Brazil has officially removed its borders.
Now it's perfectly legal for anyone to enter Brazil illegally and stay for as long as they want.
Should Brazil be promoted to 1st world now?
Brazil has officially removed its borders.
Now it's perfectly legal for anyone to enter Brazil illegally and stay for as long as they want.
Should Brazil be promoted to 1st world now?
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Open borders are not a problem when no one wants to come to your country.
>implying people would willingly move to Brazil
I came here to post this.
Who the fuck wants to go to Brazil?
Even Syrians wont go there.
What happened to you ?
I thought that the Evangelicals promoted a law that banished rapefugees from entering your country?
But seriously why would you go to Brazil?
I'd move in Brazil if they will give me a job for my education. I believe the salary woud be same as in Russia, but i will find alot of qt gfs who want white cock. And also beaches and carnavals and shiet.
Is that the one with Columbia in it?
Pffff 1st world...You realy think that if your liberal you are a 1st worlf country m8? That makes you eaven MORE shity m8.
AKA we don't have enough money to actually stop people from coming or remove them. (Not that anyone wants to go anyway)
This desu, lmao
Brazil has officially removed its constitution. In fact, if a court summons you to answer for a crime or to comply with an order, you can just claim you don't recognize the summon. At least that was what our president of the senate did.
I think the idea could be good if you mix it up with moderate libertanian aproach to economy and very strickt law enforcment.
I've seen too many LiveLeak videos from Brazil. I'm not ready for it.
What are all those public servants going to do now? I never knew why Terry Gilliams movie was named Brazil until I applied for a tourist visa
actualy, with the new law the State has to provide a lawyer to the ilegal imigrant, but it must be passed on the senate. The old one you could be expelled.
They`re using this trying to import marxist/left fake supporters. They did it with haitians on the left wing manifestations
There are like millions of Brazilians living on Japan already
That's what I am thinking also Russiabro
Thats like if the Congo opened their borders.
There would be more people leaving than coming.
do brasilian girls want white cock?
I live in an 80% spic town and these mexican girls dont want white guys . Probably because they live more in the mexican culture than american one
What are they doing there? I am German and it's tough for us to imigrate there
Sauce on this news? I find it hard to believe.
There are around a dozen Russian professors at my university, don't know if they're satisfied though
they still live in USA. In Brazil they see only white tourists. White man from EU or especially slav who lives in Brazin is uncommon and unusual. Girls like unusual men.
If they live there and don't come back in Russia, they must be satisfied.
Yet what you don't know is the south and southeast regions receive most of those migrants, and those regions are also responsible for over 85% of our GDP, having the lowest unemployment rates and the highest job opportunities.
São Paulo and Goiás also unironically receive a good number of American migrants. With open borders these regions will be flooded with even more Haitians, Congolese and other scum. I'm pretty much giving up already so as soon as things get as bad as I expect I'll probably just kick myself out to NZ.
You mean the north of Brazil? Those are mostly murderous niggers that will shoot you before you even get the chance to say hi.
The south is literally full of Slavs, specially Paraná.
What the hell do slavls do in Brazil? I thought there only few of them in south america. Or my plan to emigrate there is more popular then I thought.
Who do you think introduce apple cultivation culture in south highlands of Brazil? It was tierh europenas immigrants or japanese ones that make our country better back in the old days.
Brazilians that go work in japan, at least a lot of them, are japanese by blood, so that helps.
There are very few Russians, but a huge number of Poles and Ukrainians
Lol Brazil found a way to become even more lawless and 3rd world, good stuff.
Do I still have to apply for a godamn tourist visa to fuck your women?
Hey, how much would it cost to buy a slave over there? Just curious.
>perfectly legal to enter illegally
Brazil everybody.
>Should Brazil be promoted to 1st world now?
it's only gonna get worse son, demote it to a 4th world country
>Brazil has officially removed its borders.
>Should Brazil be promoted to 1st world now?
Only a non-first world country can afford this policy.
It just proves even more that you are not.
To think the same would happen to the USA if Hillary had won.
Brazil truly is the anus of the planet.
>They`re using this trying to import marxist/left fake supporters
every fucking country they do this, somebody should make a documentary. fucking kalergi plan is 100% real
>no source
OP é um fagote
It's literally everywhere. You should try reading the news sometimes, or maybe leave that dark basement for a few minutes/day, you know.
Hillary practically did the same thing with her email server
>get subpoenaed
>hol up I'll give it to you in a month just let me have a furry delete everything illegal on it and then smash it with some hammers
>stay for as long as they want.
I choose to stay zero minutes.
>What happened to you ?
>I thought that the Evangelicals promoted a law that banished rapefugees from entering your country?
actually they still do
our jewish snake interim president and our government as a whole are taking extreme measures to not be investigated in our biggest corruption cleaning operation.
meanwhile our corrupt supreme court is trying to pass abortion laws,immigration and many manuevers to concede political immunity to investigations by the federal police
now that you asked, why do canadians come here to go to whore houses (the expensive ones obviously) (note that Brazil`s quite big.. go to SP or the southern states, if you go to Rio or northeast you might as well visit aleppo)
Btw, how can I become a cop in Newfoundland?
There's a lot of syrians here.
No libertarianism, but our welfare system isn't incentive to move here, its literally money to buy some beans and not starve.
The north isn't all full of niggas. Bahia is where they are. Ceará has the cabeças-chatas, but they are not niggas though.
It is crime to employ someone.
We need to blow that shit up. To kill literally everyone there.
