>sexually aroused by faeces
This..came from the popes mouth?
This kind of vocabulary is below the pope. But Francis is a commie cypto anyway.
Just fucking die "pope" Francis
pee pee poo poo
You mad bro? Best pope of all time
Pajeet was right...
stupid poopee
Pius XIII when?
this Poope has to go
The catholic church is no stranger to pedophilia and child molestation.
Now that's a pope the KGB would never order us to assassinate.
Yeah Pope, you go declare war on cartoon frogs and 400 lb neets. Turned out well for Shillary.
the pope protecting the pedos, what a surprise
>pope calls out (((media))) for being themselves
>gets shit on by Sup Forums
The Pope is not legitimate! He is a plant of Soros and the Obama administration!
The proofs are in this analysis, unfortunately it's in Italian. But for everyone to see here is a mail send from John Podesta to Sandy Newman:
>“Newman: There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church. (…) Podesta: We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up”.
You mean 'Poop' Francis
Those belong to Satan now and hell awaits. Maybe that will wake up middle America
What the fuck did he even mean by this? I mean this literally, I'm having trouble understanding this shitty analogy of his
>The Holy Pope
>Soros puppet
Nice try. Why would he need his money?
I like watching girls poo, is that bad
Can someone please explain why Sup Forums is so willing to advocate for "fake news" all of a sudden?
Panty poop is best fetish
(((Poope Faecis)))
>be a good goy catholic and only listen to state sponsored media like our role models the north koreans
The catholic church is still protecting pedophiles by sending them to South America. I'm sure the pope would say that's "fake news."
because of pizzagate, it opened up a new can of worms
You are poo merchant
lol, what the fuck did he mean by this?
>you believe a story that is considered too controversial so must be made up
>therefore you are a scat fetishist
I'm not seeing even a tenous link here.
this pope is great /s
Is poope a poo witch?
Best Pepe ever
If you needed any more proof that he is a liberal mouth piece plant this is it. Why is the Pope repeating made propaganda by US MSM? It's their narrative he's spouting. What a nasty and vulgar thing for the highest man of God to say. He should be expelled for this statement. He isn't godly.
This actor is a mockery of everything the pope and christianity stands for.
He is a corrupt poppet that doesnt care about god or christians. He is as much as a religious figure as the local homeless drunkard. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing.
We dont have a holy pope currenty. The globalists are just making us think we do.
how is that news, we've officially been obsessed with indian toilets for a long time...
So, I'm starting to believe in that "last pope" prophecies/conspiracies stuff.
>/d/ vote secured
Elaborate please.
Shit, this makes pizzagate 1000000% true now.
Thanks pope!
What a fucking faggot pope he's off to hell for sure.
Need a pope like this
Apparently because he's a filthy muzzie apologist
> goy shaman! We need you to say something disparaging about "fake news" to fit our narrative!
>, just nebulously bad? A'ight.
I have said in the past that Pope Francis talks a lot of crap. I suppose now my statements have been legitimised.
The msm, pope, and democrats are pitching this whole "fake news" propaganda ever since pizzagate started gaining traction with normies.
This directly parallels when videogame journos colluded together and pitched the whole "gamers are dead" and gamergate BS.
...really gets the gears in your head turning doesn't it.
Pope Francis likes getting sexually aroused by faeces? I didn't realize he was Indian
Time's up, Bergoglio. I'm going to beat the pasta out of you.
The media is lying once again. They should all be excommunicated for it.
Still think this Pope is far too political without getting all the facts though
>Why is the Pope repeating made propaganda by US MSM?
I don't like this pope, but he isn't in this case. If you look at what he actually said, then you would see he is complaining about how CNN lies about everything
What's the full quote?
>priest is offended when pedophilia is under attack
Go along now goy, there's nothing to look at, it's only a coincidence™
Pope confirmed Indian.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a coprophile
Right Wing politics are concerned with the long-term survival of Civilization
Christianity is only concerned with personal salvation to become part of a nebulous afterlife for which no evidence exists, and for which this world needs to be sacrificed, which is best expressed in the way early christians like Martin of Tours refused to fight enemies of their nations, insofar killing in this world could cost them heaven
When Jesus says "if they take your coat, let them have your shirt as well", "do not resist evil", "I have come to turn a man against his own household", "if you don't hate your self and your own family you can't follow me", "love your enemies, pray for your persecutors", "the meek will inherit the Earth", "those that wanna die will live", "blessed are those the persecuted, for they will be my Kingdom", "do not save treasures for tomorrow", "carry your cross so that you can receive eternal reward", "Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven", "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter Heaven", "Woe to you who are well fed, Woe to you who laugh, for you will mourn and weep"...
... he is not kidding, or meaning the opposite, but actually setting down a morality where the world is a lie and only the afterlife is the real deal, so destroying your life in this world, "carrying your cross" as he says, is completely logical
Sup Forums "christians" seem to believe Jesus actually meant the OPPOSITE of all that, and that Jesus wants you to defend your family, that Jesus wants you to kill your enemies, to become prosperous, well-fed and rich in this world, and to avoid persecution and death!
Only a person that does not actually believe in the Heaven for the persecuted, the meek, and the martyred would actually re-interpret Christianity as a cult of earthly power which declares "the strong shall inherit the Earth", "my kingdom is of this world" and "you must destroy the enemies of your nation"
Only some one that just wanna use Christianity as an empty shell devoid of any true religious promises would claim that Paul and Peter misinterpreted Jesus when they submitted to their enemies and died to them while praying for them, instead of fighting the romans back and establishing a crusader kingdom, thing that one would expect them to do if Jesus meant "be a fighter and impose your will on your enemies" when he said "love your enemies and lend all they need to them without expecting anything in return"
But using Christianity as a shell devoid of any religious promises simply allows its poisonous morality to survive into the next generation.
