what are we going to do about the tranny problem Sup Forums?
it's degenerate and a mental illness, so what solutions are there?
what are we going to do about the tranny problem Sup Forums?
it's degenerate and a mental illness, so what solutions are there?
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Rape until they turn straight. It's the best conversion therapy.
It effects an absolutely minuscule percentage of the population. We just need to make it reclassified as a mental illness instead of a social movement.
but how do we go about it?
rape could be a solution but whats stopping kike courts from charging us and sending us to prison?
No, never
A. I can never get off at a man
B. I can't get off unless she (someone born with ovaries and vagina) is into me and wants to please me
OP is right about genocide, castration and prison. Not like they're actually contributing to society, they're gender identity is their occupation. Maybe if they did a little more then fuck all, like many 3rd world immigrants who start businesses instead of sitting on welfare.
There is no inheirent problem with trans people. We're not hurting anyone, leave us alone. If an annoying sjw who calls themselves trans but doesn't even try to present as the other sex is annoying then deal with them, but you don't need to effect other trans people just for that.
How do you know this tranny? I know this one. Is that you
Yeah this has to be you. Wanna guess who I am?
those are my exact thoughts
they are definitely sub humans but how do we got about rep pilling normies
Fuck it out of them
this isn't pro faggot thread m8
im just trying to come up with solutions for the problem at hand
one bullet could end yours and their suffering
just encourage positive male role models and the problem will fix itself Tbh
but i contribute to society
just because you fuck men in heels doesn't mean you should project your insecurities on me
i'm not being edgy, those a real possible solutions but your idea isn't bad
They all kill themselves eventually, just leave them to it and they will take care of themselves.
by the looks of it,
i'd say the solution is Transylvania
implying i fuck anyone? i browse Sup Forums you nigga
the problem is much worse than it looks
Why don't you use the archives instead of making daily threads like this?
The real mental illness is not having a raging hard on when you se something like this, just because a fantasy book tells you it's a sin.
this is my first thread on the subject ever
also all those threads are pro-tranny
this is a solution thread
trannies are the victims of a society that discourages strong and confrontational masculinity in favour of servile and self-victimizing femininity
we need to kill the "toxic masculinity" meme and make it advantageous to be a man again
Don't have to do anything, they will kill themselves.
I haven't played Tracer in ages, might play her later after watching that.
>tfw diamond zenyatta main
We need to treat transexuals like we do pedophilia.
All mental disorders that need to be suppressed and destroyed
Ignore them. You don't have to be a faggot towards them. It gives them more power.
this just proves the problem is much worse than it looks
they may be victims but it shouldn't be our burden to take care of them
>this is my first thread on the subject ever
Sure it is. This thread appears here daily, in some form or another, like all the racemixing, balding and Millennial threads
what are they doing besides being annoying fags exactly? How are they any different from the gays, hipsters, sjws and the like?
just let them be, i literally have never seen a tranny outside of the internet. if trannys are impacting your life you're clearly the one looking for them.
We need to make state laws that out right put them in jail.
Focus on red states where the left can't out vote anything. And the tranny population being .001% or whatever they won't be able to fight back.
We start with a landslide "straight lash" against homosexuality then nature will take its course
Guys we need to treat the tranny phenomenon as an epidemic in need of a cure. These people live tortured existences that get worse every time they walk by a mirror. They need help to feel normal again.
Surely some brave anons who grew up in this fucked up era and have seen how deranged all this is will find the cause and cure of this mental illness. Trannys serve no purpose in nature and are biological dead ends, so there is no way that this is a natural evolution of human sexuality.
Maybe we could make a vitamin, enzyme of sorts that you ingest and it releases chemicals or something that direct your brain to "reset" parts of it to default. If we can figure out how to cure small pox, we can figure out how to save western men from mental illnesses like gender dysphoria without lobotomizing them or giving them pills that turn them into emotionless, asexual zombies.
>they may be victims but it shouldn't be our burden to take care of them
then start closing all hospitals if you believe sick people "shouldn't be our burden"
World War 3 ought to do it
>tracer is a boy
you need a time out
Don't allow them to reproduce.
Oh wait trannys can't reproduce.
Deport them all to Trannyland, Mexico is defacto Trannyland.
Yes they can in more ways than ever with the breakthroughs in human embryonic chimerism.
Is simple
You stop being a piece of shit
Cant anymore thanks to bill C-16
Telling a transtrender they arent will just lock me up.
Sick people need to stop being pussies. Half the sick people in hospitals dont even have a dangerous illness. They're just too retarded to self medicate for the flu or know how to mend broken limb bones.
Damn thats a sexy boy.
Tracer is trans girl?
are you being serious?
what are the penalties?
no, why are you doing this? Eat my dust
"normies" as in normal people, get married to the opposite sex, have kids, and take them to ball games and shit, they're not the ones who need redpilling
News for you, you Amalekite fag: straights don't have an issue with trannies or fags like you. Its only fags ashamed of their own faggotry that care about 'curing' faggots.
Bill c-16 adds genders and sexualities to the list of things you cant legally discriminate against. But its so vague thanks to memelord that any gender can get away with it.
We had a single university prof fight against it and a bunch of libcucks fight against him. Smugglypuff being one of em
Tracer is a shemale according to porn.
Rule 34 dictates that if it exists, there is porn of it.
Therefore because there is shemale porn of tracer then tracer exists as a shemale
>fan made porn is cannon
its still classified in the dsm as a mental disorder.
and its not really a problem because its such a tiny group of people.
what needs to be criticized is the "non binary" propaganda, because it is trying to subvert nature based on personal feeling. there are 2 genders...not 39+
that's terrible
can you actually end up in prison for it?