francis even think about shit as being sexually interesting?

Oh, my, could it be that he's not actually so holy a person?

Is that the same pope that has a fetish for black mens feet?
If he was worth a shit he would have called for a crusade already

The pope? More like the poop am i right?

You haven't really lived until you've eaten the poop of a beautiful young woman. It's like eating the finest Belgian chocolate.



he's the last pope

he will usher in some new age cult, my money's on bahai or something nearly identical to it, a syncretic world religion, and people will just laugh and laugh at the catholics

Poop Francis says many things.

Oh, the media are distorting and scandalising the Pope's statements about the grave sin of distorting and scandalising people.

Seriously, look at the Vatican online news site and you'll see what he actually said, its a chastisement of this exact sort of thing.

Little disgusts me more than this sick obsession with turning 'fake news' into an establishment meme in order to keep retards drip fed lies by the bought press.

the pope has a scat fetish, confirmed

someone post that movie which had shitting nuns in it

> Paedophile defends other paedophiles.
In other news, water is wet.

Scatfags BTFO


Don't you dare use Christchan on that heretic fucking cunt that should be hanged

Jokes on them, we worship an ancient frog god.

>getting sexually aroused by faeces

That's still better than getting aroused by male feet.

>He's not exactly wrong. Spreading fake news intentionally is lying which is a sin. The problem is that the left is declaring everything they disagree with 'fake news' and Francis is a part of the left. I'm really glad I'm Protestant, if I was Catholic this Pope would probably be causing me to have a pretty big crisis of faith.



Heh. Shadilay.

Is it me or did he not actually mention 'fake news' anywhere, instead only talking about the media's love of shitposting? this article is very ironic.

fuck the independent btw

Yes, Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory.

It's fake news, goyim

Nothing to see here move along.

>Ignores the fact that tactical fake news can achieve great successes for good.

Spotted the Jew.

He must have been committing some righteous sodomy and the shit that spattered onto the floor made him so aroused he thought "so this is what fake news must be like"

Best pope

I knew /pol was filled with faggots

>Sup Forums


wow fuck man
Nobody metioned Jesus when he was still spreading the religion and it was only an event that happened in Palestine
who would've fucking guessed

I always knew this site was full of fudge packers.

Pope confirms. pol BTFO

John the baptist is mentioned thoroughly.

Well they kinda do get "hardons" over titmilk blood piss and shit soooooooo, r they mad they will not be aroused nemore cuz we have REAL NEWS

This guy is legit globalist puppet.

Like, don't believe the Fake News (tm) about pedophilia in the Church.

Is that the issue, Pope?

This pedophile pope is really sick in the head. All this unanimous coming out against fake news and pizzagate really makes me think it's real.

I hate this cuck so much

" the media have to be very clear, very transparent, and not fall into.... always wanting to cover scandals, covering nasty things, even if they are true,"
Literally copy and paste from the link

KeK strike him down

Reported you to the Italtian Police


What about it makes it a sin? I don't remember that bible verse

The Ninth Commandment?

Jeez, it's almost as if Catholics are diddler fiddlers

there are no hate speech laws in italy
the pope is a fucking cunt and renzi is a son of a bitch
now go on, call the fucking duce
see what happens


Reported you to the local Walmart

Sooo... is Frankie saying he likes fake news?

> Insulting the intelligence of earthworms that mulch poop into tomorrow's fertilizer and growth
Wow god what a fag

Catholic Church: "People tend towards coprophagia".


Put down your arms, Catholics, and bow before the power of Kek Undivided!

But being aroused by little boys and protecting pedophiles is not a sin??

this was the part that stuck out for me
Is he saying that without moral guidelines everyone will start fucking poop?


Well you did gravitate towards the shitpost capital of the internet.

Seriously. Just watched Spotlight on Netflix. Would recommend.

The catholic church has a history of covering up paedophilia rings.

>That's not very liberal of him I'm sure there are a few Antifa who are into that.

Degenerate scat fags btfo

>Francis apologised for his use of precise psychological terms that describe when people are aroused by excrement
Right so paedophiles aren't the lowest anymore it's people that have sex with poo?

I'm calling bullshit on what the pope reckons. Show me proof!

I miss John Paul

These last 2 fags have seemed like the type who are fans of the tight assholes of preteen boys

Typical of a shit eating german

I can't work out who he's taking about either but it makes more sense that he's actually accusing the fake news narrative and everything else CNN has become. But I actually didn't read it I don't have time for it.

>start investigating pedos
>pope gets extremely nervous
>calls all people interested in shedding the light on certain allegations, basically, poop-eaters

This is fishy af don't you think guys?

> (OP) #>start investigating pedos>pope gets extremely nervous>calls all people interested in shedding the light on certain allegations, basically, poop-eatersThis is fishy af don't you think guys?
Read the fucking post then ask us you faggot!

I did roofucker, learn to post

How does he know what it's like to be sexually aroused by feces?


It's true people shouldn't celebrate uncovering depraved criminal organizations. The fact they exist just proves how fucking evil people are.

But this pedo jewsuit fuck runs one of the world's oldest, biggest and most revered pedophile gangs, the Catholic Church, and human traficks child sex to Moloch worshipers alongside his rabbi and islamic cleric pedopriest buddies. Considering this Pope has probably had his cock inside underage altar boys, he should probably have exercised wisdom and not opened his mouth.

The more the pope goes off his cue cards, the more he appears to have an agenda outside the dogma of the Faith. His inner Jesuit keeps popping up.

>THE POPE talking about eating shit and how pizza gate isn't real.

The Pope is not legitimate! He is a plant of Soros and the Obama administration!

The proofs are in this analysis, unfortunately it's in Italian. But for everyone to see here is a mail send from John Podesta to Sandy Newman:
>“Newman: There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church. (…) Podesta: We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up”.