If we in the south can`t stand it, why the fuck europeans fucking stand this invasion, FFS!
parties and hoes
No one wanna go to Brazil
gonna be sad to see nigs nig up all of south america
They'll obtain Brazilian citizenship through the no-borders policies and after they destroy São Paulo and the south region they'll run to Argentina and Uruguay. They're already migrating to Chile so Chile is already getting cucked by Haitians.
I really hope you're right. Otherwise, I don't even want to imagine what would happen.
Mesmo com os escândalos de corrupção dos governos Lula e Dilma, boa parte da população ainda os apoia.
Se eles trouxerem perto de um milhão de imigrantes, eles podem até virar uma eleição, enquanto um candidato que se oponha a essa política vai ser considerado racista, xenófobo etc.
Por pouco o Aécio não ganhou a última eleição, não que ele fosse ser um presidente decente, mas o PT pode muito bem voltar com Lula em 2018.
I will go to Brazil if you provide a qt gf or a trap
"Vocês estão escancarando as portas do Brasil para tudo quanto é gente, isso vai virar a casa da mãe Joana, todo tipo de escória vai entrar aqui", disse o deputado Jair Bolsonaro
Some solid new knowledge there
>Mfw allergic to apples
>Mfw can't become brazilo chink apple nigger
Yeah, girls likes "gringos" here. It's a cultural heritage from being a colony and seeing the europeans as "pop stars".
That doesn't mean some of them are only looking for your money though. But you will never meet a poor woman because the poor can't speak english.
Foreignfags BTFO
>A politician literally called foreigners "trash"
>Get on our level on xenophobia
>Will restoftheworldcucks ever recover
What are you doing in Thailand, Hans? Getting some ladyboy loving?
First post is best again
Yeah, the south of Brazil, specially the countryside, is like a different country from the North. But they are losing ground, it's hard to fight multiculturalism in a multicultural country.
Some cities here still have very traditional events from europe, but it's not a national thing. If you do your research well you may have a pleasant surprise. If you just come to Rio expecting a paradise you may hate it.
>be Syrian "refugee"
>go to Brazil
>attempt to establish sharia zone with my muslim rapefugee bros
>native gangs already armed with AKs and explosives
>get BTFO
>get super frustrated
>see Brazilian woman all alone
>Ficki ficki time motherfuckers!
>attempt to rape woman
>it's a tranny
>tranny beats the shit out of me
>get raped back by tranny
>pass out after taking a beating and 12 inches of feminine BBC
>wake up in shitty hospital
>my wallet is gone and I'm now HIV positive
you forgot:
>criminals raid the hospital to save a drug lord
>I get shot
>I am kill
As if our population wasn't shitty enough now we're going to get more dead weights coming from even shittier countries. Just nuke us already.
what the fuck did you just say to me
really though
>Swedish international development agency
why? is this so Venezuelans will come to you as cheap labor?
Google companies from your field and send resumes.
Try linkdin or some shit faggot.
>"Vocês estão escancarando as portas do Brasil para tudo quanto é gente, isso vai virar a casa da mãe Joana, todo tipo de escória vai entrar aqui"
the absolute madman
you have to make him president Brazil
Pretty much Alberto
>I believe the salary would be same as in Russia
yeah factor in the cost of living will ya
as well as the safety and shit... and healthcare
frankly moving to brazil for money reasons might be worth it for somalis, other than that i'm doubtful
t. spent 3.5 years there, faggots
[spoiler]and yeah my ex sucks a mean cock[/Spoiler]
t. Pierre Al-Somalien
São Paulo is the richest city in Latin America and also has the highest cost of living.
The state of São Paulo alone has the GDP of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay combined, in a population the size of Argentina's.
Brb packing my bag and calling my fundementalist friends.
you guys are already apes so not an issue desu
Can we drop a few people in your country mow?
So you're like the homeless guy with a dog and a winter coat?
We know mate, we know. Honesyly it`s out best option.
btw, hey manuel, portugal is still a top tier catholic country right? Really want to bring my mother to see your country, what are the best places?
This is a semi-legitimate question. If everyone has Brazilian citizenship, doesn't that mean that governments could strip people of their native citizenship because they wouldn't technically be nationless?
But then who will fuck your wives?
>be in Brazil
>get shot
that fetish for white guys probably only exists in the North
you gonna have to risk your life for that exotic pussy like a true colonizer would
So Dilma and Lula is innocent?
Oh man you are going to get fucked by all the shittier countries now.
They're not but they'll likely be absolved from all crimes they committed.
And I don't expect Brazilians to do anything about it tbqh.
Well they tried destroying the south by flooding it with northerners, but didn't work. Now they're importing thousands from even shittier shitholes to see if that works.
We already have over 100 000 Haitians spread across São Paulo and the south region.
No, though i doubt either will ever get arrested.
btw does the level of nude quoted above get people banned over here?
The ruling class and elite keep their positions while everyone at the bottom stay at the bottom.
If they implemented the same strategy in North America, white people will see there's a stark difference between being poor in a developed western country and being third-world poor.
To be honest, most of those happens in bad neighborhoods. I don't know any friends or relatives who were murdered or knew someone who was murdered.
They are importing people who will vote against Bolsonaro
>but didn't work
Seemed to work with Porto-Alegre. The city was already kinda shitty but not nearly as violent as it is today.
Porto Alegre was never shitty. It became shitty after São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro purged those favelas.
They also have no police enforcement at all as the state is totally broke. Niggers + no police patrol = Africa effect.
Quick send them all the muslims.
The daily beheadings will make them feel at home.
on my way to make south america white again m8