You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "I didn't come to bring peace", but you can't stop them from reading the rest of the paragraph and realizing what Jesus wanted is for them to put christian morality above the good-being of their own families.
nothing like a little poopdick to help you finish.
You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "Buy a sword", but you can't stop them from reading the next chapter and realizing that Jesus stopped Peter from using the sword to fight and defeat the romans, and reprimanded him for misunderstanding, all while asking him to carry his own cross (Peter, fully realizing that Jesus meant all the stuff about embracing death and his kingdom was not of this world, that angelic chariots were not going to slay his enemies and bring him victory, realized he was doomed, and would then deny Jesus 3 times)
You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because ""Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces", but you can't stop them from reading the rest of the paragraph and realizing that Jesus was asking them, not to destroy their enemies, but to not put in risk their own moral position by criticizing others. You may want them to believe that Jesus, in the middle of a speech about not judging other people and sharing, suddenly decided that speak against the muslims that didn't even exist back then!
That is not going to fly.
Sooner or later, your "strict catholic crusader" state will be reformed into liberalism, because the Gospel will still exist, because your children, like Peter, will realize that Jesus meant it when he said "you are to be persecuted and martyred for me", that Jesus didn't say "you will live in a stable and powerful civilization, free of oppresion and death, thanks to me".
Christianity can't cure a disease it caused
Pagan Romans were fundamentally free of the chains of jewish power, so much that they almost exterminated them all in their own homeland after the rebellion of Bar Kocheba
It would be Christian Europe that would fall under permanent jewish influence, with the jewish-controlled churches banning europeans from financing and loaning, giving them as a monopoly to jews
By the modern era, Christians were so throughly judaized, that they started to actively wish for the restoration of Israel so that the end of the world would finally come around and their civilization would die!
And why would it be otherwise?
A religion which such obsession with death, with promise is the end of the world, is fundamentally a time-bomb in the basement of a civilization
Do you really believe that the early christians that embraced their martyrhood to the lions said to themselves "I am dying to this lion so that the white race can survive, fuck jews!" or any such anachronistic reinterpretation that you have decided to give to their death cult?
Not an argument, but it is hilariously juvenile and pathetic.
but really
is it
>mfw the pope knows about scat fetish
They want to use the DNA on the shroud of Turin to clone Jesus.
>Pagan Romans were fundamentally free of the chains of jewish power, so much that they almost exterminated them all in their own homeland after the rebellion of Bar Kocheba
Yeah, after a long period of letting Jews live in the empire under their protection with the special privilege of exemption from worshiping the emperor.
Julian the Apostate even wanted to bring back Israel and rebuild the temple. Thank God that cuck was killed and replaced with a Christian.
This pope is a HERITIC and therefor the papal throne is vacant.
So if this whole """""""fake news""""""""" thing the media suddenly became obsessed about right before pizzagate is really some sort of damage control... does that mean the Church is part of the child trafficking thing?
why does he assume everyone shares this tendency towards coprophilia? is he projecting?
“And since people have a tendency towards the sickness of coprophagia, a lot of damage can be done.”
That was because the Jewish Hasmonean kingdom were originally their allies
> sending the remaining jews back to their homeland in sandniggerland is worse than giving them an unilateral monopoly on finances and then giving them their land back 1500 years later anyways after they have destroyed your culture beyond repair
Only comes to prove he and his kind are butt-fucking faggots
Nice pope you got there C*tholics. Dat dignity and holiness
Not if you only watch your wife poo.
Come by from a guy who works for Satan.
Damn it's good being Orthodox
>It's like getting sexist aroused by feces
Did he just excommunicate all Germans?
Or should I say
No way he said that. Thanks, Trump.
The pope is buttfuckingly cucked beyond hope.
You should assume the Vatican is trafficking kids no matter what. Were you born in 2010 or something?
That's one strange thing to say. I think it ways more about him that anyone else, you'd have to have that somewhere in the front of your mind to come up with that.
Hey Cathcucks, how does it feel that il papa ama il poopoo?
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
Having fun papists?
has common filth made a statement yet?
It's true
drumpf supporters love eating poopy
We need the Young Pope
'Poop' Francis
Might've just tipped his hand...
The pope gets sexually aroused by poo confirmed in current year. And what a wierd thing to say too... I hate that old fuck, would love to beat the living shit out of his old wrinkly disgusting pedo body.
I'd help
Fucking disgrace
Implying he isn't talking about the mainstream media.
>nebulous afterlife for which no evidence exists
>Lives in the universe, for which there is plenty of evidence
>Lives in the world, which is made of dead stars
>Lives in Panama, which is a literal ghost-country, 90% of structures around him were made by dead people
>Eats food, which has nutrients that come from dead animals/dead plants
>His body probably has cells, compounds, and atoms in it that once were in the part of the body of dead people, animals, and plants
>The people who helped shape his DNA are all dead but 2-4 alive as max.
>Will die, and what he did will be part of the future's ghost town, his body will decay or get burned and his cells, compounds, and atoms will interact with other atoms and create life.
"You're all sinners:
Fake news is like getting a boner from smearing poop all over your chest, and having Sarah poop more to smear it all over my face, while she slaps my ballsack and pushes her poop so hard shes pees a little, but then Archbishop Giovanni knocks to see if you're in the room and you have to stop for a second
I can't believe you people are into that, you're all disgusting."
>Crypto commie
They are the most openly gommunists of them all...
I unironically am desu, I fap to women eating man poo because I like watching women be degraded.
Still better than being sexually aroused by children you fucking faggot.