Post your own flags, other flags you like, etc.
Flag Thread
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I have a few.
All I got lads.
Help us chose the imperial flag of Brazil. Catholic Monarchy restored in 2018
Bottom right looks God-Tier to me.
I don't like yellow and green but whatever. Many people seem to like it
a favorite of mine in this style
I like this one best.
Which do you like?
don't olive branches originate in kabbhalism? and is a masonic, illuminati type shit?
Please fucking remove the Templar cross.
Wow what an unexpected reply you sure caught me off guard with that one
Czech nationalists. Guys who pour pig's blood all over the mosques, fight the leftists, have fans serving in French Foreign Legion and other armed forces, change/stole EU flags from gov. buildings for Czech flags, care for old and poor white Czechs and all other kinds of badassery.
Doesn't make it any less true.
>The one and the only
pic: the official imperial flag
>don't olive branches originate in kabbhalism?
I'm not sure but I don't think so.
I'm trying to find more info about this but can't find it.
If I find something to confirm I will remove this shit in the next flag prototypes.
(the inscription says "Orthodoxy or Death")
NatLib masterrace
North America is best America
Okay thats pretty funny tbqh (to be quiet honest)
Based fucking Czechs.
Because you're undeserving of it, to be honest. Czech Republic above is more deserving than your shanty town laden shithole.
>muh history
Don't care.
It bothers me the snake's tail isn't fully in the circle.
Matthias Corvinus' Black Army flag. It was an elite army made up by mercenaries all around from Europe, it's sole purpose was to defend Hungary and remove kebab from the Balkans.
It's unknown why it was named black. Supposedly the king's favorite captain had style and always wore black clothes.
Dorset county flag.
oh fuck yeah
also england's flag is nice. except it isn't england at all
This flag is an interesting one: Integralist movement.
Mix of fascism with brazilian nationalism.
Without the portuguese people you and your lying anglo mouth would be speaking arab and sucking arab dicks for 20 bucks right now
>never ever
>It was an elite army made up by mercenaries all around from Europe
Wew lad. Reminds me of the Black Templars from 40k.
Your country is shit (currently) regardless of history.
Also the Integralist one is much better. The original movement's philosophy worked well.
Why is there a black circle around that one?
Herr i spend all day on pol and make flags, super kewl.
>Because you're undeserving of it
Fuck off Burger go choke in a nigger dick.
You are entirely undeserving of the bearing the cross of the Templars. I don't think anybody really is.
It's not something that should just be thought of as a background symbol like anything else.
Should be our flag desu
What's wrong with your current one?
Nah. Other GD flags look better.
Ha. Are you the Brit user who made yours based off mine in that thread a while back?
>most aesthetic southern flag
bend the knee
You are autistic and a dumb nigger that dont know how flags and Royal Arms works, like i said before go choke in a nigger dick.
And go read a little bit before come here talk shit,
No I made it ages ago, probably before you
>stealing icelands flag
Fuck off America, you're not wellcome in the nordic cross club.
naval, not confederate
You sound illiterate and unintelligent.
Average HUEHUE monkey.
Uh huh. I remember posting my recolor of the GID flag and some Brit said he wanted a British version of it.
NatLib masterrace reporting
Pretty sure all other Nordics countries say the same about Swedenistan.
Flag of Antarctica
>Your country is shit (currently) regardless of history.
Brazil as part of the portuguese empire > British empire
>Why is there a black circle around that one?
I'm not sure. Maybe it's not the official one
flag of queensland, best state in australia
I literally made it myself you arrogant fuck. It's not a very original idea to think of.
I also made this. Glad you like it.
>Seeing the Union of Britain in Hearts of Iron 4: Kaiserreich
Portugal and Spain are the real fathers of the USA
They kept kebabs out and prevented them from becoming part of the Moroccan empire
Also they taught the british cucks how to trade deal with China and India.
Im 100% sure he has Autism, just ignore him.
This one should be your flag amerifats
That face makes me almost as uncomfortable as Argentina's Sun
thanks Britbong! I saw it in a thread not long ago, and it alligned perfect with my political views
Looks fucking gay.
This Iberian Union one is kind of nice
I always liked the American flag from Fallout, always felt America should've just kept the 13 stars instead of adding more. Though I think the star in the middle is a nice improvement to the original design.
Someones mad he doesn't get invited to the superior flag club.
>what's wrog with your current one?
Nothing really but I really like the nordic cross design
Something like pic related is also quite aesthetic
Read the first sentence again.
But hey. Maybe Brazil could use some nationalism and proper order.
>I'm not sure. Maybe it's not the official one
The original doesn't. There's no black circle.
>I literally made it myself you arrogant fuck.
Then he must've got it from your page.
>It's not a very original idea to think of.
Nooo. Really?
Says the foaming at the mouth monkey who can barely form coherent sentences.
Makes for a good reaction pic though, don't it
Getting this tattooed soon
Briths empire and their colonies will never have a decent flag
I like Birtish Flags.
>not orange
Reminds me of Colorado.
Not really. I only really like the Faroe Islands flag.
But then how are we going to make toothpaste jokes if you change it senpai?
Also pls elect Geert.
>"Are you acting silly on purpose
>You better not be"
I think that yellow/black is just a bad combination, unless you're making a flag for the Bumblebee Kingdom.
I saw a cool flag that was just black and white with the words "don't tread on us", I thought that was a lot cooler for Libertarian Nationalism
Is like it knows what I did last night, I do not like that, such things must be forgoten
This one is absolutely horrendous.
>Briths empire
>Birtish flags