Redpill me on donating blood
Blood donating
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Why would you consider letting someone drain your blood for free?
I tried but I'm black so they said no cause blacks have high chance of having AIDS
Jewish scam to take away your blood. See how Rothschild is having so many blood transfusions to stay alive
Giving blood. For free. Then needing more blood cause you had an accident. Paying for blood even though you gave away the amount you needed
A Jewish trick
It appears I have been subjected to a Jew ruse
it could go to saving a nigger or kikes life
I don't want to risk it
RN here
People who gives blood always think it goes to some life threatening trauma injury or some other epic life saving measure.
Majority of the time it goes to alcoholic/drug induced GI bleeds or people with longstanding anemia who are either going to die anyways or on the inevitable path to wreck their bodies
Never, theres too many people so why would i want to save any
Sometimes they give you a free movie ticket.
>donate blood to Red Cross
>Red Cross proceeds to sell it to hospitals
>you get AYCE Kosher cookies
After I did it I got a letter from the blood bank with a picture of a kid who my blood went too, some 3 year old kid with bone cancer or something. Would they lie about it?
doing it for free instant ramen and milk
Donated blood once, that was before i realised that i hate 99% of the population
By donating blood you are contributing to over population just as much as having 3 kids
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
true or not seems like a waste of time and money having someone send letters like that
the eternal anglo strikes again
celtic/aryan union when?
Eh we give so much damn blood, I don't see how they would track where each blood unit goes. Really doesn't make sense and there is nothing in my job that tracks individual identity.
Maybe a group of blood from that location helped this particular kid. Giving blood isn't a bad thing but I just want people to see reality.
A lot blood goes to old people and degenerates. Just a fact of life.
>be a fag who says "be me" at the beginning of greentext stories
>donate blood for the first time
>i told em i wanted to have my blood type tested outta curiosity
>turns out I'm O-
>"o-oh sir, we have a machine that does custom blood drawing, it takes double the amount of blood as usual but gives you back everything except your red blood cells! Itll take longer but youll save more lives etc"
>do the custom drawing, takes twice as long as everyone else's
>after its done they say something along the lines of "uh yeah we found a clot in the blood we drew from you, we're gonna need another small sample or else we wont be able to use any of it"
>uuuuuuhhhh okay
>they poke my other arm and take another fucking half pint of whole blood
>felt like i chugged a pint of promethazine and i couldnt go to work that day, could barely move for a couple hours after the drawing when everyone else seemed to be fine
>ate thousands of calories of food and liters of water but felt no less comatose the whole day
>be o -
>go to donate blood
>lady misses vein
>bleed all over my clothes
>NY blood bank keep sending me emails
>the points i had expired so i cant even get a stupid cup
I was on est so I couldn't donate any blood.
I'm not allowed to cause Mad Cow Disease.
I can't give blood because of my rheumatism but I can still shed blood so it's fine
>Red Cross should just get volunteers to draw, package, ship, and test the blood for free xDDD
Fuck off, you moron. Red Cross is a nonprofit, but there are costs associated with everything.
Will deplete your iron levels and turn you into an anemic beta. Don't fall for their lies, let post-menopausal women do it.
>lived in 80% white state
>organ donor
>move to DC
>don't be organ donor anymore
I donated plasma twice when I was in school. They paid like 30 buckarooskies each time.
The needle was like an inch thick and I got light headed the first time I tried it. Fuck that noise.
They won't let me donate because I've had cancer within the last few years. (also a tattoo, which I think stops you donating as well)
I've been thinking about donating blood just to find out what my blood type is. Is it painful?
Did they frame it as a fake newspaper article saying "Local Hero Saves Life"?
they certainly don't tell you that in the fine print
it's all one massive lie
plus there's a higher chance of you getting AIDS because they use the same needle for everyone at least when I gave
You get free cookies
not at all, I was freaking out. you don't even feel it go in
>getting light headed from donating blood/plasma
That's called being weak and fragile
yeh "local user saves 3 lives" headline
Here's the real redpill on blood donation: Whites as per usual give more than anyone else, blacks take more than twice what they give, same as Asians. Hispanics just about balance out.
Unless the nurse is shit at it. Even then it's a mild discomfort though
They stole your iron. There's no easy way to quickly replace it. Will take 3 solid months of iron supplments (that will probably just give you diarrhea and you'll shit out) to have a chance of replacing it.
The weakness = anemia.
