ok ignoring the fact that tony podesta is an obvious creep and pedophile
give me 1 shred of non-circumstantial evidence that pizzagate is a thing.
ok ignoring the fact that tony podesta is an obvious creep and pedophile
give me 1 shred of non-circumstantial evidence that pizzagate is a thing.
Other urls found in this thread:
Evidence is what you take to court after the investigation is over. Seriously, how is that a difficult concept to grasp?
You're a fag.
There is absolutely no evidence that pizzagate is a thing.
I think it's funny shills like Colbert try to use this to discredit Wikileaks though.
>we're investigating but we don't have evidence yet
that sounds about right t b h f a m
>tfw jew media starts making you attracted to fat women
Suspicion is what you start an investigation over.
Don't be obstinate.
>we have suspicions
did i ask for suspicions or did i ask for what evidence you have collected
Who cares?
You're not a judge and this isn't court.
Your thread is irrelevant.
>not evidence
Why not go there for a slice, then?
>implying the retards and schizophrenics know what "circumstantial" means
According to Wikileaks the emails of John Podesta have been completely wiped starting on the day Maddie Mccann was kidnapped and then going all the way back. Wikileaks says the first email that shows up is the day after Maddie was kidnapped.
Quite a coincidence, John Podesta at the very least generally matches the police sketch that Maddie's parents are pleading with anyone who has information to help them identify this person.
John Podesta's whereabouts on May 2nd have already been proven. We just need the next day on May 3rd 2007 when Maddie was kidnapped and then maybe we can close this chapter.
This is the same problem I'm having with the entirety of pizzagate. The globalist caste is into deep shady shit no doubt about that, but whenever an infograph or explanation is posted it's just a few random abduction articles with pieces of wikileaks emails plastered all over, and those pieces are either misrepresented and/or no attention is paid to the reply chain the email is part of. And everytime someone points out that there is no proof worth its weight atleast 3 people come out of the woodwork and shut the poster down ASAP. That police sketch of the madeline abductors is the best thing they have, but unless they can aquire proof that the podesta's where there at the time this is pure speculation.
That is circumstantial.
Faggot OP wants evidence that is ready for court right now.
Problem with that is that if we had that we'd already be in the taking them to court phase of things.
What you provided is reason enough to investigate the whole thing.
And that Podesta's emails were apparently wiped the day she was kidnapped. Those two things alone are worth determining his location on May 3rd not to mention all the other circumstantial evidence which yes can be critically important.
Technically police sketches aren't circumstantial
The problem is, Sup Forums is not the fucking FBI. There's enough coincidental "evidence" that its worth a real law enforcement department to at least just investigate it a bit with the powers they have. I think that's all anyone wants.
But that's not enough evidence for a case. We need more and it has to be undeniable since the system is apparently involved and will do everything it can to avoid facing justice.
enough circumstantial evidence can lead to a conviction.
Someone here was able to prove where John was on May 2nd so if it can just be proven the next day then to me he will be exonerated or if he was in Portugal then I assume he would officially be named a person of interest at bare minimum and banned from travel.
And the fact they discreetly changed it when called out on it. They could've said fuck you we have nothing to hide.
>enough circumstantial evidence can lead to a conviction
and such convictions are generally looked upon as unjust and more easily overturned than others; if your attorney couldn't defend you against a purely circumstantial case, then he was probably a mannequin, not an actual attorney
A quick search shows this
Don't really see a very good source.
If someone could contact the McCanns and verify we'd be able to figure out how reliable this info is.
Also, if anyone does contact them, DON'T BE A FUCKING SPERG, the topic will be very sensitive to them.
>op: don't use circumstantial evidence
>pizzagatefags proceed to post symbology and dates
you guys wanna have a second shot at proving you're not retarded?
Yeah I already saw that and it just seems like clickbait although a good read. May 2nd is literally proven where he was. That's the kind of stuff we need for the day after. "An fib insider told is so" is about as completely removed as it gets from the literal proof of May 2nd
And I already contacted the McCann investigation last week about all this.
Of course there isn't direct evidence.
The evidence in this 'case' is weak because even the circumstantial evidence is extremely tenuous, but you don't need direct evidence to convict if circumstantial evidence paints a picture beyond a reasonable doubt.
It's their private investigator and stuff. I'm pretty sure the parents arent fielding what the website describes as a large volume of emails.
I started believing pizzagate was real after a photo of those two women who were rescued from NK were with a child in John Podestas emails. Bill Clinton had never been to NK before and the fact that he went unannounced on such short notice is enough to prove something is there. What did North Korea know about those two women that made Bill Clinton travel there so quickly?
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
>you don't have absolute proof right now so absolute proof doesn't exist
>you need absolute proof to investigate
>the vast number of coincidences you have uncovered to date in no way suggest anything shady
I wouldn't be so quick to fling shit if I were you.
>you don't need direct evidence to convict if circumstantial evidence paints a picture beyond a reasonable doubt.
Which this is "evidence" is not doing. Everything here looks like fake evidence made up and/or misrepresented by idiots.
Who is this semen demon?
>muh charts
>muh coincidences
>muh symbology
I wouldn't be so quick to be a retard if I were you
>Who is this semen demon?
Fucking answer to him!
Take notes class: see how ignores the first two points and immediately moves to discredit the third (the perceived weak point) with liberal application of the diminutive "muh" as shorthand for an actual argument? This is the mark of the shill.
Its all because people are autists and dont understand that playing something on something is not literal. I know autists have a hard time to understand a figure of speech.
