Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree this is the precise moment Hillary lost the election?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree this is the precise moment Hillary lost the election?
Nope, the precise moment she lost the election was the first time she attempted to Stump the Trump.
I think the basket of deplorable comment was the exact moment. She lost because people got sick of the holier than thou lecturing and telling people who to vote for, and the basket of deplorable moment was the culmination of that where even the normies were pissed off
I would put the fainting episode up there.
In my opinion, it was when Comey sent the letter to Congress that the Weiner e-mails caused him to re-open the case. I think that's when it dawned on a lot of people that, fuck, if we elect this bitch the scandals are just never going to go away.
Only rural/suburban retards voted for Trump.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>unlikeable by everyone
>had to pay actors and celebrities to """like""" her
She lost before she ran.
Wherever I go, I must also leaf-post.
and glorious fedora-wearing gentlemen voted for trudeau. how is that working out for you? do you realize the leader of your country is a laughging stock of the world? meanwhile while the media is trying to shit on trump, behind the scenes everyone is kissing his ass, while chinese are screeching autistically in the corner.
I second this. I was not on board with Trump until then, he had too much baggage for me. It was when Clinton started talking like a "redditor losing an argument" that the thought of someone who falls back on that kind of rhetoric getting into the white house pissed me off so much I decided I had to MAGA.
This. she tried to backtrack so fast too,
that was the finisher. The deplorables comment.
The emails were the eye opener's though. For all the people who were smart enough to give a fuck and read.
Where would the city people get their food if the rural retards left the country?
She lost because she started out with "muh first woman president," did nothing but bash Trump and his supporters throughout the campaign, and ended with "muh glass ceiling."
She thought that celebrity endorsements and being a woman would be enough. Not once did she ever really care to look at why people don't like her, and not once did the Democrats ever think about what woman to have be the first real chance to be president rather than bullshit like "It's her turn."
She spent over 1.3 BILLION on her campaign, had the entire mainstream media backing her and whitewashing her investigation, and demonized anyone who supported Trump.
>The monster vote was real
>The polls were all a farce with oversampling
>Bernie was controlled opposition the entire time
Can't open an open pickle jar didn't help but collapsing on 9/11 sealed it. Subconsciously there's a fear of weakness about 9/11 and when the granny running for president collapses because of warm weather and not enough gin (particularly after questions about her health ) it cuts deep.
Fake, just like all her emotions.
I don't know if you can point to just one thing
Her campaign fell apart piece by piece
Came here just to say this. The leaf nailed it.
Wikileaks. They have reached surprising number of people. The google trend comparison against the pussygate is telling and yet you still had retards in denial saying he is finished and no one cares about the emails. The establishment's denial of the power of the internet in general has ruined them.
>An oldie, but a goodie
Good times user; good times.
There we go
The Halloween Wikileaks release where this CNN bitch was feeding Hillary the debate questions. This was the smoking gun that made all the Berniefags stay home on election day.
>b-but it was a simple question that she would have been already prepared for
That makes it even worse. They all knew she was an incompetent idiot and would flop on even the simplest of questions unless she was spoonfed the answers.
She lost the moment she declared pepe a hate symbol
They wouldn't know what to do. Liberal millenials in the city are so fucking averse to getting their hands dirty, they are completely inept at things like DIY, cooking, auto repair.
Apart from your hipster bullshit "artisanal" shop, most of them are absolutely clueless consumers that have no idea about the means of production, or the amount of work it takes to get the food from their favorite Thai/Afghan vegan fusion food truck.
Good thing is that should the shit ever really hit the fan, they'd be the first to die out since they have no survival skills and can't handle a firearm.
this same leaf in every thread
>tfw you successfully hedge your bets.
No one cared. Most Hilltards and Anti-Trumpers agreed with that statement already.
I asked the womenfolk in family if they voted for her and not a single one did. Not all went for trump, some 3rd party, but to a woman they all said that the whole "It's Her turn" really bothered them. My sis explained it as "I know it's probably never going to be my turn because my husband isn't president so why should I care if it's her turn?"
>her campaign
What campaign?
You couldn't as a casual observer really pinpoint anything she was FOR.
In the end you have to give people somthing to define yourselfamd not just 'im not the other guy'
Well considering she only lost by a small amount, any misstep could be argued as the one that did her in.
My personal belief is her penchant for lying or ignoring media and instead having controlled media events, zero press conferences, and a lazy campaign schedule. Those weaknesses got exposed when she claimed health scares were just conspiracy theories and then collapsing in daylight a few days later, followed by brushing aside that there was any issue at all.
Another major role was the Bernie bros getting burned (even though they still would have lost if there was no bias towards Hillary) and causing a ruckus in the Democratic Party that was much worse than any "nevertrump" meme.
And lastly, major polls seriously assumed that Hillary would get Obama-like voting turnouts because they corrected their sampling with demographic turnouts, but everyone on Sup Forums knew that would not happen
>people saying wikileaks/emails
How many people do you know actually combed through the wikileaks? The emails were damning but normalfags didn't read them.
