Redpill me on this movie.
>Was it well made?
>How did it affect you when you watched it? >Were the things in this movie true?
>is Sup Forums going down the same path as Derek Vineyard?
American History X
bump, this is important
>is Sup Forums going down the same path as Derek Vineyard?
Derek Vineyard was ultimately redeemable...
The movie is a complete pile of shit
I agree. Just an effort to make White Nationalism synonymous with criminal gangs and violent miscreants. The takeaway is the usual sappy nonsense about multiculturalism and racial politics being about choosing 'love' or 'hate'. No attempt to engage with reality. Probably written by a kike.
>Just an effort to make White Nationalism synonymous with criminal gangs and violent miscreants
That was what I got from the movie too. Too much focus on how white nationalism is utterly criminal-
Didn't it justify hating niggers?
>Didn't it justify hating niggers?
yeah lol, Derek's son got BTFO by a nigger in the end. I think the movie didn't even realize it was doing it.
epic curb stump
funny when the fat guy was flicking black jelly beans out the bowl
rest of the movie is your basic hollywood bullshit
3/10, watch the curb stump on youtube skip the rest
I've read that the ending the director wanted included edward norton shaving his head again, but I've never seen proof.
Although nazis are still the bad guys I find this movie considerately better:
Can I get a moonman curb stomp?
Is it available on torrent? post IMBD link pls.
would be fucking epic if the word comes out that Edward Norton voted Trump this year
No he wasn't. Derek Vinyard pressed the reset button on his "transformation" when his brother died. It's just that Edward Norton was a baby back beta bitch and didn't like that fact so the true ending was scrapped.
Norton was the one who changed the ending because he's a libfag pussyfart
what a damn shame
Literally the whole message of the movie is "never relax."
Honestly that movie isn't that bad. Of course for Sup Forums it's not full 14/88 so it's liberal garbage.
I think the movie is comprehensive about Derek's path in life and the reason behind his hate. And I'm not gonna lie, regardless of the moral at the end of the movie, I shed a tear.
Also, Sup Forums movie general?
It wasn't completely unfair to the neo-Nazis:
>neo-Nazis only formed after black gangs came to the city
>Derek's firefighter dad murdered by the black thugs
>Derek held a good speech with actual points before they raided the immigrant store
>Derek's dad blasted PC culture in the table talks which were good, however, both talks were "discredited" by abrupt n-word and family fight
>even after dropping his prejudice, Derek's brother is killed. He was right about the black gangs after all.
Meanwhile, criticism of the neo-Nazis:
>there are dumb and violent people in their ranks
>they are used by a smarter leader
>prison neo-Nazis sell their principles and are faggots
All of these are true. Aryan Brotherhood has made alliances with Latinos in prison, their focus are drugs.
tl;dr neo-Nazis are responding to real social issues with the wrong means
It promotes textbook anti-racism, someone in there was obviously redpilled, not sure who but that last scene that wasn't made (because main actor didn't thought it would glorify nazism) is testament of it.
The usual I guess, a perfectly normal movie gets funded by jews and therefore bluepilled.
we have tbe smae type of film in the ukcalled this is england watch when I was young was a little bit skeptical,but know I cam see its full blown blue bill shite. this is how it goes
>skinhead gets out of prison
>skinhead tells obvious rayciss joke
>cuck skknhead friends on the verge of tears
>ov vey its like anudda shoah!
>Well made
The cinematography was great. Somehow the aesthetics were simultaneously gritty and comfortable. Acting wasn't too amazing, but hey the actors were relatively unknown except Norton (who was phenomenal). Just overall a pretty great film, I'd give it something like an 8/10.
>How did it affect you when you watched it.
I watched it 4 times actually. The first two viewings was when I was in my teens. I was a typical edgy Sup Forums user at the time, so I only cared about the curb stomping scene and ignored the messages.
The third time was a few years later. It's pretty much what says. Unless you're directly affected by racial tensions, it's not healthy to keep building up hate. It makes you bitter, alienates you from other people.
I still browse Sup Forums because it's fun sometimes, but man everyone has to chill out sometimes. At the end of the day, being this angry isn't healthy.
If you edit out the parts in color, save for the end when the brother gets shot, the movie tries to show the hypocrisy and criminality of White Nationalism, but the niggers are so absolutely irredeemable that Derek's speech before they go inside the Korean convenience store is too on the nose for him to be a bad guy.
no nigger would ever become friends with a neo-nazi in prison
But skinheads are objectively trash.
It's more of a message that hate breeds hate and it becomes an inescapable cycle.
They could have applied the same concept using any other race.
Great movie. Just stop watching after an hour in.
As are Australians.
Yeah now they look like nonces, because the media has inbeded that image into our heads
I mean skin-heads listen to black music but somehow they a rayciss, Im glad its dead now cause its always the media strawman when they want to show le stupid national meme wonder what they'll do once cockneys are ethnically clensd from london, northners maybe?
No matter how much you change, niggers never do.
i saw this movie a really long time ago when i was still a leftie and bought into race baiting propaganda aaaaaand even then i thought it was just trying to portray white supremacists as complete idiots in a completely unrealistic movie... so yeah, i'm going to say it's pretty bad
The more times I see it, the less I care about the "message" or whatever (yeah, hate is bad) and the more amused I am by insignificant little details.
