Explain yourselves krauts
German woman BTFO by migrant
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All outlined in this book.
Get 'em dad
burn the coal pay the toll
too be honest fuck germans
>it's a million dead aryans autist spams the thread with pasta replies episode
please have a look at crime statistics. Don't get me wrong, people like these need to be severely punished and then sat on a catapult and hurled back to wherevery they came from. Still this country is a LOT safer than say the US.
mind if I steal this meme?
She's probably voted left and got what she deserved. This will be a lesson for her.
>hurr at least its not as bad as the us
that will be good consolation to your daughter when she is raped, cuck.
getting raped by a nigger is probably more common in germany now then the states
>the US
comparing yourself with a country that has more darkies than most African nations might as well be a cry for help, user
The crime statistics 2016 are not out yet, I think you are on a steady course or have yet enriched yourself to US levels.
No it won't. She will think "that much hate, stupid Nazis, I should fuck more Afghans to make them happy".
And your point being? That everything should be measured by the US standards? My country is also a lot safer than yours. Now what?
no one cares what happens to nigs in nig cities though, our police/zookeepers actually do a good job keeping them away from civilized human beings, in germany you can't even pepper spray a t*rk for acting like an ape, they run amok because they don't respect your law enforcement at all
Yours is Czech though
lol fucking germany, shit wouldnt happen here not because the whites would defend her but because the white knight cuck faggots would
Oh really? Funny, considering violent crime is really limited to a few nigger tier cities. Majority of America is a lot safer than cucked Europe. Oh and I lived in Bayern for 3 fucking years...
Pretty much this...Euro cucks dont get this.
This. Afd is still just some pathetic fringe party. So kek at that video.
What's the point caring about people who want to be raped and abused and didn't even once protest against Merkel since Berlin wall fell? Merkel is fucking around since Berlin wall, that's when first Turks started coming to Germany, still to this day no German protested against Merkel. Fuck Germany, they are ruining us with migrants too.
Should have guessed that you wouldn't be interested in a discussion beyond memes. Enjoy your country while you can.
the states are extremely segrated (whites fled cities to the suburbs) because american whites are wise to the danger of the blacks. naive german cucks want to mix it up with the blacks because that's politically correct and fashionable.
cc would have decked those arab rats
what's wrong with this, it's the only correct way to deal with germans
Source: My asshole
and no it is not
the reason that they have such strong gun politics is because whites their are afraid of niggers so every time they talk about self defense they are talking about protecting them self from niggers
leave the EU
Wrong board mate.
German people are a disgrace for letting this sort of thing happen, a disgrace
they also don't understand the importance of being armed and self-defense when you're around non-whites, I can walk through any ghetto where I live and no one fucks with me because I'm open carrying
also, they never take their niggerness to white communities because they know they'd get fucking shot, look where they rioted
>beer and cigarette
lol are those turks?
That doesn't mean that your situation is any better. Like said. This is saying stomach cancer is better because it's not brain cancer.
Also is true for the most part.
*this is LIKE saying
nah turks started flooding into the zionist occupied brd already in the 70s.
How do you think we entered EU? New York credit ranking companies lowered our value, they forced our banks into crisis unless we sell them to EU, which why we entered EU, even years of propaganda when we first didn't want to enter EU, they at end forced us. You don't simply have your own opinion.
That's true, but not in such big numbers, you could say it started right after WW2 when Germany lost, since West Germany was among founding countries of EU.
Afghanis. Germans and Austrians thought inviding Turks and Kurds in wasn't real life reductio ad absurdum enough, so they now bring in real Muslims.
arabs don't respect islamic code. i know muslims that go to strip clubs and drink liquor.
true, by the time our kids hit 7 years old they're already trained with guns to hit a target from 100 yards out
true. the latest influx is going to be totally unassimiliable because they are moving into sandnig rat ghettos to begin with
Australia has been trying to annex us since 1900 when they federated and they still have not completed it
Nice story, it's illegal in blacked shitholes to carry guns. At least for law abiding whitey.
In white parts of the US this is barely necessary.
who cares about crime stats. go out and protect your women faggot, you don't owe these migrants anything
Spreng dich weg du Dreckstürke
Jesus Christ whats the deal with Algeria
They got them more and more freedom, now they become not only equal to Germans, but above them.
follow the conversation lad, the mud horde stays out because they'd get fucking shot nigging out here
self-defense is never unnecessary
Ayy I almost cared.
>thinking leftists will wake up from one bad experience
She is probably thinking about how sad their life must be and probably wants to go give him a hug
You have same flag as Australia and your migration is out of control. What real power do you have to fight against globalism, since that's what EU is, to force migrants into your country for international companies who's bosses sit in another country and send money for their minions.
