Knights Templar

Can Sup Forums teach me a little bit about the Templar?

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they were a bunch of really cool guys and doesn't afraid of anything

they created the banking industry

aha thank you

They invented pizza but the Pope disavowed them when they tried to take credit for it. This lead to the "30 Years' War", also known as the "Era of Good Feelings".

They were jews?

It's something you'll never be a part of, user.

How's that make you feel?

The historical templar or modern templar? The latter is LARP with cheap food ad drinks after.

t. master mason

They're all about reviving the religion of King Solomon who had turned to the worship of Baphomet and Moloch. Their duty was to the Temple mount in Jerusalem, including make a business out of escorting pilgrims around.


in general KT

interesting, thank you

>BAPHOMET [33rd Degree]

>A black two-headed Eagle is GOD; even a Black Triangle is He. In His claws He beareth a sword; yea, a sharp sword is held therein.
>This Eagle is burnt up in the Great Fire; yet not a feather is scorched. This Eagle is swallowed up in the Great Sea; yet not a feather is wetted.
>So flieth He in the air, and lighteth upon the earth at His pleasure.
>So spake IACOBUS BURGUNDUS MOLENSIS the Grand Master of the Knights Templar; and of the GOD that is Ass-headed did he dare not speak.

33 is the number of the Last Degree of Masonry.
Baphomet is the mysterious name of the God of the Templars.
The Eagle described in paragraph 1 is that of the Templars.
Jacobus Burgundus Molensis suffered martyrdom in the City of Paris in the year 1314 of the vulgar era.
The secrets of his order were, however, not lost, and are still being communicated to the worthy by his successors, as is intimated by the last paragraph, which implies knowledge of a secret worship, of which the Grand Master did not speak.
The Eagle may be identified, though not too closely, with the Hawk.
It is perhaps the Sun, the exoteric object of worship of all sensible cults; it is not to be confused with other objects of the mystic aviary, such as the swan, phoenix, pelican, dove and so on.

Just a bunch of dickheads who wanted to feel special, so they made a cult - like scientology of their age.

There is literally nothing else.

Basically freemasonry feeds into KT (among other related orders). It's basically the same thing as freemasonry: boring meeting shit, some ritual depending on what's happening then getting drunk after.

So while >Jacobus Burgundus Molensis suffered martyrdom in the City of Paris in the year 1314 of the vulgar era.

The remnants of TKT could still be around today?

wait.. Templar and pedos worship the same God???

And by Sun, you mean the Black one, right? Saturn? Satan?

The text refers to "Secrets" of Sexual alchemy.

Order of the Temple of the East' or 'Order of Oriental Templars still exists today, but it was disbanded somewhere after WW2 after death of Karl Germer.

Of course, they just claim lineage from the Templars. The reality may be different.


Modern scholars such as Peter Partner and Malcolm Barber agree that the name of Baphomet was an Old French corruption of the name Muhammad, with the interpretation being that some of the Templars, through their long military occupation of the Outremer, had begun incorporating Islamic ideas into their belief system, and that this was seen and documented by the Inquisitors as heresy.

Look up the Scottish Right Freemasonry.

When the Templar were accused of Satanism, I want to say 54 of the Templar were burned at the stake.

I want to say that a photograph was taken from the Vatican Archives detailing how the Vatican then let the other Templar go.

Likely, those Templar ended up in Scotland where they took refuge with the excommunicated Scottish leader Robert the Bruce.

Likely, Freemasonry is the continuation of the Knights Templar.