All a scam and cover to maintain a large supply of blood for the blood drinking elite who know the mind altering/enhancing and life extending properties of consuming large amounts of blood on a regular basis
Are jews vampires?
Used to donate, until I found out my ex was secretly escorting and gave me herpes because of it. Only time I ever hit a woman. What a cunt.
Bruh no they don't....
(((blood donations)))
This...a lot. Also selfish parasites who don't care how much is being spent to keep them alive: Full Code for chronically/terminally ill, usually family members managing bank account(s).
>whites have more empathy for their fellow man and care more about the well being of the community
How shocking.
I don't want my blood given to liberal SJWs or criminals. If I could be sure my blood was going to a well respected Christian conservative with strong family values I'd consider
You give your blood for free so a doctor can literally sell your blood to a patient which will allow said doctor to drive a Ferrari.
Which countries have a lack of blood? The ones where people don't receive money for their blood.
Which countries have an excess of blood? The one who pay.
Really makes you think...
Cost to produce a unit is 3 to 5 hundred.
Cost to the consumer is 4-5k depending on type and purpose
>first time donating blood
>not knowing what to expect
>get caught off guard
Whoa man.
But no, I'm weak and fragile. Guess that's why I don't do that shit anymore and why I carry a gun to shoot anyone stronger and more resilient than myself.
Yes. But their masters are British
Why didn't you ask what it was?
Also you got jew'd
Why aren't mods doing their job?
Because I suck cocks I can not donate blood. So fuck you.
I used to donate blood until I realized everyone else donating blood were other white people or catholic coloureds so I stopped.
No. Also you get your blood tested for a pretty wide range of stuff, they tell you if you've got the aids or you can call and get details.
I donate, going next week again, would rather it DIDN'T go to certain people but it's nice to know mine stays in the country and on NHS. Wouldn't do it anywhere else though.
Deplete your iron levels? Nig please. They don't take your blood if there's not enough iron in it, maybe your diet is just shit? I don't know anyone who has had their iron "depleted" by bleeding a little every few months.
>Use social pressure to coerce people into donating blood
>Only give cookies/stickers as compensation
>Hospitals will charge you full price if you ever need blood
>"Thanks for saving lives :)"
Btw the red cross link I linked does not tell you the shitty side effects. So search that up
I would but I don't want my blood helping shitskins or leftists, which is almost all of Toronto. Globalism causes citizens to be very selfish, when everyone around you hates you then no fucking way I'm helping out, it's comparable to work to rule and other job action
Why donate blood when you can sell it? it doesn't even have to be your blood.
It does lower your iron levels. People who have low iron levels but dont know. Can fall very very ill or ill like the other guy said.
Thats why you needs to be a certain height and weight to do a double blood donation
>he doesn't live in a country with socialised healthcare
ur a nigger, go back to africa
They wanted your blood much as possible because O- blood can be used on anyone regardless of their blood group. It's the most valuable blood.
Donated blood goes to Jews for garnish on their meals of children
disseminating that information would actually breach doctor/patient confidentiality, wouldn't it?
They test for Haem / Iron right at the table with you here, you go into a small room and they check you're good to give with a pinprick of blood.
Maybe manlets should just be allowed to give less, i'm pretty well built and never had a problem
I knew asians were subhumans
I was actually wondering this same thing last night.
They look at us like cattle.
Don't worry about me, America.
Just sitting here getting my free healthcare.
As long as you have m-m-m-muh guns, rite? :D
>calling me a nigger
>when the US has the highest population of nigs in a civilised country
Done it for years.
Press harder than they tell you to avoid bleeding under the skin than leaves a mark that takes a week to disappear.
No side effects unless you're some kind of chump that doesn't drink water before doing it.
Do it.
Are you new?
Wonder if I'm still banned
No. I'm healthy.
Doctors don't drive ferraris. Maybe some fancy concierge doc that just does plastic surgery for Hollywood celebs could buy a Ferrari but most docs never make that much money.
It most likely will.
Daily reminder: when someone needs blood, they ask family first for obvious reasons. Most white people in need of blood get it from here. Donated blood (and organs) will go to niggers, illegal spics, and kikes.
It's a vampire pyramid scheme you shitheads. They haven't had to eat in decades now because you cucks willingly feed them. You're keeping them safe by giving them a source of food they don't need to expose themselves to live anymore. They've been controlling us from the shadows for over a century now and it's only going to get worse.
