Go to Germany for two weeks, stay in Dresden

>go to Germany for two weeks, stay in Dresden
>spend most of that time riding the streetcars around and soaking the sights in
>streetcars run 24/7
>9 pm
>want to get food
>literally everywhere else but mcdonalds closed

Why the fuck is this so, Germany? Why does almost all the businesses close at like 8 or 9 at night? How do you expect to get any work done if you all go home right as it gets dark out? Pic related

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>Why does almost all the businesses close at like 8 or 9 at night?


They usually open around 7-8 am.
When do you think people should sleep?

because sharia doesnt allow it you filthy infidel

These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.

This was Dresden, virtually no migrants were there.

It's not a matter of people sleeping, Hans. Do you not know what shifts are? There's no reason for a store to close at like eight in the night and open at 8 in the morning when the same kind of store in America closes at midnight and opens at 8.

The whole Europe is like this. Really fucked my mind, cause in Moscow half of the stores works 24/7, the others work at least until 10-11 pm.

>be american
>ride streetcars becasue you are too lazy to walk
What the fuck america?

Don't be a hypocrite Sven, you got mass transit too.

Nobody goes sightseeing from a fucking tram, what is wrong with you?

We have the same thing in Switzerland, all the shops close at 7-9 even grocery stores. It's kind of nice because you have a real incentive to go out since there's nothing open, people will open up beer stands and gather on the streets. America just doesn't get it desu.

Except me I shitpost Sup Forums lmaooooo

Where did I say I went sightseeing from a tram? I would've rather gotten around in a tram rather than drive a car with manual transmission and get raped by gas prices and city parking.

They opened up beer stands? I wish they did that while I was there, I could've at least gotten some sausages or something, but no, McDonald's had to be the only place open for food.

>spend most of that time riding the streetcars
Are you one of the famous american athletes I've heard som much about?

>no canadians

Sats to weds are like 8am-5pm, and only thursday/fridays stores close at 9pm. Banks and gov institutions are even worse, closes at 2pm at most, and around 5-8pm on thusdays.

Yea since I guess it's not considered a store. Was there no Donner Kebab open either?

Germans, how is Leipzig to visit? Is it overrun with migrants? I'm supposed to be visiting friends there next year.

namefag mongoloid proves their retardation yet again

As opposed to spending most of my time walking for hours just to find a store to buy records at.

There was a Donner place across from where I was staying, but they were closed early like everywhere else. I could've also gone to a gas station but if I wanted to eat snack food, I would've stayed in America. I wanted to partake in actual German food, not shit I could get at home. (Also why the fuck did all the radio stations play American music? Fuck that, I wanna hear German stuff).

At least I can say though that I had beer at McDonald's. Also they sold the McRib there year round.

>tfw banks work 8 am to 9 pm
How do you even live?

Just go to Dresden if you don't want to put up with them. Evidently some really far right political party from what I've been told are the ones keeping them out there.

Pic related, I stumbled onto one of their demonstrations while going to see the Goldener Reiter.

So Europeans don't let stores stay open at night and then whine about unemployment?
Great government policies you have there.

>Europe closes at 9pm
And that's how I ended up in a German whorehouse getting made a schawarma by a Romanian whore.

me in cologne the fort of migrants go to supermarket until 12 at nights o clock

Go on

Most stores here close at 6. Open up at 8 or 10.

We're at home in the evening, doing family stuff. Or going out for dinner. No time for shopping. Once a week the stores will stay open till 9 though. I am pretty sure it's like that everywhere in Europe.

Even our major cities close stores at 6.

Wish it was like that in America desu. Too much rampant consumerism here

It's mostly in western yurop.Here malls close at 10-11pm, large stores open 24hrs and most fast food will do delivery til 1-2am

That's the same here in America and I'm fine with that.

>Fatty is confused when he can't blindly consume things

>close at 6
>go out for dinner
>nowhere to go because they're all closed

I swear it's like the non-chain restaurants were working on the same clock the stores were in Germany.

Leipzig was turned into Berlin 2.0 by leftists

I had the same experience in Cologne. Only option was snacks at a corner store, or the McDonald's. I went to the McDonald's a lot that week.

idk why you're being so autistic

why would you lie on the internet? there are plenty stores that close at 10pm or midnight

Restaurants are a different matter, they are open till about midnight.

> Also why the fuck did all the radio stations play American music

Because their pop is fucking terrible. in 06 the hit song was Maneater from Nelly Furtado and SportFreunde Stiller.

He's Swedish. The only way for him to delay his suicide is to try to BTFO someone. It doesn't matter who.

