I saw the latest episode like 3 hours ago, and I remember almost nothing of it

I saw the latest episode like 3 hours ago, and I remember almost nothing of it.
SPOILER (I think):
I remember Kyle trolling lots of people and the bad guy was in a helicopter and he and Gerald had a fight or something.

That's all I remember. I don't remember the plot of the episode and did we get to see what was up with the member berries?

I heard that it takes about a day to make a South Park episode. That's without the script tho, but voice and animation takes about a day.
So why do we have to wait 6 months to a year for something that has turned to shit in such a way??

I think Parker and Stone has been Cucked into this.
In the last few seasons they have been glorifying SJW shit without really making fun of it.
Just like they did with girls not being smart and funny. (Damn. Something more I remember from the latest episode)
They made it pretty fucking clear that girls are smarter than men.

They just look like sore losers. Just like any other social justice retard out there.
I think they totally lost it when Trump actually won.

And 1 more thing that has nothing to do with the topic.
Have you noticed that it's almost only women who comment on mainstream media?
Here in Norway on the 2 biggest papers, there are about 70% women and the rest are Cucked numales and immigrants.
It's insane. The other day a 15 year old boy killed a 14 year old and a 48 year old woman.
I commented and said that there is no reason to feel bad for the killer as everyone kept apologising for the way society had treated him to force him into killing someone... Wtf.
And I got bombarded as being both a racist and whatever for telling people to stop supporting the killer.

Women shouldn't be allowed to vote or use social media. There. I said it.

They fucked up this season so bad it has to be the worst one I've seen I hope they go back to random eps again and not linear stories.

Parker and Stone have completely cucked out over the last few seasons. They don't even try to understand what's going on anymore. Half of the new season's jokes are just references to older episodes that were actually good.

This. South Park is not meant to be game of thrones, just give us a one-off take-that to some random pop culture thing like the good old days

>WAAAAAA WAAAAAAAA South Park is so mean

fuck off. no safe spaces for anyone.

this season is beyond bad. I haven't slightly chuckled once this entire season. Member berries are lame as fuck, people trying to force them as a meme deserve bullets in the skull.

Just be glad this abortion of a season is over.

Their experiment with long storylines has failed.

what a bunch of crybabies
sp literally called shiltlary turd sandwich this season

U mad lol

I think Trey Parker's cocaine habit is finally catching up with his brain. The only plot thread that was even lucid was the presidential campaign, and whatever they had planned for that has been completely derailed by Trump getting elected. What's left is demented garbage.

The sandwich was just a reference to an earlier episode.

I hope you get genocided

it's cause mocking trump is beating a dead horse, everyone does it and it has no creativity to it, just look at all the anti-trump jokes about him having low IQ, small hands, wig as hair, drumpf. All of it is very forced. Sorta proves that liberals don't know how mock someone properly

Haven't watched this season since episode 5. What happend to the member berries Shit?

They cant mock because they feel like losing the moral high ground, they defend shitskins, crippled, fat, ugly, abominations, etc.

Season 20 was bad because the entire second half of the season was written assuming Hillary was going to win.

Trump won, so they had to scrap, and rush the entire second half of the season.

They turned everybody into boring nostalgia zombies and then threw a party in the white house remembering stormtroopers and the cold war.

>mfw south park got trolled in to making a particularly shitty season with no direction

No one understands us, but they can't stop sucking on our nuts. We've already won the culture war.

I don't think it would have been good even if Hillary won.

>Women are taking their revenge, they're president now!
is a shitty plot.

But even then, because Trump won, they had to rewrite and rush the second half of the season and it really shows.

They always use to rush south park eps though I'm pretty sure they make them in 3-5 days so if something happens in the world they can follow it I think the creativity is just gone especially when they go with a linear storyline already planned out they fuck up. How can we let them know to go back to random eps?


Sounds like Shit, season 20 gotta be the worst South Park season ever

>Have you noticed that it's almost only women who comment on mainstream media?

It's because they delete anything that isn't sympathetic.

