>"America, at the end of the day, belongs to white men"
What did he mean by this?
>"America, at the end of the day, belongs to white men"
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>alt-right founder
Thanks for fucking our MOOvement, dick
He's not wrong
He BTFO some fat burgers in Texas lel. Literally /ourguy/.
America was built by whites so he is right.
>literally one of the first people to coin the term
>doesn't even claim to be the leader or founder
Wow, nice meme dude
It's not your movement, and it's not his movement, you fucking faggot.
Alt-right is white nationalism rebranded. Period.
Richard Spencer is the one who popularized the term, but at no point has he claimed to be the leader of alt-right. He just writes books and is the president of NPI.
Someone needs to kill him.
He's based. The fact the media is trying to tear him down means ((they)) know he's a threat.
I am a civic nationalist, we will not tolerate this man's hatred and insanity towards fellow American's. Even Donald Trump is ashamed to be supported by these blatant racist goons.
He did even better to a rabbi.
He absolutely stumped him.
The rabbi went full damage control claiming he has never debated
America belongs to White men, nobody else.
I seriously think he's a plant. I mean he just popped out of nowhere, oh I'm the leader of the alt-right which didnt even exist until Hillary's team made it up.
wow, nice proxy diversification, rich
he meant that he's a forced meme, being pushed down our throats by faggots like you.
Your teeth is wrong.
>popped out of nowhere
Fuck off, retard
I'm left-wing so I couldn't care less about far-right infighting.
Him and NPI have been around for years. You just haven't been paying attention
You should prep the bull and go starve like a good left winger instead of posting about shit you're not interested in
I mean, he is right. White men created and ran this country for pretty much its entire existence. Even SJWs say this.
yet he literally claims just that.
Where was he during the elections? He just came out of nowhere to do seig heils after Trump won. Go choke on nigger cocks.
These people are shill. Their purpusfully trying to cause infighting.
Anyone who has had even the slightest bit of interest in white nationalism knows who Spencer is. He is as well known as Jared Taylor, and if Jared Taylor was the one speaking these faggots would be accusing Taylor of being a plant and talking about how he ''came out of nowhere''.
These people are scumbags. They're the new CTR.
America literally belongs to whites. Other races are guests and they best start acting like it. There is hundreds of other black countries out there. The US isn't one of them.
shouldnt you be giving your dog a blowjob while smoking weed?
'Murica seriously needs to nuke Cucknada.
He is retarded. America is a land for all, a nation of immigrants from everywhere.b
He has a thing for white men ramming it in his ass
He existed long before the election attracted faggots and shills like you.
>seig heils
Never happened.
Kill yourself.
y'all niggas better find a new name. you remember what happened to this symbol don't you whitey?
Generally right wingers are into cuckoldry, homosexuality and act tough to cover their insecurities but whatever floats your boat my Soviet friend.
Literal Stormfag shilling
The reason no one here knows Richard Spencer is because nobody gives a fuck.
1. He can't debate, and he lost a debate to an emotional liberal. That's fucking pathetic
2. He's never said anything controversial
3. He only pops up when a Right Wing group that doesn't make something about race, makes it about race (Tea Party, Ron Paul 2008, 2012 election)
He's more than likely a fucking actor, who's real name is William Bearing
>never happened
Suck a dick, CTR.
it's true.
he creates chaos. it's the will of kek
Proxies do not work on this board.
Kek wants everyone to fucking die so a new world can be born.
Humanity IS the disease.
Praise /kek/
>literally one of the first people to coin the term
thats the whole reason you and him are stupid. what hillary called the "alt right" had nothing to do with the first "alt right"
to make things easy, no one call themselves alt right. why would you let the enemy brand you, anyway?
You're a jew.
You literally post a video that disproves everything you say and you're still going trough with the lie.
He didn't do a salute, he didn't say ''seig'', he made no reference to Nazis or Hitler.
All you have is footage of jewish guys doing a salute filmed from 3 different angles replayed over to make it seem like it's a room full of people doing it.
Literally (literally) kill yourself.
>proxies do not work on this board
>stormfag intellectuals
I don't understand why you faggots just come here and lie? I mean you're either lying or you're newfag transplants for le-ddit
In this instance, it's the will of kike
>yourea jew
But I'm brown as fuck, you autistic faggot.
How new are you?
>you're a jew
Outed yourself.
Stormfags really need to get off this board.
Kill yourself
God damn that was brutal. Complete silence from the rabbi and he finishes it off with a "you aren't answers. Oh you aren't going to answer? Moving on"
k i k e
This is what Stormfags actually believe
>"Nuh uh! I said it in English, not German. So now it doesn't count!"
Why does he talk like he was castrated?
>hailing people is something only Nazis do
Is there even a moticom of evidence for that statement?
If it looks like a duck... why does the duck get so offended when you point out what they're claiming to be proud to be?
Facts matter.
If these people had a point they wouldn't have to lie about it.
If saying ''hail'' is bad then these people would attack Spencer for saying ''hail'', yet they say he threw a seig hail.
If you have to lie about it, you've already lost.
If you have to replay the footage of the same guys doing the salute from 3 different angles and splice it to look like it's a bunch of people doing it, and then blur all their faces - you've lost.
Day of the rake when
>"I didn't say nigg-er, I said nigg-uh!"
