What's wrong with communism?
What's wrong with communism?
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It's like the aids you got last night.
same with Democracy
no food but cabbage
internationalist by design.
ethnic identity is last, against class hierarchies
It literally cannot work
Retards who follow it listen to the words of a man who never worked a day in his life
It's inefficient.
I spent a lot of time and effort getting through college to get a job that pays quite well.
It pays quite well because the hospital need's me to work nights and weekends and be educated.
If Im paid the same as everyone else I won't study and I won't work nights and weekends.
Oh it's good that there will be a job for someone else to work nights and weekends if I won't you say? Well now you are training twice as many people and paying twice as much for the work instead of training one person and paying 1.5 times as much. They also don't give a shot about their studies because the pay sucks and they are paid either way.
All is ok. But it is utopia
Ideology has no place in Democracy.
Ideology serves to destroy Democracy.
It assumes the State can be the answer to all problems. Human history reveals otherwise.
*raises paw*
Nothing, except it hasn't been tried yet
None of the proponents are as fuckable as the ones in OP's pic.
Fails every single time
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum.
what's the point of going to work if i'm gonna get the FAIR SHARE as everyone else ?
>hur hur that not how it work
what's the point of doing a high skill job or a stressed job if i can get the same payement for flipping burgers ?
communism kills competition therefore human nature , there is no pointin inventing if i'm not gonna profit from it
You are fucked up if you think people is equal.
Former psuedo commie teenager here. I would dismiss this with something to the effect of "its not about the money". Wow. I was fucking retarded.
Because individuals advance Humanity not societies. And individuals are more effective when they are free to pursue their ambitions.
Individuality and Freedom to be yourself cause friction in societies, friction which communism can't tolerate otherwise the illusion their populace is under shatters.
It doesnt work like as an economic system n shiiet
>civilians executed by nazis
Or not.
Anyway, that was Germans who came with war. So any attempts to justify German atrocities commited in the occupied terrirories seem a bit pathetic and ridiculous.
A terrible idea on paper that manages to be even worse when people try to implement it.
Communism makes anime not real
Masters in economics here.
Nothing is wrong with communism, don't listen to the idiots who are saying "JEWS" they have no idea what they are talking about.
a national socialist and communist means of production is 10 times better for a nation in the long run than neoliberal capitalism.
communism is inevitable
Lenin was dead when Stalin sent a man with an axe to send the other kike to Abraham's bosom.
Translate poster pls
>communism doesn't even work in theory!
lol polish subhuman retard, read a fucking book
>a national socialist and communist means of production is 10 times better for a nation in the long run than neoliberal capitalism.
Any studies about that?
My economics teacher was some old german guy that literally makes millions, and he called communism garbage :^)
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum.
Nothing. It's great. In the future the whole world will be full of communes. People will just naturally opt into it out of disgust for the capitalist class for destroying the environment and communities.
according to the old russian ladies that live near me " you fight for freedom you fight for family -- you never fight for communism, communism makes you fight. "
Also they can drink hard and feed me soup
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum.
Just look at all the successful national socialist and communist countries in the world tod...
Oh. There aren't any. Really makes your spurs go jingle jangle jingle.
It could use better anime propaganda
Like a book written by a dude who didn't work a day in his life?
And I didn't even claim that it doesn't work even in theory, I just said that it's a terrible idea even in theory. And that's because regardless of it working or not, it's just one of the most unfair systems you can think of.
And that's not even counting what happens when people try to implement it, but a retard like you wouldn't understand it.
t. citizen of a country that lost a few decades of economic growth due to commies
Point to any successful communist nation.
i cringe with the thought of the younger me "if a person wanted to save lives he would be a doctor for free" kek. But then again i was once a baby sat in my own shit so. We learn and grow user.
economies without a free market system (neoliberalism), but with strong government control, tight regulations and high taxes for the rich had the largest growth rates: US 1936-1975, Japan and Germany after the war, and currently China. Don't forget heavy government investments in new technologies, especially in the defense sector. There would not be microchips, automation or the Internet without it today.
Heck without the New Deal (socialism) there would not even be a USA most likely.
Free market economy = monopoly capitalism, economic stagnation with poverty for the masses, and riches for the few, and lots of bubbles that necessitate government intervention by bought politicians.
marx was an economist, labor unionizer, and a bunch of other shit. the fact you think the argument "HE DIDN'T HAVE A JOB FETCHING PAPERS, HOW COULD HE WRITE ABOUT THE ECONOMY" is a fucking smart thing to say you need to shoot yourself in the head.
workers owning the means of production to stop the globalist capitalist jew exploiter class from hoarding all the jew gold is not a "terrible idea" you fucking idiot
An excuse for lazy cunts and failures in life to feel better and important about themselves. Pretty obvious since it is written by the laziest NEET who simply try to use sophism so people will continue to sponsor his luxurious lifestyle after his rich friend died.
Which is why most of its fans are failures, society rejects and nervous college students scared about future job prospects.
Animal farm by George Orwell is a good one.
Whats up with this autists spamming this board with the "le gommunism is kewl" meme recently?
Is western education really so retarded that they believe it or this is just fun-posting?
lol what is wrong with having a stateless society controlled by the working class?
Its impossible
>you obviously don't know what happens when countries try to be marxist... DIDN'T U KNO 100 BILLION TRILLION DIED!!!
fuckoff middle schooler, go give me some holocaust numbers while you are at it you illiterate jew fuck
The fact that it's based on moral philosophy instead of scientific facts,
but then again neither is capitalism.