It means you have to plan and use your brain.

Then Netherlands business times are way different than German ones. Lemme go over there next year, I can see where they filmed New Kids.


[citation needed]

I dunno about that, some of their stuff is alright. Peter Fox me and my ex liked. Ostrock bands like Berluc, they're such a blatant ripoff of Pink Floyd it's hilarious, and their New Wave is much better than the British.


I would tell you to avoid the larger cities, or infact to avoid Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland and Utrecht.

This. Is. Dresden
Get used to our socialist ways or leave, burgercuck

I'm almost positive Maaskantje isn't a large city, nor is Noord-Brabant in eithr Utrecht or any of the Hollands.

Speaking of, does it annoy you when people refer to the Netherlands as "Holland"? People do it all the time in America and I equate it to as if foreigners were to call America "Texas", misnaming the entire country for a state.


>the only place I could get food past 9 was a mcdonalds

Man yall arent helping by enabling it

Fat people trigger my autism.

Noord-Brabant is a different province from the ones I mentioned earlier - Touching Zuid-Holland. And Maaskantje is a small village. I wish I lived in a different province than Noord-Holland, but alas work is concentrated here.

It annoyed me back in the day, and I had to keep correcting people. But I don't bother anymore.

This is real Germany(East/rural South). We have schedule and rules here

I know, and it's pitiful that there's nobody out there running a 24/7 Donner shop because you would expect that in Germany.

>Donner shop because you would expect that in Germany
And we would expect your kids to be rescue negro adoptees, but we don't act surprised when we see a fully white American family, don't we?

I mean you aren't too wrong, Ivan.

>Why does almost all the businesses close at like 8 or 9 at night?

Because we are(were) a christian nation.
In Bavaria you have to close up by 8pm, in many cases 7pm.
I studied there for a few years and it even made me mad.

Same with sunday, many americans dont know that.
EVERYTHING is closed on sundays. Its the lords day, and people cemented that in the laws of the land.

Leave, if you dont like it. tbqh faem.

I've always called it Holland, have I been wrong this whole time?

It's technically The Netherlands and Holland is one of it's provinces/states (North Holland & South Holland are two separate ones) however it goes. Calling all of The Netherlands "Holland" is like referring to all of America as "Texas" or "Georgia" or something.

>Leave, if you dont like it

Already did seven months ago :V

Holland is just two provinces - However it is the most well-known and most industrious - It got the major cities aswell. The country is called The Netherlands.

Like he said, it's like calling the United States Texas or another well-known state.

when i went to amsterdam, the only street food i ate was kebab and it was fucking delicious

>5.00, wake up
>6.00, work
>14-15, stop work
>16, shop
>17, eat, check mail and news etc.
>18, study or internet
>20, get ready to bed
>20.30, have intercourse with wife, or jerk off
>20.35, go piss and take sleeper
>21, lights out
>around 2-3.00 wake up from a nightmare, in which somebody somewhere for somereason thought you might be nazi
>decide to gibs more gibs first thing in the morning, and sell your house and car, leaving for voluntary work somewhere in Africa

maybe , just a wild maybe , people in germany aren't slaves ?

Things close early here, desu I think we need stricter laws. Why do bars close at 2am? Close them at 9 the same time the liquor store closes.
Close ALL businesses (except essential services) on Sunday

Why would working a night shift be slavery?

He's Moroccan, working any shift whatsoever is considered slavery


How many shitskins do you see around?

Yes! That's it! Let's do everything we possibly can AGAINST any form of economy! I bet that'll turn out great! Just close it all down! Let's sell absolutely nothing from now on! Let's initiate another dark age, shall we?

Commie piece of shit.

>Eating after 9 pm
This is why you're fat

Of course you would fast after a certain time you fucking Muslim

>What is Neustadt

You were on the wrong side of the river, dear Ameribro. Neustadt is where all the bars, nightlife and party is in Dresden. In Saxony, I'd recommend Leipzig for social experiences, since it wasn't as badly destroyed as Dresden and therefore could preserve much of its urban charm.

Amerishart, please


Now I know where to avoid!
Remember the bible warns not even to eat with a drunkard!

That's pegida. Must have been a Monday

I've been there a few times and got to meet a friend of mine online from there, but for most of the time there I stayed on the other side of the Elbe. I think I was only in Neustadt proper once to meet aforementioned friend and to look for record stores to buy albums and ended up going to MediaMarkt and got "Am Fenster" on Vinyl. Goddamn that was the best shit.

