I have this idea
Why don't we take the southern slav countries and, like, unite them and shit
It would be one of the most powerful nations in the world
Since it would be south slavic states, it should be called something like Yugoslavia
I have this idea
Why don't we take the southern slav countries and, like, unite them and shit
It would be one of the most powerful nations in the world
Since it would be south slavic states, it should be called something like Yugoslavia
user I can tell you aren't very familiar with European relationships. Every European country hates their neighbors to the death for various events that happened in the last few hundred years.
But Serbs and Croats are the same and Bosniaks aren't even different from either apart from being islamic.
It benefits everyone.
It could work, but it wouldn't have to be communist, least of all if it were to elect a leader who tried to hide the economic problems with nationalism.
>Bosniaks aren't even different from either apart from being islamic.
Yeah, they got along so well in Srebrenica
wew lad
Yeah great idea, nobody tried that before.
If all countries in South America unite and shit, it would be one of the most powerful nations in the world.
I would rather have an southren Orthodox union than this.Just give Bulgaria FYROM,make the countrys autonmous states so they can speak their language and there you go.We have always been friendly with Romanians and Greeks,and i see no reason why Bulgars would chimp out if they get back FYROM.
Well, I'd be glad to see Bolivar 2.0
Yugoslavia wasnt communist.
Or Great Serbia.
now kith
Croatians and sloviens are Germanic
bosnians and kosavars are turkic
why not greater croatia
They are all gypsy-mongrel mutts.
Why do Serbs and Croats hate each other so much anyway? I never see any Balkan countries fight apart from these two
Ayo hol up, i'd be fine with sharing a border with Croatia, but they could just cuck Montenegro's coastline. Sandzak goes to Serbia.
Other than Serbia and Bosnia, Serbia and Albania, Serbia and Serbia. Fucking Serbs, they ruined Serbia!
Only if all the muslims are killed first
When will that northern part of Serbia separate?
How Balkan was created:
>random shitskin Christians from the Ottoman Empire
>Hey I am now a "Greek"
>And I am now a "Macedonian"
>And I am now a "Serb"
>We have 10000000 year old history
>"Fuck the (insert random shitskin race) we were first here and WE WUZ kangs"
>Everyone is getting killed
but everyone is against us senpai
Voivodina separatists exist only on facebook.
Yes nothing happened before 1500
>But Serbs and Croats are the same
have a (You)
Greeks aren't and Romania isn't. Hey probably even Bulgaria. Didn't you even have a "Slavic Brotherhood" joint military exercise with Belarus and Russia too?
> equating socialism and communism
Hey everyone, we've got a live retard here!
Which is why i said
Sorry, didn't see that post. My bad.
When will Serbia stop from being tinier each time I look at a map ?
This is not true, and leave Slovakia alone you Hun bastard, your primitive armies never got through Bohemia.
what we call today serbs existed since the 7th or 8th century
but the people who lived in these places for sure existed there even during the bronze age there is no denying it, even went full roman with the romans
South slavs are barley slavic, the have the slavic culture but that's it. When they arrived in Europe, they got assimilated by the native Thracian and Illyrian populations
why wont we import niggers in our new founded portugues colony? Nothing could go wrong, nigger never made a country shit.
Ho wait Brazil gone to shit what happened?
When it ceases to exist?
And i guess real communism hasn't been tried before right?
desu senpai we should just make an Orthodox friendship thing of some sort like
Unite with Romania and Greece, give Macedonia to Bulgars and let them in, then when we're big stronk relevant country together we can retake Carigrad and make it the new capital after purging it from t*rks.
What's there not to like?
Are you retarded?
No. Do you think I'm wrong?
Seem very Slavic to me.
What is the actual difference, though? No memes please, I don't understand why Serbs and Croats aren't the same thing. They speak the same language, they have the same culture and ethnic/genetic background, and they live in the same place. It's like the Rwanda of Europe for some reason.
It will happen eventually, but not like it was before.
Some kind of Balkanic Union with a common market and currency I reckon.
And one day, maybe even an army for the eternal crusade, who knows.
The only thing that's separating us is our autism.
lol calm down
he is right, serbs or w/e ex yugo bastard has more in common on a genetic level with albanians than with lets say russians
on a genetic level germans are closer to slavs than we are(excluding ww2 rape babies)
He is not.Unless you are one of those Slavs are just linguistic group.
Socialism is the step before communism, it's also the step where everything goes to shit.
The entire Balkan is just a fake construct out of fake nations with fake history.
So are you.
