why havent you converted to islam yet user ?
Why havent you converted to islam yet user ?
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Because minarets are ugly and I like men with beards sucking on my cock.
I'm not an inbred sandnigger.
>pic related
Because weed isn't halal.
Because I don't want my sister or mother to have to wear a garbage bag so they don't get raped by Mohammedan savages.
Toothpaste explain yourself.
i dont think that pedofilia and woman torturing is the light we need...
I have a problem with the goat-fucking part
Sage all ISIS recruiting threads
I enjoy living in a first world without child rape
Welcome back T*rkroach.
>Arabs who encountered Scandinavians who had journeyed eastward depicted them as handsome people but filthy and barbaric.
>They are the filthiest of all Allah’s creatures: they do not purify themselves after excreting or urinating or wash themselves when in a state of ritual impurity after coitus and do not even wash their hands after food.
>The Arab writer Ahmad ibn Fadlan noted the above after meeting Viking travellers around a thousand years ago.
Because Christ is my God, and your women are degenerate whores, and yourselves are blood-thirsty psychos.
>having access to running water and soap
Because being part of religion controlled by church/imams is the ultimate cuckery
>Without child rape
I have some bad news for you, bong
Why should i wash my hands after pissing?
I dont understand ,i touch my dick and thats it.
My dick is clean as fuck trapped inside a cotton isolated chamber ( boxershorts ).
Roachy mcroachface, as always
Go back to your deserts, subhuman filth.
Shake someone's hand and tell them you just pissed and didn't wash your hands. See how they react.
Because we convert kebab to furtiliser
Gtfo George Carlin, you are dead
Well, at least we don't stand on the toilet seat and wipe our ass with our bare hands.
I don't want to go to hell, Islam is Shaytan's ideology.
post your favorite Nasheed
islam has nothing to offer
good, but not as good as your digits
I worship at the alter of alcohol, red meat, bikinis, soap, hockey, and CONSENSUAL sex with GROWN WOMEN. Literally all things strictly prohibited by your demonic book of lies from hell.
backspray fool. You really should wash your dick along with your hands after pissing. Maybe you'll understand the importance of hygiene once you grow up and become sexually active.
Goats don't give me a Boner.
>1 post by this roach
Reported for terrorism recruitment
Looks who's talking
Because it's for faggots. Like you. Goatfucker.
My country isn't first world. Your argument is invalid
Muslim convert here and I smoke weed. This might be more of a personal belief but I don't think it necessarily makes you a "non halal" person. Not one muslim is perfect as we all have our own shit and problems to deal with.
I'm not as religious as I'd like to be but all these claims of Islam promoting torturing women, raping children and killing infidels are absolute nonsense. If you'd like to take me up on that, feel free. Don't use (((Saudi Arabia))), terrorists and an out-of-context verse about war as evidence of what Islam is.
>Muslim convert
My God, such obvious taqiya
>I'm not religious
>raping children and killing infidels are absolute nonsense
Because it's all false and its blatantly so, it doesn't even have the excuse the other Abrahamic religions do of being allegory.
If yo can read the koran literally and think it sounds plausible then there is something wrong with you.
>what is immigration
I fail to see your point here.
You're saying that you're an ethnic Chinese who converted to Islam ?
Then they took the Vikings as slaves and castrated them. Because that was the style at the time