Are you ready to defend yourselves Americucks? Your precious Drumpf is going to be impeached the day after he is inauguated lmao
facebook com/events/2169332969958991/?active_tab=discussion
Are you ready to defend yourselves Americucks? Your precious Drumpf is going to be impeached the day after he is inauguated lmao
facebook com/events/2169332969958991/?active_tab=discussion
Do you have any idea how many "million _____ marches". Have been declared over the years?
Not a single one ever amounted to shit
That is a lot of pussy to grab.
not a single one ever even hit 1 million either.
How large was the MLK rally?
But this time it's different because we know Soros will just pay a bunch antifa faggots and niggers to start shit
He can handle it
I remember the last one not long ago with beyonze and jayz in attendance. They achieved... mmm... nothing
Cry all you want, this march is ALL INCLUSIVE. Just look at the muslim (?), white (?) and nigger (!) leading this march.
It`s pretty much over for Trump at this point. You can tell by the discussions on the facebook event page that they are more than prepared for what is to come
This. Why is antifa bullshit so popular all of a sudden? It's literally all I see on my twitter and facebook, people wanting to kill fascists. It's disgusting. Horseshoe theory is too true.
Maybe they could stop for some pizza and ping pong while they're in the neighborhood.
>all that white skin
Muh diversity
>Million Woman March
not after the military imposes equal standards for females :^)
Do not make the mistake of ignoring them. Crush them beneath your heel before they take root.
>implying the majority of those hams can even walk
doesn't even have 1/5 of a million, this is so low energy im surprised it wasn't organized by jeb
you should really go around and start fire bombing these commies friendo
Who bothers you the most?
I think most people would say the second jewess on the right.
That's the definition of shit-eating grin.
for all my federal friends it's just a prank
Easy to prevent - just announce a sale.
seriously underrated
Deport them all problem solved.
That is the only one that ever did and it was fucking 50 years ago
So #woke
What are they gonna do, bitch at him?
300lb blue-haired dykes...marching in January. Never happen.
>Soros will just pay a bunch antifa faggots and niggers to start shit
like he hasn't been doing the same since the 1960s?
>"...more than prepared for what's to come."
You can not impeach the president unless he has done a crime.
These hambones marching will accomplish nothing.
We need to meme this as a "Fellatio Festival"
Women, do you love nothing more than giving a sloppy BJ?
Top kek these bitches are cray
1mil=5 lesbians and a blue haired tranny.
Do they seriously think Trump is a rapist rather than just sexually aggressive and confident?
Sexual assault is a crime.
Now I'm just can we get as many ficki ficki's there as possible?
You can basically bank that women there wouldn't be anything a proper man would desire anyway.
idk man. Our media reported that shit as "Trump admitted to sexually assaulting a woman" so i think a lot of people literally do.
Haha, oh wow
There was that fight in Sacremento where Antifa fags brought knives only to get stabbed themselves.
Reminder that impeachment has to be for a crime performed in office.
Don't listen to this jap shill
Antifa don't come to countries where the citizenry still retains the right to defend themselves. Antifa can flourish in Europe because it's against the law to protect yourself against any of the State-sanctioned brownshirt antifa thugs attacking you.
But the little fascist faggots would get shot if they did that shit against armed and perpetually angry American people. I mean, shit, there was a story out of Commiefornia or wherever where 100 of them tried to attack a (legally permitted, recognized and authorized) neonazi rally with only like 10 skinheads showed up to? The skinheads took the antifa thug attacker's own knives and knifed 'em back and stomped the cockroaches until they scattered and called the police to shut the brawl down. Because nothing says "anti-fascist" like calling in a bunch of fascist pig cops as your back-up.
Kek. Is there any footage of this?
Tmw the don cleanses the gene pool with a 50 cal. from all the unsavoury women attending the March. WE ARE WINNING TOO MUCH HELP!!!
Top bants
That's a lot of empty kitchens
This seems more like crimethink.
If it was organized by yeb i'd have half a mind to join in for the fun and /guac/
Just get a megaphone and call them all fat and they'll break down in tears incapable of moving.
More like that's a lot of unfed cats, ice cream in the freezer, and unwatched netflix accounts.
I am your god now
how do we make money off of this?
some starbucks along the way is going to be very, very happy
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure a lot of these females also have headmates, multiple systems, split personalities and some other tumblr mental diseases involving imaginary people. That will complete the 1 millon.
