This is an American playground in the early to mid 1900's. What happened?
This is an American playground in the early to mid 1900's. What happened?
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hello fellow JRE listener
looks stupidly dangerous
The Internet.
But it's fun and educational
1960s immigration reform directly caused by 1920s suffrage reform
I made the same observatin in Canada.
When i moved here in 1995, there we monkey bars, chin up/pull up bars... in general the playgrounds were designed to develop your skeletal muscles...
Because of 'safety' they replaced them with these...
Kids playground.
i imagine a lot of crippled kids happened.
if you can't see that it's retarded to have these kinds of palygrounds, some broken bones and concussions should give you a reality check.
This was during a time when you'd have like 5-6 kids because you knew a couple of them would die before adulthood.
It's cucked, but i'm sure the injury rates on those things were fucking ridicules.
Breaking a bone isn't that bad. It happens to tons of people and they turn out just fine. Maybe shit is different in bong land where a broken arm is a life threatening affliction.
That play area is great!
* Broken bones = learning from your mistakes
* Successful play time = you grew some ball hairs
* Paralysed = learn your limitations
>break your arm in USA
>pay 12,000 dollars to have it fixed and go on your way
>break your arm in UK
>die after being on the waiting list for 6 months
dog bless America desu
Praise Kek!
Parents started suing schools due to healthcare costs and not wanting to go bankrupt, this in turn forced schools to close rec programs.
Conservatives did this to us OP, they've fucked up education in Texas for the last 40 years.
Soy and Jews bad news
They look like they'll be well prepared to go die in the local steel mill when they turn 12
Hipsters make me sad.
Back in the 70's my dad broke both his arms in a dirt biking accident and they paid $100 out of pocket. Today I'd have to pay like $5500 out of pocket.
My guess is they collected enough money to build an actual playground.
I remember some crazy ass slides at the playground when I was a kid, at least as tall as that.
>out of pocket
Ever heard of health insurance nigger?
>When i moved here in 1995, there we monkey bars, chin up/pull up bars... in general the playgrounds were designed to develop your skeletal muscles...
>Because of 'safety' they replaced them with these...
Our playgrounds are different based on age range.
Some of the modern stuff is actually pretty cool, and any kid reasonably old enough not to be supervised breaks the "rules" anyway and gets on top of shit to fun and exciting heights.
Great story.
Compelling, and rich.
remember those giant, horizontal spinning wheels with grab bars on em? dangerous and fun a. f
Baby boomers.
You need to figure out how health insurance works friend. You're going to be in for a rude awakening.
>Scroll down a bit
>see this
My fucking sides
This is back when polio was still a thing so it was best to let them enjoy walking before perma crutch and also before they died in ww2 depending when this was taken
Do you think that health insurance means you don't have to pay anything yourself? If so, enjoy your first hospital bill.
No, thats how kids learn. A concussion and broken bones heal, and are learning experiences. The trade off of these kids all playing, and developing strong and healthy through their play is a very good one. Now no one breaks a bone, no one learns how to deal with pain or learns how to be brave...And we are all fat and weak.
During family gatherings I had to accompany my younger cousins (5 and 6) to the playground and supervise them while they play. Even when we were over at their place I had to go with them to make sure nothing happened during the 50~ long trail through the forest; it's amazing how fast this anxious transition happened, I'm 21 now but I remember when me and the lads were kids and we were alone for hours in the forests beating the shit out of each other with sticks, typically only one of us would have to be within hearing range so we'd know when dinner was ready. This sheltering of kids is getting out of hand.
Looks fun and like a good way for kids to become healthy strong adults
Looks like a good way to learn to be brave
Over here we used to have playgrounds that were good when we were kids and slowly but surely all the bleeding hearts and moral busy bodies said we had to make them all safer and fun was not allowed because oh no someone might hurt them self's.
Now the kids of today have almost nothing because oh it's too dangerous. Well it's very simple if you don't want your kids to play on it don't let them and guess what if others want to let their kids play on it it's their choice not yours you bleeding heart twat.
I'm guessing grievous injuries.
yeah, this new generation of parents are fucked with 'safety'...
back in they day if your kid dies, you have another... now a day, every child is precious, and you got to go into poverty to raise one...
They don't even need to sterilize us. They got our minds.
Those equipment couldnt hold 300lb burger lard-mountains.
Ralph Nader and the Monsterous Regiment of Layers happened.
Pretty much this. And smartphones.
>getting incarcerated
>while in middle school
shit, and I thought russians had it rough
Being a kid means doing all sorts of dangerous things. I remember one small playground that you could ride your sled from the handball courts at the top to the football field at the bottom,and you had to leap off before running headlong into the fence. Now its been made "safe",and no one goes there. Lawyers won again.
You still have these, right? Send your kids up there
No excuses!
It started already when I was a kid. The playground were more and more left alone and became a gathering spot for all kinds of ominous folk like drinking teenagers and worse. This resulted in glass hidden in the sand etc.
I can understand parents if they don't want their kids to play on such things anymore but they need to find an alternative like forest were kids can stil be kids and explore, climb, fall and learn.