They make each episode in a matter of days but they write the general basis/plot of the season weeks before. The entire second half was literally written with hillary in mind, but they had to scrap it. When Hillary won on Tuesday, they had less than 24 hours to rewrite an episode and it was a mess, and then the rest of the season following was even just as bad of a mess.

Which doesn't make any sense, context wise, and so comes off as just randumb humor. They just call her a turd without any punchline at all.

They had a more funny episode, not an entire season telling the same stupid 'jokes', having someone vote for a turd sandwich that actually made sense like 12 years ago.

when hillary lost*

If you're going to do a linear story, you really want that story to finish with a bang, with the plot neatly coming together in such a way that leaves viewers satisfied after investing their time into following along. For the third year in a row, they've tried this, and they've failed to deliver a satisfying conclusion every single time. It was a nice idea for them to try it, but they need to either give the show up or go back to the old format.

It had about 3 minutes that were funny when they convinced Gerald he was James Bond.

Each episode needs a micro resolution over that episode's plot arc.

It doesn't have to be anything major, but there has to be something, otherwise we get Season 20 where nobody remembers what any one episode was about.

>watching jewvision

as much as i agree , it seems for the last 2 seasons to go a very linear and predictable way with forced jokes and more than ever depicting / trying to make fun of reality.

i don´t like it very much either , haven´t had a genuine great laugh this season for a while.

come to think of it when i was a teen i´d stay up late at night just to get my southpark fix on MTV.

man early seasons were so great , where did they go so wrong.

maybe it´s time for SP and simpsons both to die.

>not Talmudvision
Maybe you should hustle as hard as you hate.

It was time for Simpsons to die ten years ago, and even that's being generous.

>tfw even treehouse of horror this year was dogshit on simpsons which were always my favorite episodes.

fuck those kikes

kikes got kiked

Rustle, no hate.

I can't believe people are still fooled into thinking Trey and Matt are anything but businessmen.
>Literally best friends with every celebrity they have ever made fun of
>Stopped the show for a while to make a fucking musical about Mormons that received critical acclaim despite being shit
They don't give a fuck about South Park. It is their cash cow. People here them saying things like "oh we like to experiment" and mistake that for them saying "if the show goes under it goes under".

but the first half was complete shit too

what a bunch of crybabies you turds are

if someone is not lockstep chanting the same shit as you, he is a cuck.
all of this season was funny, from cartman gf arc through garrison as trump to memberberries.

you just dont like cartman stopped being racist after he found a gf bc you dont have a gf.

They really messed up the season with thinking trump wasnt going to win. Like the whole Girl vs Boy shit was scapped mid season.

I just hope they go back to giving us random adventures. Season 19 was good but this season was all over the place.

Nonetheless the game coming out next year is going to be fucking epic

I actually really like Cartman's change because it's at least a fresh twist on his character. Member berries are unfunny garbage though.


Fucking unfunny normalfaggotry. The Norway thing has been completely unfunny. They all have accents and wear red, wow so hilarious. Remember when the Mongolians attacked the Chinese restaurant? That's a funny way to depict other cultures, not just give them an accent and stand around.

Butters shoving his dick against the glass door was funny for like two minutes, but they couldn't milk that very long. Seriously, this season has been extremely mediocre.

This guy is the only supporter of the "new" South Park.
You know what. I'd go as far as saying he's a troll.
He's kyles dad. Just doing it for the lolz

Were onto you skankhunt

Hello, did you even read the TITLE of this last episode?

They tried to paint it as if this election was 'business as usual' when that couldn't be further from the truth.

They took a lot of shots at Trump, and some of them were even funny. They took zero shots at Clinton other than... she's robotic I guess? But she's not even like that in real life and that's not even close to why people hate her. It's because she's a corrupt, murderous sociopath, how do Parker and Stone not understand that?



>This season just wasn't funny.

I'm not blaming it on serialiazed story, that was fine and at times really good in season 19.

I'm not blaming it on the fact that they were making fun of Trump. They did that and it was funny in season 19.

The problem with this season is that it just flat out wasn't funny. And I don't know how they fucked it up so bad given the glut of material there was out there to satirize.

