Why are Germans so anti-children?
Why are Germans so anti-children?
Taking care of a screaming expensive incontinent basically shitty pet that has a 50/50 rate of paying and taking care of you in old age.
No thanks.
Mentally-ill, demoralised people do not reproduce and spread their weak genes. I believe this is a good thing.
I have an excellent university degree and so does my beautiful blond girlfriend. We plan to have ten children and raise them to become good National Socialists.
Al they are saying is that before you start having babies, you need to make sure that you can give them a comfortable life.
Would you rather have it like Detroit where everyone has babies they can't provide for?
There's 80 million Germans in Germany, nobody cares if 73 of them end their bloodline.
>shitty pet
wtf is wrong with germany?
They have 2 million unaccompanied ones to adopt.
Because they're intelligent.
Intelligent people realize that life is suffering and see no point in bringing another being into this world to suffer a meaningless existence.
So why do you not end your life right now?
The world is not a place for weaklings, those who are not willing to fight do not deserve to live.
as long as you are not a lazy fuck getting children is affordable in Germany. If the man ONLY works pathetic 20 hours per week and only gets minimum wage 8,50 Euro its 680 minus taxes and if the woman works 10 hours 340. 180 euro = children money
680+340= 1020-300 = 720 , 720+180 = 900, if the appartment costs 500 euros, you buy for 300 euro food, and 100 you buy day to day shit. Even if you are super poor you can have children.
They don't want to have kids only with fellow germans, once they see superior arab/slavic dick they just can't resist. Two millon rapes were (not) enough.
300 in my calc was for taxes but I have no clue how much poor people pay as tax
Look at what their country has turned into, how their culture dissapeared, this things end up breaking your nation and its people.
Electricity, water, heating, rundfunkgebühr, fuel, mietnebenkosten, blabla e.t.c.
I'm sure she'll change her mind once she finally gets to taste a big fat Muslim cock!
It's true that the common worker can no longer afford a child and who would want to raise a child in an apartment?
Our society simply does not allow it.
the person LITERALLY said why she doesn't want to have children, and it's a fair reason. if only niggers and arabs thought this way too, but nooo, gotta creampie that muslim pussy and get that sweet welfare money right?
Lol I can imagine how she changes her mind once she goes black. I wouldn't have kids with pathetic white bois either.
if you live in a middle sized city there is no way you could live with that little in Germany.
What exactly is wrong with these people deciding to abstain from having children because of their poor financial background?
I guess you could say that the problem is that certain population groups have multiple children regardless of their financial situation and feed off the general tax payer.. You know who im talking about..
Thus, the problem could be said to be the fact that --certain people--- decide to blatantly over produce and live beyond their means relying on social benefits while other people make the connection that feeding multiple children with goverment bucks does not produce optimal offspring..
The problem is that the bulk of population growth came from poor people. Now these poor people have access to contraception and are smart enough to use it. With no population growth our economies are beginning to fail.
Which is why these poor white people must be replaced with people who are too dumb to use contraception. Somalian and Muslims. Dumb but not too dumb to work.
Very interesting point
SJW's are opting out of having kids. How is this a bad thing?
It's funny tho cause irl most of the grills I know who don't want kids are white and/or subscribe to fascist or NatSoc ideology. You'd think the Nazis 'four or more' Lebensborn thing would have rubbed off on them but no. But most of them have shit eyes/hair anyway so no loss of Aryan genes.
I've noticed very few natural blonde/blue eyed people ever end up joining far right organizations. Probably bc they've been guilted about their looks their whole lives.
It's the majority of white people who are opting out. especially in germany.
We can't afford to be fucking picky when it comes to white genetics, hair colour is one of the most minor aspects of race.
You must remember that ethnic Germans have systematically been brainwashed to believe their own race deserves to die out.
They have been thought to hate themselves and their "rotten genes" since 1945.
This kind of European apathy, which becomes hot like fire and crudely imitates liveliness for a moment when it calls itself 'leftism', is just the hangover from the grip of a life-denying philosophy left lingering in the European subconscious by rogue elements of Christian philosophy. Now that it is aimless and undevoted to anything profound beyond this life, it both wants to die out for having outlived its usefulness, or to clamber on in denial, scratching away at the cracked, loosening cliff holds hopelessly, trying to work toward creating a material pseudo-divinity on Earth. Too bad it does not breed... in fact those that are possessed by this fading geist kill off their own offspring by the million.
>MFW kindergeld gives you everything you need to pay for your children
i'm not surprised that in my nation mudslimes are taking over, they make 10 children and have 2000 € and more on welfare for those little growing up terrorists
German people only get children, when they own a house, two cars and can afford to fly to holiday at least twice a year with the whole family. They do not care for society or their bloodline and they are ultimately selfish. And if they decide to reproduce, they get one child and that's it.
Foreigners get children and think "I'll somehow make this work". They do not plan shit beforehand and deal with the situation somehow.
in this times much of germans make a lot of money, they want to focus on jobs and career, that's why.
Childrens are for poor people, like the sand nigger that come here to keep the kindergeld (childrenmoney)
The Germans are a defeated cuck people. We use Frauke as a symbol because she's fairly cute and proof of how weak Germans are--they can't even find a man to lead their immigration restriction party (too busy out hunting for a Syrian buck to fuck their wives while they make espresso for post-coital snacking). I like Germans personally (maybe because I appreciate their childlike personalities) but they have decided to destroy their culture so I could not care less what happens to these autistic huns.
The best Germans came to America, I suppose the second best got blown to pieces in one of the European wars. What is left is a pathetic, unconfident, masochistic remainder who are now hostages in their own country while a psychotic bob-haired old woman destroys it with Teutonic precision. In 20 years "German" will stand for a caramel-hued subrace of socially maladroit morons, just as today "Italian" stands for greasy dagoes who gesticulate wildly and shoot each other at their criminal Shriner meetings (at least that's what it means in America).
But Germans can be thankful they are not Nordics, who are worse than them in every respect...the Finns are definitely not even human, probably the product of grey-abductee experimental mating.
you should clean your own mess Britbongistan