You know the way to save the white race without violence is through Normie-Propoganda such as this OC I just created.
You know the way to save the white race without violence is through Normie-Propoganda such as this OC I just created
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You don't need the text—it makes it seem too forced. The contrast between the left and right speaks volumes.
Good idea overall.
So something like this maybe?
with 0 text
Which is your dream come true?
where everyone takes the path of the Light, the path of the Right.
I actually like the text there, gives the context, without any text I think the point will get too vague. Good idea, keep it up OP
I have no idea where to spread this though
where should i go? already got banned from r/feminism just for posting it.
Nice effort, user. But don't tell people what to do. Instead let them arrive at the conclusion themselves. Ask questions like: who do you think is happier? It is of course quite suggestive, but it works better because people will think they got there on there own.
Nice thinking germanbro
nice effort but I think even normies realize that it's just cherry picking
I wouldn't be surprised if they made one themselves with a strong independent rich woman on the left and a white trash couple on the right.
Not bad, Goebbels.
I am here, with the final solution.
Idk, going to places like r/feminism seems like a bad move, i think you should focus more on spreading it subtly to places that are favourable to conservatist/right wing ideology. Don't push these ideas tho, do it subtly so that these pics get spread by normalfags. If you push it, people will find it instantly repulsive and know that someone is pushing their agenda strongly. Work like a jew, do it gradually at first and some of these are bound to get viral, hopefully
This guy is right don't force your agenda, you must be subtle. Like putting a frog in boiling water, do it gradually
Who even are 'normies' anymore?
Women and old people? People that still watch tv?
what did kek mean by this?
ok but like where should i post it? where are websites where normies usually hang out?
Love it. 卐
Fucking love it. 卐 Fags and basic bitches will be all over that shit. 卐
I'm not sure if it will work but you could try facebook, twitter, other mainstream social media sites
9GAG, Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, whatever the fuck kids use these days.