>d-don't worry guys! they were just doing the roman salute. nothin to see here.
>haha look at these people who I don't agree with, they look silly
You realize people like Richard Spencer hate these people, right?
The basic psychology of insecurity?
If you fear something (i.e. cuckolding) you accuse others of it.
>What did he mean by this?
>someone says ''nigga''
If you have to lie, you've lost. Go home, shill.
Oh, the Literally Crisis Actor hates his fanbase? Wonder why.
Definitely /ourguy/. Kek. Seriously the guy the our movement needs. The Alt-right will be unstoppable.
"If you have to lie, you've lost."
So why lie? Why not be proud of what you know is your primary motivation? Bringing up "good goyim" really hammers in that point, bruh.
>h-he's controlled opposition
Do you have any proof of this? No seriously, do you?
you have no proof
>"Minorities need to realize that we don't need them. But they need us"
>"Sometimes we wonder if these people are even people at all, and not just soulless husks"
>Wow, don't interpret it that way.
>literally just some Jewish bullshit
Yeah I bet when you call people gay it's because you're secretly gay, right?
>"Minorities need to realize that we don't need them. But they need us"
100% true. America doesn't need non-whites
>"Sometimes we wonder if these people are even people at all, and not just soulless husks"
So the media is a race now?
Ask yourself ''why lie?''
Do you not have a strong enough case that you need to make shit up?
Lying about what someone said or did is an admission of having nothing on them. If you had something on them, you wouldn't have to lie.
More shilling.
Ask yourself ''why lie?''
Do you not have a strong enough case that you need to make shit up?
Lying about what someone said or did is an admission of having nothing on them. If you had something on them, you wouldn't have to lie.
Sure as hell seems to be the case for the hyper-religious. Why do we keep catching the most outspokenly homophobic ones sucking dick in motel rooms for fun?
Please, do ask yourself. Why do you keep beating around the bush to the fact that your blatant goal is to adopt the principles and morals of a group you claim "has nothing to do with you"?
He meant the truth. The Us must be bleached with holy fire and rivers of blood if need be. Make it white again!
alt-right has always been a white nationalist movement don't like it fuck off you fucking sub human non-white.
See, at least these chucklefucks are proud to admit what they want.
Why aren't you?
>Sure as hell seems to be the case for the hyper-religious. Why do we keep catching the most outspokenly homophobic ones sucking dick in motel rooms for fun?
Because that's a bullshit meme that's pushed by people who have a bone to pick with religious people? It's the same bullshit with the catholic priests that are all apparently kiddie fuckers, it's just shit that rarely happens but is an exceptional circumstance so it becomes a headline and eventually become a joke which eventually retards like you taker seriously.
>white nationalism = nazism
What the fuck do my goals have to do with you blatantly lying about someone.
Yeah, my goal is to see every jew hanged. That is my goal.
So? Do you have a point, retard? Why lie about something? Do you not have a strong enough case that you have to lie?
Are you going to accuse me of saying I want Asians killed? Or did I give a good enough statement that you don't have to lie about what I've said?
>America, at the end of the day, belongs to white men
>He's not wrong
>America was built by whites so he is right.
>America belongs to White men, nobody else.
>I mean, he is right. White men created and ran this country for pretty much its entire existence.
>America literally belongs to whites. Other races are guests and they best start acting like it
All this above is retarded and ahistorical.
I will 100% accept the idea that the leadership of america belongs to white american men.
I don't accept that the nation itself should be considered 100% white american, or 100% owned by such a group.
The result of the civil war was their freedom and emancipation.
It started white, had black slaves. The slaves were de-africanized, forced to take american names, and over generations completely lost whatever heritage they had. This means that black americans are more american than americans who can trace their ancestry back to Europe.
Cry all you want. Black Americans are just as American as any other American.
You say "send them back to Africa" but they have no tribe, nation, or culture to go back to as they had that stripped from them when they were enslaved and traded like cattle.
Americans are brain damaged in the sense that they don't know that race and ethnicity are two different things. It's something everyone else in the world understands but Americans can discern the difference between those two words/concepts, leading to a lot of confusion and stunted thinking.
Fat autistic lefty/pol/ antifa cuck gets BTFO by Dicky Spencer
Based this guy is shitposting IRL and isn't afraid of anyone
That he's a stupid babby
I'm not even sure where to start with your fucking line of logic. I'll try with this
>I don't accept that the nation itself should be considered 100% white american, or 100% owned by such a group.
And why is that?
>The result of the civil war was their freedom and emancipation.
>It started white, had black slaves. The slaves were de-africanized, forced to take american names, and over generations completely lost whatever heritage they had. This means that black americans are more american than americans who can trace their ancestry back to Europe.
>Cry all you want. Black Americans are just as American as any other American.
>You say "send them back to Africa" but they have no tribe, nation, or culture to go back to as they had that stripped from them when they were enslaved and traded like cattle.
I really don't understand how you don't see the irony in that.
There it is! Glad this guy is finally admitting to it, lol.
B-b-but don't call me a Nazi, it hurts my feelings.
Go back to whatever leftist jerkoff you came from
Spencer is a cuck
REEE get out of my safe space! This is my clubhouse!!
I'm Asian, I don't give a fuck about your countries and I'm sure you feel the same. You should know this, both you leftists and stormfags are annoying and cringey.
*tips fedora*