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It's a pretty neutral statement.


We're automating a lot of jobs. Smarter computers and better robots would make a basic income inevitable.

Not in a long while though.

so is Musk Generic Reddit Buttboy No.1? Or is that Black Science Man? Does anybody know the actual ordering? Is Bill Nye included as well?

Elon Musk is a retard, what else is new?

He's probably correct, but it's at least a decade or two away.

"I sure hope the government steps in so I'm not responsible for rampant unemployment, poverty, and homelessness."


>Most people will be out of work
>Robots and automation will be the cause
>Most people still have ambition and will be reeducated for work robots suck at or can't do

UBI will be necessary, people will fight for it when the time comes.

yes, if the economy will structurally lack jobs.

Thing is, we should have had way higher rates of unemployment. 10-15% of the population could work and sustain the rest.
But it would be unfair post-slavery and shit, so we created bureaucracy.
So what if we automate more jobs? We'll simply create more useless jobs to compensate.

Technological singularists who understand neither technology nor economics are making bold claims.
But who am I to prevent people from saying stupid shit?

Redditfags are freaking out cause they might get replaced by a computor at their fast food jobs

They will set it lower than our current benefits so that people are forced to accept part-time jobs and supplement their income with it.

he also thinks vaccum tubes will solve all transportation problems and his rockets blow up more often than not.

I would take everything this guy says with a grain of salt.

Elon Musk, multi-billionaire tech mogul with engineering degree, doesn't understand technology or economics?

He's clearly talking about 20-30 years in the future when automation hits hard.

The problem with "Universal Basic Income" is that it's UNIVERSAL. Everyone would get it, no matter how bad a person they are. Do you really think people would support paying a living to pedophiles, rapists, murderers, etc.?

UBI is a non-starter because it is fundamentally immoral It demands that society reward the antisocial, and that's a good way to cause the collapse of a society.

So you would rather unsavoury people having to commit crime for income rather than just being NEET? Also it would not be like the majority of people could complain anyway since they wouldnt put fuck all into the system anyway.

>So you would rather unsavoury people having to commit crime for income rather than just being NEET?

No, I would rather they be confined to prison or executed. Unsavory people don;t commit crimes because they need income; income can be gained via other means today. They commit crimes because they have antisocial tendencies and poor impulse control.

>Also it would not be like the majority of people could complain anyway since they wouldnt put fuck all into the system anyway.

Society isn't exclusively economic in nature, and contributing to society isn't an exclusively economic process. You can contribute to a society by promoting its heritage and values. Such behavior is typically considered virtuous, and it is virtue which should be rewarded (and expected) in healthy societies.

Also, on the level of real politic, the majority can always complain because IT'S THE MAJORITY. It has everyone else outnumbered and would win any serious fight for social power.

the west is dead. automation, faggotry, loneliness, (((media))), immigration, (((education), trannies roaming the streets, 14 year old girls dressing and behaving like prostitutes, rampant degeneracy and now (((universal income))). the jewish dystopia where kikes are our overlords and the rest of the population lives in slums will soon become our reality. whites are already spiritually dead, and in about 20-30 years we'll be a minority in our own homelands. and all i ever wanted was a decent job, wife, kids and a place to call home

No.1 for futuristic/speculative topics. Stephen Hawking is No.2

Black Science Man is No.1 for tweets and Bill Nye is for miscellaneous.

>I would rather they be confined to prison or executed.
We're not talking about people who are actually liable to be put in prison, I assume. Think it's safe to say you're an outlier on this if you think that unsavoury non-criminals should be executed.

UBI will happen, it's a matter of economics and understanding of where technology is headed. People are more controllable on UBI when they don't work to earn it, so if anything paedophiles etc. who aren't in prison are easier to control and prevent from comitting crime....

T. Person who never talked to low iq niggers

Elon Musk isn't godsent. He has been wrong about many things before and Thunderf00t btfo of him.
Even still, I appreciate what Elon Musk does, and he isn't a complete idiot. That said it is hard to say if he legitimately believes what he says or if he is just spouting controversial absurdities because profit.

>We're not talking about people who are actually liable to be put in prison

No, that's exactly who we're talking about. You may just have trouble understanding this because you're British and your society hasn't (until recently) had to wrestle with the ethno-racial issues America has faced throughout it's history.

Consider that 30% of the black male population of the U.S. will be imprisoned for a year or more during their lives as opposed to only 5% of the White male population. (Crime victim survey data has confirmed that this difference is the result of the differences in behavior between these two groups, not the result of institutionalized racism; so don't even go there.) If we restrict UBI by saying former felons can't receive it, then the disproportionate impact on the black population will mean it's no longer "Universal". If we don't restrict it, then we'd face tremendous outrage from the (largely white) law abiding population that criminals are being treated as the equals of good law abiding folks.

Universalism means either denying moral judgement, or holding everyone to the same standard. But when different groups don't perform the same, and get very different results under the same standards; then Universalism breaks down as an ideal because achieving it requires the suspension of judgement on behalf of the most dysfunctional groups in society. This has already happened with education and employment in America (via affirmative action), and it has been severely disruptive to our society. UBI would simply amplify the same problems by an order of magnitude.

Social welfare will be abolished, NEETS will be provided basic income from which they will pay mandatory insurances for health and accommodation. What they will have left will be enough for a bag of rice.

Workers will pay lower taxes since they will not have to fund a giant beurocracy and inefficient public system to provide xyz.

Plebs get fooled again into voting away even more rights. They are poor for a reason.