It's a long shot, but it's the best we've got
acording to geneology he is right, there are some places that are slavic like northwest croatia and southwest slovenia that have slavic gene in the majority, but for the most parts we share our genes with meditenarinids and germans. Plus we have our own Dinaric gene that is prevelant in Croatia and BiH
for slovenians it's a more skewed towards germans and a lot less towards mediteranians.
notice that the south slavic gene is lumped in with sardinia. How can that be?
this map is is really messed up
My guess is that the shared DNA is extremely similar.
Well WW2 fucked up a lot between Serbian and Croatian people. In 19 century relations were just fine. Half Serbian half Croat speeking,
what could possibly go wrong
Actually Slavs are the 2nd majority in Croatia,the biggest being "south slavic" which is just a please don't get but hurt way of saying Dinaric.So you are pretty slavic.You ain't close to Germans cause they got banished after ww2 by gomunizm.
it will happen, but russia is probably going to make a balkan union with the orthodox states too.
we live in interedasting times
All we can do is wait. Wait till Putin/Poroshenko, other (((politicians))) just fucking die so we can start anew.
Serbs say that croats are Serbs, they won't admit it so they made a fake country and rebelled by becoming catolics...
But what Serb don't tell you is that Croats made a country first.
The same way Croats don't tell you they where under Hungarians for 900 years when they tell you Serbia was under Ottomans for 500.
Notice something similar here?
Poland is pretty gung ho about the whole idea and since their political and economic power is rising fast I wouldn't be surprised if it happens in the next couple of years when this whole EU meme begins to restructure or dissolve.
>make their own country because they don't like their neighbors
Isn't that the most Serbian thing to do?
Inat runs deep.
we were in the Austro-Hungarian empire with our own parliament and our own laws while you were sucking turkish cock and waging war against catholics with your muslim overlords.
Why dont they just kill all the muzzies?
Italians + Slavs = Croats
Turks + Illyrians = Serbs
The only thing is, we stole Croatian language.
What the fuck is on with these threads, they seem to be on pol on a daily basis now.
Don't you niggers have an economic crisis and are about to starve to death?
because NATO swoops in to save them
They jack off to us fighting because they themselves have weak banther
A future to believe in.
nice b8 m8 i rate 8/8!
Am I allowed to migrate?
So wrong on so many levels.
can Poland into reconquista 2.0 ?
>mfw nobody ever mentions us when talking about the Balkans
>Yugo senpai will never notice me
could you explain to me why serbs ussually think that we stole their language not the other way around?
Slavs still outnumber non-slavs, and it does say
>and friends
They don't want to unite because each of them is slightly different in bone structure therefore we gotta seperate into different countries. I don't want to breed with those somewhat different looking but still kinda whitish people over there! Instead let's just kill eachother forever and remain irrelevant.
Will you beat the papal states ?
Confirmed for not knowing shit about balkans.
It has nothing to do with bone structure, but the number of fingers used to cross yourself when praying to the same god
if you guys in france and germany start a civil war, we are game to help you clean house deus vult style
>says the austrian
Because they're delusional.
The truth is Vuk Karadzic came up with the new "Serbian" language by stealing Croatian language and swapping around a few words.
Communists further changed it and renamed it to Serbo-Croatian. But in reality it was Croatian (see Ljudevit Gaj)
>Croatians and sloviens are Germanic
is this what your runaway parents teach you diaspora maggots?
>australia shitposting
so what else is not new?
That's about as retarded.
And of course I know nothing about the Balkans... you spend all your time hating eachother and no time doing anything relevant. You have your history sure but only yourselves care about that.
Pic Unrelated. Where is the best place to live in Texas or Arizona? I either want to move to Texas or Arizona so towns/cities from either state would be fine.
Thraco-illyrian, motherfucker. Do not undermine the great service the balkan did, acting as the border between glorious western civilization and shitskins. When europe falls, do not think the balkan will too. They have had enough of our shit, having warned us for centuries but being ignored. A shame
Our hate makes us stronger...When we deal with our differences, and Europe gets taken over by muslim scum, our hate fixation will turn towards west and if everything goes smoothly, then hundreds of years of living through genocides and ottoman wars will come in handy.
and because we know our history we will keep our identity unlike leafs who sold out theirs for nothing
>doing anything relevant
Don't you have a dog to fuck, or something.
Western 'help' got us where we are now, so anything 'relevant' to you and your jewish overlords usually means some kind of war and division.
Fuck off, leaf.
Fuck off, Yugoslavia was shit.
>Our hate makes us stronger...
I wish I could unite with crna gora
you will soon enough
I'd rather die than unite with filthy croats
servs aren't a lot better either
Isn't that what started WW1?