Ho Lee Fuk
Most of them will be feminists so it's not like they can really do much. Just spray them with water cannons and they'll all run crying. Wait I mean slowly walk away at a moderate pace crying.
He's got yuge hands.
Are you faggots gonna be buying your pussy hats for the march?
Seriously, get in there and start making those butthurt Liberials feel like the pieces of shit they are.
Fuck I wish I was in Murrica right now just to go and help trigger the fuck out of those retards.
Gofund a movement to impeach him. *Some funds may be used for death camps*
Oh, dont you worry, as Bill points out he`s only one step away from being impeached, whether he commits a crime or not!
Glad you're feeling better, Bangladesh
Hopefully someone tells them cotton is oppressive for the black minorities and synthetic fabric factories exploits female asians
hopefully, we need some cuck blood to lube up the ult reigh engine
She is beyond blue pilled.
>25% of voters voted for Trump?
>Triggered over a normal conversation that two horny guys would say to each other in closed company.
>If you take out the illegals then more than half of the country voted for Trump.
>Take out the welfare leeches and the change would probably double.
I wonder what bastard taught them this missinformation.
Now I am convinced that I am living in the prologue to 1984.
Impeached by whom?..Jeff Sessions as Atty General? By a Republican House and Senate? Keep dreaming, honey.
Democrats have been stripped of any political power, and leftists have got nothing!...and rightfully so.
Is it Trump's fault people were too lazy to pokemon go to the polls?
Nothing will happen other than Trum being president. All this will do is furter widen the divide in america between liberals and republicans.
well then, heres the name of the page.
Women's March on Washington- National Page
Get on there and get triggering
Look up things related to this on youtube:
Definitely the same weight of 1 million people
Tell them directly on the page. Dont give them an easy ride.
>Your precious Drumpf is going to be impeached the day after he is inauguated lmao
Only two presidents have been impeached and none of them removed from office. Trump hasn't even done anything illegal yet.
>Democrats have been stripped of any political power
This. They are practically the Whig Party at this point.
Current Year
Right Side of History
Why dont they just be honest and say I have no argument
Show up at the demonstrations and sell hagandas and tampons.
Double chekd
American politics is just one big game of 'Telephone'.
Information being twisted by so many sources, that the end result is deranged. And the worst part is that people actually believe when they hear at the end, unable to critically analyse their information.
>Trump said we have to keep illegal immigrants out, easiest way is to make border stronger. The ones who come here illegally, do so because they are unable to legally; example could be they have a criminal background.
> > Trump wants to build a wall to keep ALL immigrants out.
> > > Trump says ALL immigrants are rapists, and every immigrant in America is going to get deported, even the legal ones.
> > > > Trump wants to build a wall and hang every Mexican on it, because he fucking hate Mexicans and is racist.
> > > > > Trump is racist. Because he is racist, he hates all black people, he thinks whites a superior to blacks.
> > > > > > Trump thinks slavery should be reinstituted for black people, Mexicans should be executed, and gay people should be put in concentration camps.
And the liberals sits at the end of this and says ''Seems about right''.
when these fat lesbians actually show up it's a happening
until then it's nothing
>muh right side of history
One of my favourite (least favourite) memes.
They like to have justification for something they hate so they build strawmen and roll with it
>inb4 it's less than 1000
Reminds me of the black mirror episode, where the soldiers see the sick people as monsters, to make it easier for them to kill.
How funny would it be if ackmed decides to enrich people at the march.
I wonder how many of these females claim agorophobia or ptsd for gibs.
wow so diverse
it's truly brave to exclude any representation from half the population in your for-profit organization
You have two hands...
Glenn Beck changed the world
>impeached the day after he is inauguated lmao
Good, it's about time we got a proper anti-faggot in the White House.
russia with the puck, he shoots, he scores!
>Trump is a violent bigot
>we need more refugees
I say take away their rights.
They can't handle the responsibility.
>Trump colludes with high end and bargain businesses to have big sales on the day of the million woman """march"""
>999,875 women decide to buy cute shoes and purses or iPhone cases
Better yet, Trump needs to work with Apple and get an iPhone release on that day
>million women
If i ask enough of them out I'm bound to get a gf right? right? it's a numbers game correct?
I embrace this
Will someone PLEASE go on there and troll some cunts...come on....just one of you..... kek demands keks