Also got to laugh at this in MediaMarkt

Because you're against capitalist gains.
If you close down a bar at 9pm, then when are people going to a bar? During the daytime? When they're supposed to be out working?
No. People go to a bar after their daytime job. So closing them down early in the evening by law basically is economic suicide for your little totalitarian marxist dream you have there. You do not honor your family in this way.

Please don't use the Lord's name in vain, son.

Sabath is Saturday (Saturn day, Satan day) - that's for jews. Sunday is to rest for christians, because christians worship the current Sun, not the one we rode into solar system with ca. 20k years ago.
Thats what electric universe says and that's what I believe in. Because fucking craters. Pic related.

You're pretty stupid, the sabbath just means the day of rest. It's on Sunday, the last day of the week this is when God rested after he created he universe
And the world is 6,000 years I don't know where you're getting your facts form
How did I use the lords name in vain? And let's see work is finished at 5pm you go to the bar after work that's more then enough time to have a drink or two and a dinner
If you want to get wasted too bad, drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of heaven and we should discourage binge drinking


> that's more then enough time to have a drink or two
You're not much fun, are you, kid?

So in America you can go grocery shopping at 3 AM?

Yes. Why wouldn't you?

Dresden is built on the graves of hundreds of thousands, wouldn't be surprised if the whole city is haunted

This. All of those NEETs would do better with nightshifts as well.

Probably because of Saxony or German laws. The food part sounds strange, up here you can get food at fine restaurants until 2 am

Anything you eat in Germany is German food you fucking idiot. And you went to McDonalds...

Of course I went to McDonalds because they were the only place that was open past 9. Do you not know how to read you amerifat?

are you the burger

>this is when God rested after he created he universe

This is the time when Saturn got disconnected from galactic electric grid and became a planet. Thus our world was created, because previously we (Earth) floated inside brown dwarf and couldn't see past it's glowing shell. The story of creation is absolutely real and repeated all around the world, just that it has nothing to do with any God.

I read Bible to people on Sunday I ought to know. You must be having different book there. As a Christian you should be humble, apologise.

Here's about the fucking craters since nobody seems to get it, It's impossible that they are almost all round, they shouldn't be, can't be, but they are: youtube.com/watch?v=CU9WOucaz-0

>I would've rather gotten around in a tram rather than drive a car with manual transmission
youre making us all look bad user

Sounds like a dream, right?

.30, have intercourse with wife, or jerk off
Wrong >20.30 jerk off while watching Mohammed fucking your wife*

>hurr migrants

Christians always want shorter shopping hours, especially on Sundays.
It's the immigrants who want to stay open the longest.

>sabbath just means the day of rest. It's on Sunday, the last day of the week this is when God rested after he created he universe

This is wrong.
Saturday is the sabbath.

Christians want to be free on Sunday instead because Jesus died on a Sunday.
ie: for Christians every Sunday is a small reminder of Easter Sunday.

>americans being proud of slaving away for Mr. Rosenberg, who lets them work 7 days a week

So much more work until Israel is great again? Can you tell us.

>People go to a bar after their daytime job. So closing them down early in the evening by law basically is economic suicide

People with jobs need to sleep.
Can't sleep when all the unemployed are drunk in the streets until 4AM on week nights.
So keeping bars open is what really kills the economy.

I live close to a coffeeshop that loses at 3AM.
It's hell in the summer.
But a bar would be 10 times worse.


You're a little insane, aren't you?

Well sorry that I want to embrace modern technologies and not live like a farmer in the 1970s.

Work makes you free, you of all people ought to know this.

This.... This can only come from a kaaskop like you..

Your argument is hereby discarded.
Now get back to building your seadikes before you drown us all.

Yes, our work ethic is what's keeping you safe.
Little more respect, please.

>Work makes you free, you of all people ought to know this.

Except that we have shorter work hours then you and you couldn't get to the moon without stealing our scientists.

But even with the German's help, Hitler couldn't go to the moon. Only Americans were allowed there.

You fucked up son. I was in Dresden for 2 months and Neustadt (especially the festival early summer) was the tits.

Food wise yea just go to Rewe or Liedl for late night supplies otherwise you coule get doener or other shit in the mall or shopping area or Neustadt with a super short ride to the other side or the Elbe.

Your picture is like 5 minutes from Neustadt by tram. If you didn't visit carousal Dresden you fucked up too. Amazing Michelin star restauraunt, there was also a nice record store by the memorial to Schiller I think / the cable car down by the Elbe near some Biergartens. Dresden was legit I wish I could visit again.

Jaap.... I...