The problem is actually far deeper than communism or capitalism it's the Market Economy itself.
The real means of production are humans.
helicopter rides are to merciful for communist scum.
Requires the deaths of millions to "cleanse" society of non-commies
government takes control of everything, thus monopolizing every industry
now if a business fails, which will be more common due to central control being awful, all the people will suffer greatly because there are no other businesses to take its place
tl;dr central planning is shit and kills a ton of people while achieving nothing worthwhile in comparison
>this work of fiction by a full blown socialist is "theory"
lol, its seriously blowing you idiots out.
mark my words: communism is inevitable, you will see soon. capitalism is in decay and america is devolving into what will essentially be india in 20 years.
you might not know now but you will be forced to know soon
you see that sharia is in first my friend that means you need to convert.
>muh state capitalist country that relied entirely on oil profits to feed people suddenly got trade blocked and cucked by obama fracking...
as if in venezuala the workers owned the means of production. thats literally like me saying "AFRICA, INDIA, ALL OF SOUTH AMERICA IS PROOF CAPITALISM IS SHIT"
blaming socialism on venezualas failure is like blaming jesus for the inquisition
the picture is absolute cringe autism
Your right desu there were no gulags or holocausts in the fiction version.
It was meant for Germany but got picked up by Russia
I never mentioned anything about people dying (which happened, but that's another story). You need to work on your reading comprehension, dumb burger.
you do realize most economists like ayn raynd and milton freeman haven't worked a day in their lives?
according to you the richer someone is the more he knows about economic theory?
how about you actually learn about marx before spewing stupid bullshit
Really? I think it's pretty cute
No sufficient coordination system exists which can replace the market's role in determining what gets produced and where.
any more pictures of Trotsky-chan?
>look at how rich these imperialist european NOT AT WAR WITH USA countries are compared to soviet russia!
if it wasn't for communism russia would have ended up worse than mexico and india combined. communism its taken shithole third world countries that were never imperialist/never stole resources like russia and china and made them super powers/space faring. brought the most people out of poverty ever IN HUMAN HISTORY. you are stuck on cold war propoganda about how free market capitalism is amazing when the truth is that its a system that is destroying itself, workers in america are working twice as hard as they did 30 years ago while wages are even lower even though technology has sky rocketed.
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum
>state capitalism
thats what socialism means, and it is shit
>What's wrong with communism?
do they not have private property?
no thats what social democracy means.
You are a clueless monkey faggot who didn't pay attention in political science
A left version of Sup Forums and Reddit raids
>work of fiction
private property =/= personal property.
personal property is all your shit (video games, car, house, toothbrush) that is allowed in marxism. PRIVATE PROPERTY (like air, a steel factory, the means of production) is not.
trust me, marxism makes perfect sense. and communism is inevitable. i study this shit way too much and as much as i would prefer to stay rich as fuck and living off my family fortune i know that within the next 30-40 years all of you will be forced to know what communism is.
how do you stop voluntary heirarchies under your perfect wikipedia brand of socialism
It doesn't work.
Just like the people pushing it.
Poltard's got you there m8's
>trust me, marxism makes perfect sense.
I don't trust you
>communism is inevitable
fucking animal farm? are you some kind of an idiot? a childrens book is not theory and not a credible argument against workers owning the means of production. honestly being on here feels like i'm in fucking middle school.
as i've said before, communism is inevitable
>Another thread by the faggots from /leftpol/
Man your site must really be dead if you gotta come here and shitpost
helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum
i don't care if some hick irishmen british bootlicker who has never opened a book in his life trusts me or not
we will enter a stage of fully automated luxury communism someday whether you like it or not. Where machines and high technology do all the jobs for the people. not a world where the better the technology the poorer the masses become. definitely not a world where mcdonalds using robots is seen as a bad thing because "we'd lose jobs"
Well, ok. But what can you recommend to read about the role of the government in the economy? Esp. I'm intrested in recent studies.
But your ideology is nothing more then the subject of a silly childs book. Dont think for a second i take communist seriously.
You do realize ayn Rand wasn't an economist and Milton Friedman held many jobs from professorship to being a public economic advisor?
You prob read the back of Das Kapital and think you're well versed in Marxism now.
>i don't care if some hick irishmen british bootlicker who has never opened a book in his life trusts me or not
But I did. That's why I know you're wrong.
It is so spectacularly unsuccessful that it's proponents have to fall back on claiming, "Well, yeah, all the times it was tried it didn't work because it wasn't done properly. THAT wasn't real communism you see. But next time, it'll work for sure; we know this because of reasons."
>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS
>Trump Rally in Fayetteville, NV 12/6/16
>Pence Rally in New Orleans LA 12/3/16
>Trump on F&F 12/2/16
>Trump/Pence on Hannity 12/1/16
>Trump Rally in Cincinnati OH 12/1/16
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>A Message from President Elect Trump 11/21/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Pence emotional return to Indiana 11/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 11/7/16 THE FINAL RALLY
>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Just The Two Of Us
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>Election 2016
>Clinton landslide
>SJW Meltdowns 1
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>fucking animal farm? are you some kind of an idiot?
youtube: richard wolff
Apart from all of the stuff already mentioned, I don't know why this damn ideology only attracts egomaniac psychopath schizophrenic scum.
Maybe Marx was really a genius after all and created some stories to help (((the globalists))) identify the easily controllable goyim.
>we will enter a stage of fully automated luxury communism someday whether you like it or not.
What about all the jobs that can't yet be automated?