She must have lost for some other reason.
You know that isn't far off wrong...
No this was the a act time and reason. The day she faced Master Gowdy.
Why hasn't Trump appointed Trey?
Trey Gowdy is an American Bulldog.
She lost when she called blacks super predators.
I'm so happy Trump won.
I forgot why this bitch was so dangerous since she's irrelevant now.
The email scandel and the basket of deplorables comment is what sank her. If wasn't for those 2 things, she very well could of won. Its funny, Hillary becoming secetary of state is the reason she lost. She would of never made that private email server if she stayed a senator.
about a week after picklegate. pic related
are you peter schiff
She was a terrible candidate even without the basket of deplorables comment, FBI investigation, and ill health. Those three things definitely did a lot of harm to her, though.
Also ever since Obama came in to office its like every thing became about "diversity". What ever happened to hiring people best suited for the position? Before we knew it was a thing with affirmative action but it was always hush hush hiring people just because of gender/race.
Lately however people openly admit to hiring less suited people BECAUSE of gender/race, yet they don't see the racist implications and major news networks brag about it while lambasting others for lacking diversity.
You can't possibly be this stupid... the jar, it didn't pop. Do you get it now? Jar didn't pop, therefore the whole thing was fake. Holy shit, you're dense... I mean even for Sup Forums and the internet in general, holy fuck dude. A fucking jar is not that complex.
pickles are vacuum sealed. when she opened it, it just smoothly spun open with no pop. it was pre-opened for her weak hands.
Independents are who decide elections though, and comments like that are what swung independents
Hes likely Reddit refugee.
I didn't know about this picklegate until now. I thought I couldn't hate the Clinton campaign even more.
Good list of why she lost. These are the moments when her campaign started to really feel like a shadow on a cave wall. Trump's was organic and visceral. Hillary sounded like Buzzfeed trying to describe Sup Forums.
Rare flag gets it, "deplorables" was the finisher to the combo started by the emails.
right... nobody cared, that's why she won
kys plz
The precise moment she lost the election was when horn dog bill, met with lynch and had a wink, wink, nod, nod, nothing to see here folks, meeting.
That and when comey said "I am a career FBI interrogator/investigator and she did nothing wrong". Erryone in the world knew that if a serviceman or servicewoman put one classified document on a private pc they would go straight to Leavenworth Prison.
That was the day she lost errything.
Can someone explain to my retarded nigger ass why they slap on "gate" at the end of stuff?
>City people all voted for Hillary.
you mean welfare nigra's?
is that what they're telling you in the great white north?
I think was when she collapsed at the 9-11 memorial, and all the subsequent lying afterward was the peak of her campaign, it was all decline after that.
First she said she didn't collapse, then the video came out, then it was dehydration, then it was pneumonia, then she was perfectly fine later that day out in front of her daughter's apartment with tat cheesy photo-op, then it was a special kind of pneumonia that makes you collapse, isn't contagious, and are completely free of a few hours later.
That's when most people finally realized she's a pathological liar. She couldn't blame it on a vast right wing conspiracy to discredit her, or clever editing, or news media bias. It was all on display for everyone to see and she couldn't cover it up.
I'm pretty sure it was this
>american wit and creativity
Watergate was a big scandal, so things ending with gate are associated with being scandals.
don't know, the oldest one I remember is watergate, probably because of that one
Let's not forget when she started calling out pepe and the alt right either
this goes with OPs pic
>be hillary
>have rumors about failing health spreading all over the internet
>fucking clearly not a trump shill dr. drew weighs in
>says your health and health care is of grave concern
>you want to respond to the rumors
>you go on late night comedy jew
>you sit awkward as fuck in normal cushioned chair because you cant stand up on your own if you sit normally
>literally your ass is on the edge of the chair and you are leaning back like it's a recliner
>you remind yourself to smile
>tell late night comedy jew you are in tip top health
>TIP TOP you repeat multiple times in an accidental spasm
>you smile and play it off as a joke
>this is a late night comedy jew after all :^)
>pretending to be human every once in a while actually feels good
>you tell comedy jew that rumors about your failing health are nothing but crazy conspiracy theories
>as the audience is laughing about how wacky the conspiracy theorists are you have surreptitiously depressed a button behind your ear
>the exoskeleton hidden underneath your pantsuit raises you out of the recline position for your big stunt
>opening the jar of pickles
>to shame the conspiracy theorists with mockery
>this should shut them up
>nobody will suspect a thing
>nobody will think for a second that your team has installed a trick pickle jar to insure against national embarrassment
>you happily wrench at the pickle jar and make humanoid-like facial signals indicating muscle strain
>lid pops off like a charm
>you laugh
>you laugh because you have rused them all
>you cant stop laughing, actually
>you see no need to stop yourself from laughing
>this is the late nite comedy jew after all
>can we all agree this is the precise moment Hillary lost the election?
Because the media always likes to demonize Republicans and one of the most underrated presidents in history. Also due to their complete lack of originality to come up with anything new and pithy.