Wtf is the context of that picture? Is it an art project or something?
You can always find one country that have is worse than yours in that specific field. With the exception of one or two african countries, whom are the worst.
>You have same flag as Australia
check again m8
france should have nuked them when they had the chance
the point probably being that an american asked germans to explain themselves
It's little different, but that's not important so much as not having any saying at all against international market or their migrants.
you are so right. but this place won't care as it's filled to the brim with bigots.
looks like a tanned Germans to me
say i want to visit germany. what is best (most uncucked) place to visit? i like nature but also the historical value and architecture of the old european city. south germany?
>The /r9k/ virgin spergs are already chimping out cheering the savage sandniggers just because no woman is interested in touching their gross microdick
You really need to work on your mommy issues you hideous autistic /r9k/ losers
uhhhhhhhhhhh guys? where did this bottle come from? it just appears out of no where
I hate New Zealand so much. we should have absorbed your shitty little country into ours already
shut up you have the same flag as slovenia
Lets focus on German women being kicked and raped.
NZ can stop the immigration legally but it is the only thing that makes our economy growing
>face of a lying nation
this nigga claimed one video from south africa was about a sardinian restaurant getting looted by migrants
wouldnt surprise me if everything he posted is fake
>crime reaches higher levels than US
>well it's just slightly higher it's still well in the average!
we are still anglo-saxon while you are filled with wogs and irishmen
the more the merrier as far as i'm concerned
usually wherever you visit you won't find many shitskins if you like nature, they tend to stick to the large cities, I know Sweden tried putting a bunch of rapefugees in a rural area and they whined and rioted because they weren't put in Stockholm
>Implying we can even trust crime statistics anymore
They will be censored to protect the image of the nigger hordes. Their crime will be reported as being "only slightly higher, which is explained by poverty and racism". Not "substantially higher even when controlling for every variable except for race", as is reality.
Good Lord!
>It's still not as bad as the yankeedoodles, so that makes it ok in my book.
How fucking docile are you, Fritz? You guys urgently need to get your selfrespect back!
Not white and asian american you stupid germancuck.
Enjoy electing merkel
It won't get much worse than US levels because the US is already the worst case, where 50% cuck whites let 50% niggers rape and pillage as they desire.
As the nigger percentage raises more so will brutality in law enforcement (cutting off thieve's hands and so on) which will actually deter some.
P.s. enjoy your enrichment cuck
No, I mean the real crime statistic that is published by the police, who have been redpilled the hard way, which is pretty solid. Not bs that is spread by the media.
you delusional fucktard.
lets take north dakota, a US state populated 90+% by whites, so we have something relatable to compare to germanistan, btw no gun control whatsoever. ND is safer than denmark in remark to violence crimes by a whooping 20%, and you can't say denmark is not safe, it's safer than most countries on earth. where are your crime statistics now, kraut? that country of yours is going to shit and the people residing there are braindead since the mass indoctrination began after ww2. this is the final push to exterminate the west and krauts are going to be the first to fall.
better kys now if you don't want to see your woman raped in front of your eyes while she utters through her broken teeth "i'm doing it for the greater good"
>Don't get me wrong, people like these need to be severely punished
Well, they are not. Thanks to leftist cucks like you.
lol wow they wouldn't last 2 days in this country
but neither would any euro teenager
>implying France didn't want Algeria to become part of France
It's just a prank, and there's no proof the guy kicking was not German.
holy fuck. I feel so sorry for that poor girl.
>tfw you love german girls and want to protect them despite them being dumb cunts who vote left
>Explain yourselves krauts
Well, it wasn't a krauts doing.
Spain confirmed white?
You have enough girls in Vienna dumb enough to invite an Afghani into her home to fuck him but cry "rape" when he brings his 10 brothers.
Thread full of brainwahed hopeless spineless omega faggots.
If this doesn't build rage in you, you deserve to be dead.
Pathetic fucking fatherless wasters.
Maybe the Krauts need one more Austrian.
I was recently in Vienna. It looks like shit now.
Congrats on letting the most beautiful city in the world get cucked and destroyed by shitskins.
you can't compare that to the US. the US is simply too big to measure the crime rates accurately. a lot of bullshit goes by unseen as well.
I'm still shaking my head and laugh at my cucked german friend from a few years ago who unironically said that he's glad that we live in a secured/safe world.
now look how much of that is true. it just isn't true in the slightest. you could step outside your fucking apartment and get killed any second by some lunatic who doesn't even care about the consequences anymore and nothing and nobody would save you.
What was this one faggot picking up from the ground?
She was hogging the stairs like a privileged German bitch though.
why did this make me laugh so much
I'm not Austrian. I came from Germany because they tricked me into thinking it was more based.
Which it is, but only marginally.