Last season the way they satirized PC culture was masterful at times and generated some really big laughs.

This election season made sure that the door was wide open to illustrate how internet trolls were fighting back against PC culture by being as deliberately offensive as possible. Literally the huge movement that they brought in last season had found its real life opposition; They totally missed a great chance to pit Trump and the trolls against Clinton and the SJW PC police.

The one funny part of this season was revealing that Gerald Brovlovski of all people was SkankHunt42- because trolls could literally be anyone, even people you'd least expect. Making all the other trolls disgusting manlet creatures sabotaged the joke. How did the guys who spent their lives fighting to be 'equal opportunity offenders' not see that 'trolls' were just a natural bite back against PC culture attempting to limit free speech?

Nothing about member berries and making fun of star wars was that funny even on the first mention. "Girls are smart and funny, muyyyy vaginnnaa" was funny exactly once, and even then it only was because Amy Schumer literally did a 'Muy vaginnnaaah" joke in real life like the very next night. Garrison as Trump and Catelyn jenner was played out last season. They should have went a different direction.

I honestly don't know what else to say. Any ideas how the very best satirists alive fucked it up this bad?

The story went all over the fucking place

Is that a part of the episode ?

The finale was okay.

At least it had some story structure and closure which makes it better than every other episode in season 20.

I wonder how it would have been different if Hillary did win.

It really does seem like they were planning some sort of "women are tired of our shit and taking over" storyline.

But they overestimated the fucking asshole that Hillary is and overestimated the stupidity of women.

In this election 51% of white women voted for Trump. Proving that women aren't fucking retarded enough to vote a stupid cunt into office even if she does pander to them and even if her opponent is "hurr durr sexist misogynist because the daily show said so"

To be honest it really does seem like they expected Hillary to win. Unless they ACTUALLY bring Trump into the show, then for the next 4 years of South Park, Mr Garrison is going to be President of the United States, and you can NOT tell me that they expected to be dealing with having one of their most major characters and staples of the series be in Washington DC for the next 4 years. They're going to be outside of their comfort zone with Garrison as President and with some other character teaching class and influencing the kids (Garrison basically took over Chef's role)

So their options will be: 1: find a way to cope with the fact that Garrison is President for AT LEAST 4 years and possibly 8, 2: write a shitty stupid alternate timeline where Hillary won even though she fucking lost badly thereby sacrificing their claim to being semi-relevant satire, or 3: have Trump come on the show as a character and take Garrison's place so Garrison can leave the WH

She was supposed to be a female reboot of Bill Clinton like Ghostbusters was. It was going to play into memberberries

I have a feeling they will drag all this out for the second part of season 20

It doesn't matter what they called her if the season wasn't funny.

>I think Parker and Stone has been Cucked into this.
I think they just don't give a fuck any more, South park makes too much money to stop making but they don't have any passion for it and haven't for years.

the writing just felt amateur as fuck, like I'm talking highschool tier. So many of the scenes were almost pure exposition, it didn't feel like dialogue.

Some of the Garrison scenes for example were just him going "Oh its almost like I don't know what I'm doing? You're saying people are only voting for me cause they're retarded and I'll ruin the country? Ohhh Geeeeez."

Yeah we get it, you don't like trump. It feels like they're using the show to blatantly attack a candidate, not with clever writing or satire but just outright childish, unfunny slander.

And no Cartman, women aren't fucking funny. Get over it.

Yep, The Simpsons was stale years ago. It was stale before I went off to university, changed my career, moved to a new city and when I go to see my parents it comes on the TV and good god it's still going on. I mean, who int he hell is actually still watching it? Is Fox just keeping it around in case it somehow gets good again? Is it even profitable?

They took cartman, one of the funniest characters they have at their disposal, and shoved him into a completely unfunny and boring dynamic.

The leaving social media joke was way overdone as well. I think the main problem with this season is that it only has 5-6 jokes repeated 1000 times. SP needs to go back to random 1-2 episode stories. The social commentary stuff is fine, but man do Trey and Matt suck at season-long story arcs.