I like it when they're outside the convenience store, and Derek says "It's like a pinata exploded!" then everyone laughs, and he says "There's nothing funny going on!", which is hilarious to me, because he doesn't understand how comical his phrasing is. He's like an oblivious comedian who after every joke says "Why are you laughing? Stop!"
also this. that movie was completely unrealistic just meant to show whites as oppressors and blacks as poor misunderstood victims. what a pile of garbage
It's a red pilled movie made to convert people to blue pill.
Derek actually said some sensible things talking to his dad, but they're saying it through some guy with a skin head and swastika tattoo so it makes everyone who wonders why blacks commit half the crime in the US look like a neo nazi for saying the same things he did.
I think the biggest takeaway from American History X is that white people can and should band together to take back their neighborhood, but they shouldn't LARP as Nazis while doing it.
Oddly it made me even more inclined towards White Nationalism. The first hour or so of the film is filled with good points about blacks, and other than the film's cringeworthy attempts to associate all white nationalists with dumb thugs there's nothing really to suggest that what they're doing isn't at least partially justified. Derek in particular makes some great points in a lot of his dialogue which are never really put down, the only thing the film really does to try and discredit him is muh n-word and muh family fights
Movie falls off hard in the second half. It goes into pretty compelling detail about how Derek became a White supremacist, but his reconciliation is pretty unbelievable. Also, the fake-out twist ending was just obnoxious and did nothing to add to the message the film was trying to convey.
My main take away was that Derek was betrayed by degenerates filling up the movement while he sincerely believed.
My personal opinion on the skins and brotherhood is that they're just regular gangs who've adopted nazi imagery because it's edgy.
The ending was, "niggers are going to nig"
I thought the point of his brother getting shot was to create a parallel (juxtaposition?) between black gang crimes and neo-nazi's. Pretty much a "we are as bad as eachother" thing.
I find the Jewish boyfriend in American History X to be so unrealistic, but the Jews just had to insert themselves into this social commentary.
It was alright, but I hated how they turned Derek's dad into a racist. He said lots of things that made sense, like the part about affirmative action and the school books, but then the writers were like
>oh shit, he's making too much sense
>better make him call the teacher a nigger for no reason
The dumbest part about this movie is that it doesn't refute any of the arguments Edward norton makes. He just makes friends with a black dude and prison and gets raped so he's suddenly against everything he stood for.
My Suomi friend, do not also forget this one beautiful nugget about the father:
>he was a police officer
Now that opens up a whole new can of worms.
It's really quite a simple movie. In general it's fairly red-pilled.
Derek made great arguments and fought for a good cause. Minorities are destroying the country. He gets sent to prison and gets together with White Supremacists. Yet, they didn't actually believe in what they preached unlike Derek and betrayed him once he realized they were the equivalent of posers.
The blue pill of the movie is the point that not all people are the same (the based black character).
By the end of the movie when his brother is murdered by a raging dindu everyone comes to the realization that Derek was right all along.
They had to throw in that there are moderately respectable and degenerate people (fake Nazis, good blacks) in every race but the exception isn't the rule. It would be too dark of a movie if they didn't put it into the movie.
it's the same thing for monkeys
Oh shit, you're right. My mistake.
This Is England is like a version of Romper Stomper where all the characters are emotionally vulnerable gays.
Compare and contrast
It just reinforced that even if there are a few good niggers the rest make the race as a whole simply irredeemable. First Derek slays the bad nigger thief. Then he meets an okay nigger in jail. Then another bad nigger kills his brother and he realizes it's fine to hate them and returns to neo-nazism (in the true ending before they forced the director to change it).
Derek's father was shot to death by blacks while saving black lives in a black neighborhood as a firefighter--even though he held *racist* beliefs.
Derek's father is truly a hero and shows that even though he holds certain beliefs, he doesn't allow that to interfere with his duty as a fireman.
But the Jewish teacher wasn't a good guy in the film. He was blind to the racial tensions, just an indoctrinating multiculturalist. The black principal was a good guy, he reached out to the white kids with problems and proved the prejudice wrong in the prison for Derek.
For those of you who don't know the movie actually had a different ending, it was Derek shaving his head, but the director thought itd bring more hate again.
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
But what was the point of that Shylock sticking his nose in that movie? It seemed really out of place. If American History X took place in a NY bagel shop, then by all means bring in the Jewish cast members. But in a semi-poor white suburb setting it doesn't make sense.
He was obviously just the token Jew who has to be paraded out whenever racism is a theme in anything.
>Was it well made
Yes. Tony Kaye is a high caliber film director. Of course, it's the only feature film he made, but he's made groundbreaking commercial work.
>How did it affect you when you watched it?
Disappointed that it was such a mess thematically and narratively.
>Were the things in the movie true?
It's not a documentary. Be more specific. Some of the stuff is true to life, some of it isn't.
>is Sup Forums going down the same path as Derek Vineyard?
Gay Sex?
We've already been down that path.
See, the problem here is that the original script was simply a crime story. Goodfellas set in the world of Skinhead gangs.
Then the director wanted to make it more "important".
THEN Edward Norton wanted to make it more "emotional" and even more "important".
Hence the weird tonal shifts and mess of an ending.
It the original script it was predominantly about the gang wars and drug dealing. The blacks were trying to jack his meth shipment, etc etc.
>Sup Forums movie general
Haven't seen any good Sup Forums related movies in awhile tbqh.
>He also didn't forget to pay homage to the 12 gorillion by bringing up Antisemitism, even for the one scene he was in.
>mfw 500 years of persecutions