Its like saying "I played the drums on weed". It does not mean that the drums were on top of weeds and he played them, it means he took some weed and played the drums.
In this case playing dominoes on pizza and pasta does not mean literally on top of pizza and pasta, but after you eat a bunch of either pizza or pasta, and in the mails these people are joking as if these foods had any influence of how well one would perform at the game of dominoes.
Seriously the whole linchpin of this "investigation" is leaning on the fact that autists take everything literally, unless ofc it suites them.
The ring in that video is just a fucking spiral. It doesn't look anything like that LBL logo and it doesn't even spiral in the same direction. Is this really the kind of "evidence" you fags are pooping your shit about?
>this isn't court.
this is what they call the court of public opinion, where facts don't matter, tread carefully
lol, america pls.
attitudes like yours are why your country is fucked and run by jews that you refuse to see.
[spoiler]this is why no-one like you or your country[/spoiler]
Hear hear! We demand curves!
>But that's not enough evidence for a case.
for podesta catching him in his car banging a little girl with leaked web video isn't enough to prosecute, whats your point?
you guys should just do graffiti in places where you make a cartoon podesta banging kids and just paint his name on there like Pedosta bangs children
thats what they did in Roman times when they had to deal with this shit
just laugh at them until they go crazy and kill themselves is the only thing you can do
i have evidence for these faggot pizzagate autists.
its at the end of my 12 guage why dont they come take a look
To be fair if you accidentally added a pedo logo to your product you'd be in a rush to change it after you found out.
On saying that, it certainly doesn't look accidental.
Go to bed Robert Morrow.
Right now, let's play "degrees of separation" on google with convicted pedos.
John Podesta
Hey,whaadya know....
Here ,I'll give you your first name:
fuck you for posting before you even do a basic fucking search you shitheel.
Now fuck outta here while adults are working.
Also, pizzagate is an autism fest.
>knowing someone makes you a criminal
this whole thread has convinced me that pizzagate retards are in need of purging
Heavy Titties remind me of my babysitter that use to make me suck her heavy Titties and fist her thangey when I was five. No wonder I troll poll. Once another babysitter what'd me to kiss her cheek. I kissed her on the mouth and slipped her tongue and grabbed her vajayjay. She didn't tell on me either. When I was twelve our neighbor was prolly 32 and married to the police chief. She would come over and always had a reason to check on me as I slept late. I heard her coming one morning and had one if those grown men bones going so I slipped the sheet back acting like I was asleep and exposed my rod. She actually sat on the bed and grabbed me very softly and just buried her mouth almost to my sack. In 10 seconds i went supernova and she didn't even flinch. Every drop plus some. When she left she said very softly "i know you're awake". From then on almost every day she came over when Mom went to work for a while summer.
Damn I love women and their deepest secrets.
>650,00 fucking emails we don't have access to.
>and were just submitted to the FBI who is forcibly doing a shit job thanks to (((Clintons))) weight. Comey being watched like a hawk by shillaary
>a city that almost none of us live in and few live near
>expecting us to give up
>post "pseudo-porn" to derail/slide bad-goy thread.
This is Shilling 101, Anons. More evidence that Sup Forums has been subverted.
Stay woke, niggas.
lol, I thought that was an abepost by the thumbnail. Based Geert
You know no one will present you with evidence OP. We've just got a large number of autistic wanna be Sherlock Holmes here that are putting the cart before the horse using everything odd thing they find to pathetically stitch together their theory
I like to imagine there's PI out there who's going True Detective mode right now. He eventually finds the irrefutable evidence that can't be ignored...and then he gets shot in the back of the head.
You only think ur dry.
I actually know her!!!!
Moar and sauce you harpy faggot
Tayrine Seifert
Do you? Name?
A lot of questions came up from the leaked Podesta emails and from Alefantis' own posts on social media. For instance, people would like answers to questions like:
1.) What is a pizza-related map on a handkerchief?
2.) What was meant by #chickenlovers?
3.) Why does Alefantis post so many pictures of children...children with no relation to him?
4.) Why are there no emails dating before May 4th, 2007: the day after McCann disappeared?
4a.) Why was John Podesta not at work that day?
4b.) Was John in the town McCann was taken from? (We know he frequents the town.)
4c.) Why do the police sketches of McCann's abductor look strikingly like Podesta?
If there WERE non-circumstantial evidence, then there WOULD CURRENTLY be trial. It's like people are saying that in order to have law enforcement look into something, there has to FIRST be enough evidence to convict. When there are enough circumstances leading people to ask these kinds of questions, it warrants ACTUAL law enforcement officials to take a closer look.
Shill's Thread.
You investigate in order to find evidence.
Looks shopped
Horse steroids?
I'm thankful to these shills for sharing images of these ultra-hot women in an attempt to distract people, but I hope it doesn't stop any of you wannabe Rust motherfuckers. If even a fourth of it is true it's worth the effort.
Mexican Lust is the website, imagefap it.
I saw this grill at PetSmart yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
If the owners discovered it but they weren't. They were accused. I understand your point and these circumstances can indicate either way but it's a stronger indication of guilt. However the irrefutable fact is that pizzagate has made progress to force this pizza cabal to abandon pedophilia recruitment tools whether they were accidental or not.
>4a.) Why was John Podesta not at work that day?
Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scramble
Power, Pedophilia and the US Government
I was reading this as it got started. I'm convinced its a con to keep motivated people from digging up real shit in the Podesta leaks. The entire time its been complete innuendo and circumstantial bullshit. Its been literally nothing the entire fucking time. I really wish you autists would drop this and start really looking at the DNC stuff