What are some redpilled games Sup Forums?

What are some redpilled games Sup Forums?

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The Ultimate Red Pill game.

Grand strategy games

Wargame: Red Dragon
Red Orchestra 2


Sid Meier's Civilization

Make your pick.

any game where you can kill or beat germans

> Videogames are not redpilled at all
> Anime is not redpilled at all
> Sup Forums is not alt-right

>Red Orchestra 2
Tfw EU and the only decent ping server is literally run by a group of israeli jews who ban for the slightest thing

Dark souls 3
Europa Universalis 4

World of tanks is pretty fun.

Europa Universalis IV.

I love Dark Souls III and Crusader Kings 2

the witcher 3


before institutions nogs had the same or even less tech penalty than chinks and now ghana or whatever mali will get renessaince faster than russia and whats more to it, those cucks on the forums APPLOUD that.
its impossible to play semihistorical game now


Vice City

Doctor Mario

Can confirm. Israeli adult gamers are bro tier but the kiddie admins are brazil tier.

Yeah Western countries are too underpowered.

In this battle: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blood_River

500 European settlers fought 20,000 Africans and they killed 3000 while suffering only 3 wounded and 0 casualties. Yet in EU4 a Western soldiers are barely twice as powerful as African soldiers

>company name is literally Paracucks
>expecting something other than cuckoldry

Rugby League

What about Skyrim if you pick the stormcloak side?

You are a true blond haired blue eyed nord fighting for your ancestral homeland (Skyrim) against globalism (the empire) while there is an even bigger threat awaiting that pushes globalism (the thalmor)

funny thing is, last i checked the ai in newest patch is unable to colonize africa AT ALL since nigs are too strong
fucking hell

digimon series as it clearly shows some races are superior.

Super Mario Bros 3 is the only truly redpilled game.

I wanted to make a thread about this
Actually I will.

Fifa 17

Dark Souls makes a lot more sense when you start looking at the Flame as a metaphor for civilization.

In fact, fire has a very similar meaning in Western esoteric tradition.

tell me more about how dark souls redpills. If it does, it really went way over my head

Heroes of the storm

I used to side with imperials back when I played it - since divisions and the civil war would only weaken the empire against thalmor... but now with these parallels, I'm not so sure.

>all these people saying EU4 but no mention of the superior Victoria 2

Realistic flight sims.

>Force discipline.
>Inherently degeneracy free.
>Hard to politicise in favour of (((their))) agenda.

You too can feel the thrill of JUST-ing Syrian rebels from an Su-25.


>Whole Universe Bans Guns
>Space Pirates Take over.

Kirby Super Star
>Meta Knight basically becomes Pinochet in Meta Knight's Revenge.

Roller Coaster Tycoon and it's sequels.
>You can re-create Auschwitz

No respawns tho