You people have no idea how deep this goes. Have you ever wondered why stores like Walmart have greeters at the doors? So their vampire masters can enter freely.
Not if they have the permission from the family
Pro-athletes blood-dope to improve performance. Even if you go from high-haemoglobin range to low-haemoglobin range because of donations, you are weakening yourself and blunting your performance. The Red Cross's idea of an acceptable blood haemoglobin range may not align with your idea of how much iron you need to physically perform (i.e. if your not a limp wristed faggot).
People with iron overload donate to successfully reduce iron levels. It's an obvious and proven methodology. Blopd loss is the only way to remove iron from your body.
You can only absorb a small amount of iron each day from your diet. Iron supplments cause diarrhoea, it's not easy to supplement via diet. You need to supplment for at least 3 months to produce the replacement red blood cells that you loose by donating. Even in a best case, thay's 3 months of you being weaker and with less haemoglobin, and less physical performance. IRL it will take many people longer to absorb the amount of iron needed to produce the replacement red blood cells that you lose when donating.
Iron is what gives you energy, it's the oxygen transport system of your body. When you give away iron, you are giving away a portion of your bodies ability to provide oxygen to your body, weakening yourself. For AT LEAST 3 months, but often much longer.
Of course I'm not speaking of third world countries but in developed countries I assure you they make more than enough for that.
Yep. What happened is that some of their blood went to that kid and maybe or maybe not part of your blood was in it, lots of people got the same mail anyway.
Here in my country they bait you with ''Blood For Kids'' so you donate blood then pharmacy mafia takes it and sells it and ofc politicans get the cut too...
they infect the poor who typically donate blood with aids. then they let them continue to donate blood so they can infect gheys with aids when they go to the hospitals
if your not poor or ghey you dont end up in a hospital. theres a lot of dikes running around in murica
>donate blood
>someone takes your blood and puts it on a crime scene
>youre dna is now linked to the crime scene
>you go to jail
Uh, excuse me, it's Vampire UNlives Matter. Check your living privilege, you fucking white homeostatic male.
>niggers take as much as whites despite being fewer
wtf, fuck niggers, literally sucking our blood
It's a multi-billion dollar industry but in most countries the donors don't get a cent.
So in those countries (mine included) you're an utter cuck for donating.
I refuse to donate blood. I'll sell it for fair market value but it's ludicrous that you give it away for free and then have to pay >$1,000 for that same blood when your life depends on it.
I just did it for Chinese food during high school. Knowing that it just goes to keeping Basketball Americans alive after a shootout makes me reluctant these days.
Its stupid because you DONATE blood and at the end of the day if you have accident guess what is on your bill?
If they gave you opportunity to SELL blood now that would be a different case.
In my country you can get 3 medals, constant first place in line to the doctor and free bus pass for the rest of your life. Totally worth it.
>Donate blood to Red Cross
>They offer you small lunch and a pin for good deed
>They sell the blood forwards, it either goes to producing medicine or blood bags which are finally about 200-300 € worth
>The same company hosts refugee centers and spreads multiculti propaganda
My blood is my own.
>Redpill me on donating blood
I can't because my blood is toxic, I have Hep C, take a wild guess on how I got it. Yup, from a blood transfusion. The Canadian blood jew tried to kill people for years until they claimed it to be cleaned up.
But goyim you know you can't SELL your blood, why would you want to? Give it to us for free instead so we can sel--I mean so we can give it to the person in need
Fun fact - human blood is only worth about 40 cents/ml while human semen is worth about $50/ml, so if you wanna maximize your profits it'd be easier to rub one out than draw blood. You get about the same lightheaded feeling from each anyway so you might as well enjoy it AND make more money. Plus, you're not feeding the vampires.
You also get 8 chocolates, free coffe/tea, snickers bar and a day off work. It's always nice to tell your boss that you are going to donate so he has to find a relacement for you.
Fuck, replied to the wrong guy.
>plus there's a higher chance of you getting AIDS because they use the same needle for everyone at least when I gave
You realise that If you as much as saw them putting the same needle in 2 people you can just straight up call the police and the entire red cross would be closed up in few days?
You just CAN NOT do this, its not "higher chance of you getting aids" If someone with aids donated blood you would get aids (which, by the way does not happen because you need to have a check up before donating blood)
Source, my friend's mother works in a lab, something related to blood, medicine etc. never really asked much about it and his family often donates.
But what if your life depended on it and there was none available at all?