What Killary did while she was Secretary of State is exponentially worse than what transpired at the Watergate Hotel in 1972.
Real talk Sup Forums, pic related was when it was certain.
Winning that first toss-up state pretty much sealed the deal and the rest fell like dominoes.
Up until then it was all Hillary the candidate of inevitability and Donald was going to be a footnote in history, blah blah blah.
No one mainstream had a clue how complacent the dem base was and how deep the average American was hurting in all of this until then.
Even if not much comes out of this, the schadenfreude and (((CNN))) tears were delicious that nite.
very few people know anything about auto repair
And anyway, sounds like you're projecting a bit there friend
>Mfw people don't understand confidential information aggregation and classifications because of it
Even fairly small things become classified when enough information is all together. I can't fathom how people don't get that if it was ANYONE in the military that did a small fraction of what she did, they would be sewing like a Chinese 8 year old during their free time in Leavenworth. The fact that they brushed it off and she hasn't gotten a conviction yet is proof that the system is fucked.
i'll just leave this here
Most auto repair is impossible anyway. Only old cars arent a bitch and a half to work on, and they didn't need proprietary faggot tools or parts.
Reference to Watergate. Look, just be glad we're sticking with it instead of slapping the suffix -ghazi on the end of all scandals; it looked like that was gonna be a thing for a minute there and my God it would have been so much worse.
Kek for the effort.
Not really, but when I know people that don't even know how to change their windshield wiper blades and take it to a mechanic or the dealership, it's pretty pathetic.
I'm not saying shit like engine-out servicing or rebuilding a transmission, just simple quick-fix things like bulbs, or even the lack of knowledge on how to change a tire.
Because Nixon had a big scandal involving the Watergate hotel. The media here is retarded, so now every subsequent scandal has -gate after it.
More like Ohio or PA. Trump had to win Florida but Hillary did not.
I liked it
When her last name was Clinton.
Fuck political dynasties
>I think the basket of deplorable comment was the exact moment.
This. She really fucked up when she let it slip that that she deeply loathed a quarter of the voting population. Even Trump never fucked up that badly, and he just says whatever popped into his head.
>mfw want to save a new flag
>already have it
>realize the ISO code for Cayman Islands is KY
>as in "kill yourself" or KY sexual lubricant
Hey I bought my watch there when we took a cruise in the Caribbean a few years back, does that count for anything?
I live in a major liberal city and I voted for Trump in both the primary and general election. I knew my state would go blue as it always does but still did my part. I also know several mexicans and other minorities who are here legally that also voted Trump. Basically anyone with a job and who pays taxes voted for Trump, rural and big city types alike
My point is not about the mathematical certainty of Trump winning.
It's the the realization that came with that first major victory.
Everyone knew Trump was going to win the always Red states, like Kentucky and Utah.
It's Florida. It's that 4.5 million people decided to vote for Trump, a billionaire that ostensibly has nothing to do with them, and has been predetermined by every kind of mainstream force to be the villain against their interests.
That was the big reveal. All the widespread illusions and self-righteous echo-chambers had no answer for that first dose of reality. Only then people realized how they were lied to and how entrenched they were in bubbles of their own creation.
I also loved the 50 points ahead rant
No. Nobody living in a city voted for Trump.
I would tell you to kill yourself you leaf but your meme nation is already collectively doing that on its own.
Shit you weren't kidding. Trump really is Teflon. Pussygate deflated after one week. Wikileaks was an order of magnitude more searched the entire last month.
She had so few media events and public appearances because she's toxic and unlikable. Stephanopolous and Carville knew this from focus groups in the '90s. They were purposefully hiding her because she had none of Bill's charisma.
>Pussygate deflated after one week.
Because most women know how men talk and read 50 Shades and watch rough porn. Only fat dykes who've never enjoyed sex gave a fuck.
Holy shit that's fucking hilarious.
The emails undermined confidence in her and invited speculation. It wasn't so much that she undermined national security with an insecure server, but that she was avoiding transparency requirements.
What was she hiding? Clinton Foundation bribery and corruption? Murdering witnesses? A Satanic child sex ring? It's highly likely she was at least hiding some bribery.
They tried to do the same thing with Trump's tax returns. "What is he hiding in his tax returns?" It turned out to be relatively small things. He lost money. He didn't pay any taxes. He had used some legally dubious methods to evade taxes.
But once the NYT reported on Trump's tax returns, Hillary lost her talking point. No more speculation about organized crime or Russian business dealings.
The emails and Wikileaks were death by a thousand cuts. There was no big implosion like with Trump's taxes. They were always out there, undermining trust in Hillary.
No, it was when enough people went online to read what the shillstream media wouldn't tell them
It was when she dabbed
alienated white people AND black people
only pre-teen white males think dabbing is funny and they are basically Trump's backbone
A mom trying to do dad jokes is just pathetic
When you have a PM who is prettier than a girl, and likes to suck dicks, you might be...