I don't give a shit what anyone's kid does, but there is no denying the fact that dumbass kids with poor judgment don't belong on a 3 inch wide pole 20 feet above the ground. It's dangerous. You faggot.
Get a proper playground ye daft cunts
Nah people will see your kids having fun and call the police on you for child endangerment. Then your kids taken away from you and forced to be transgender in order to fix them from your parenting.
>What happened?
High fructose corn syrup and corn subsidies
People got tired of dead kids.
It's evolution in fucking action.
Waste of trips.
that's not what evolution is you millennial
people died
Pretty much
None of us ever died. Just got a few cuts and bruises here and there. The occasional broken bone.
Makes you less of a fag desu senpai
What happen is if you had the same amount of kids on that set it would collapse due to childhood obesity
>I don't give a shit what anyone's kid does, but there is no denying the fact that dumbass kids with poor judgment don't belong on a 3 inch wide pole 20 feet above the ground. It's dangerous. You faggot.
20 feet might be a bit extreme, especially if you have fucking steel benches below it.
15 feet with a couple and a couple of feet thick layer of wood chips or sand below it would be good. Who really cares if a kid falls down and brakes their bone once in a while? That's a part of growing up.
t. broke an arm and a leg when i grew up
Liberal faggotry
Nothing wrong with letting the dumb ones learn a lesson
The bottom left corner happened
>I don't know what a deductible is
you've got to go back
Its pretty fucking sad to see all these fat kids lumbering around. They will never know the joy of climbing a tree and throwing pine cones on the fa kids down below. Imagine being a prisoner in your own fucking body just because you where born to some fat fuck parents. And they will die earlier to.
that's maybe 8-10 ft high. it's literally nothing
Exactly my thought too
We'll see how literally nothing it is when I take you up there and Stone Cold Stunner you off of it.
Litigation, I expect.
One weekend in the 80s, my elementary school had a fair. There were aides on the periphery, to stop kids from wandering off without their parents. One aide removed a kid from the playground on the far side of the school several times, returning him to his parents. He escaped again, fell off the monkey bars, and broke his arm. His parents got something like a million out of the district. (Long Island is ridiculous.) At first, they were pretty pleased with themselves, and basically bragged about the windfall. But the rest of the town soon understood that it was their own taxes paying that million. The family soon left, as nobody would have anything to do with them.
>tfw in my early 30's
>spent the 90's riding our bikes around town
>setting up our fort by the river with our hiddden porno stash
>spitting on bums from the top of the bridge
>throwing snowballs at passing cars
>being generally a bunch of cunts
It might not have been ideal but holy shit it was 100x better now. I never see kids outside anymore.
When that Pokemon Go shit came out I thought I was transported back in time and once that fizzled out all the little pasty fatasses went back inside
>sure nothing happened during the 50~ long trail through the forest
Gee I wonder why
Every kid gets a trophy is what happened. We need to bring back survival of the fittest and get rid of all these pussy foggot chicks. The Alpha vs Beta wars have just begun!
Kek demands it! Kek has blessed this tree. Can an user tell us the species? This is now the tree of Kek.
What the fuck is wrong with you. How about you participate on the actual discussion instead of just sprouting bullshit for (you(s
Still needs more climby thingies
I know this is true but Im still having some corn chips right now
I recently went for a walk through the town I grew up in and found my favouriute playground from 25 years ago. Only now it's all overgrown with grass and moss and looks like some kind of ruin that indiana jones would excavate. Only some beer bottles and used syringes on the ground instead of treasure.
Made me feel REALLY weird.
That playground is shit.
The playgrounds that kids have today are much better.
Just because it's dangerous doesn't mean it's fun.
>tfw haven't broken a single bone or got any serious injuries
Am I missing out?
>City of Toronto By-law No. 1001-2001:
No person shall, within the limits of a square: a) Climb or be on any, tree, roof of a building or any part of a building, structure or fixture, except any portion which is a public walkway.
Having obese children should be considered abuse.
>what is perspective
Atleast do it on a pole at the same distance
>but there is no denying the fact that dumbass kids with poor judgment don't belong on a 3 inch wide pole 20 feet above the ground
Only the uncoordinated and the stupid ones will hurt them self it's called natural selection the other kids will be fine.
Fat kids are harder to kidnap.
soccer moms happened.
even that is just ladders and stairs, where are teh monkey bars?
What is "depth perception" for 300?
>climbing trees and throwing pinecones at people
Shit that sounds fun as fuck. I basically just ran around in my yard because I lived in the middle of nowhere and didn't have any neighbors.
The most adventurous thing I've ever done with other kids my age was this year, for my 19th birthday my friend made me climb a billboard and we had a party up there, that was scary as fuck but oddly exciting.
Also, if you actually measure the pole next to the kid it comes to...About 8-10 feet. Fuckwad.
Did you play on it?
Maybe you could clean it up and make it a secret playground for your kids
It's career training, dipshit
The neglect of such places is a serious problem and ishouldn't have happened in the first place