Was this child really made in G-d's image?
Was this child really made in G-d's image?
We all are user.
This is why abortion should not be a right, it should be mandatory.
why is her face a vagina?
she give some gud suk?
Of course. God would never get anything wrong. That child is just the way he intended.
Sure looks like an ordinary muslim to me.
But of course not
This child has bad karma from previous lifes.
God needs to make a clown every once in a while to keep our spirits high
It was made from some of the same base components that make up god, just not rearranged properly. Strongly recommend this one is deconstructed swiftly and the base material used for better purposes.
maybe we don't understand the profountities of gods plan
>Parents live in a terrible place surrounded by toxins
>toxins effect developing baby
>hurr it's Gods fault
Anyway, her soul is perfect even if her body is not. She will endure a few years of suffering and inherit glory in heaven.
That's better than most of us who have to work for it.
Sup Forums's anti abortion stance never ceases to amaze me.
How the fuck is it not god's fault. He is fucking omnipotent.
Contrarianism, nothing more.
Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual -- the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.
Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm -- their own mothers, and medical doctors who've sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.
These ritual murders which society misnames abortions are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.
In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.
So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you're seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite's satanic karma.
The dash don't be silent
Just because he can do anything doesn't mean he does. That's what free will is. If the parents spend their life drinking or living in an environment where these things can happen how is that God's fault. The way He designed the human baby to be created is a very well understood process now, as are pitfalls and things that can effect development.
Basically you're upset that actions have consequences. That's a very liberal position I would expect from a faggot atheist.
Besides, as I said, the child will shortly inherit the Glory of Heaven. That's a good thing.
It looks like something out of a fucking horror game
>made in God's image
Yes the child still bears the imago dei. The ghastly ramifications of sin (ie deformities due to human incivility) does not negate God.
He does accommodate human free will. He created the world perfect but when mankind brought sin into it it fucked everything up.
I'm not a Christian, but I'm pretty sure the story says that Adam was made in God's image and that Eve was derived from the body of Adam. In the Bible, there are implications that Adam and Eve lived immensely long live, so you could say that humanity deteriorated as the generations passed. Archaeologists studying the paleolithic era have concluded that our ancient ancestors had stronger bones and teeth, which is another example of how humanity would've deteriorated.
Like i said though, I'm not Christian, I just like the mythology.
hi john podesta
Not your god.
Nope ! It was just Chuck Testa.
That's rather unpleasant to look at. Strange that gore doesn't ellicit any response while that makes me uncomfortable. Poor girl.
That should have been aborted. Imagine giving birth to that and having to take care of it for the rest of your life.
It was meant to be but her mother didn't get the concept right
I don't want to believe this. But is there proof?
Whelp, time to learn science and fund genetic research. WE NEED TO FIX EVERY MISTAKE GOD MADE!!!
Read some C.S. Lewis, he had exactly the same opinion once upon a time.
>Not the Chronicles of Narnia, I mean "Surprised by Joy" and "The Great Divorce"
He deribelately let sin be brought into humanity, he knew it and he did nothing to stop it.
Prepare yourself for hours of YouTube videos fueled by pure, unadulterated autism.
>Archaeologists studying the paleolithic era have concluded that our ancient ancestors had stronger bones and teeth, which is another example of how humanity would've deteriorated.
Like i said though, I'm not Christian, I just like the mythology.
2012 master's graduate here. That's actually not true at all and one of these meme myths created by Creationist groups. Actually, modern man is leagues healthier than ancient man due to medical and nutritional advancements, as well as generational eugenics. Granted, the abuse of modern luxuries and a blantant disregard to one's own personal health is at play, but a moder man at optimal diet and exercise will always out perform an ancient person.
Roman Catholic here. This child was created by God for US. She teaches us to be compassionate and loving and caring and tender with our souls when our sinful, hateful eyes and minds would have us be mean and callous. This child suffers to teach US to alleviate, to ameliorate suffering as part of our time on Earth. Go ahead and mock me now.
Um...someone didn't pay attention in Catechism.
So what you are telling me is that humanity would be better of as animata with no free will. Thank you for laying out the foundation of the liberal movment so concisely.
What's your major?
true love is allowing your creation the ability to reject you. thats all sin is really, it's turning away from God.
thats what happens when you breed with a lamprey fucking japs always shoving random fish in their vaginas what did they think was going to happen?
>unironically believing in god
It was part of gods plan to create this child. You know nothing
I don't think they lived that long. I think that they just had a different way of counting the years back then.
We have no free will. He knows everything, he created us, thus he knows the paths we will take. Everything you do essentially was done by him because he created you knowing exactly what you would do. We are already puppets. But I'm a puppet that refuses to kiss the feet of a fat bastard named god.
>Unironically being a faggot.
>It was part of gods plan
How do you know it wasn't the devil who, using infernal magics, warped this child's soul, mutating it into the abomination you see before you?
Yes, that is the face of the god of abraham
יהוה looks just like that, a cunt-faced kike
Knowing what we will do before we do it does not equate forcing us to do it.
Satan is a fucking prisoner in hell. His autistic worshipers don't even give him power.
more than you
homosexuality is actually not a requirement for disbelieving god
common mistake
You know how in the Bible, Moses asks to see God's face, and God refuses, saying
>And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.
you really don't want to know what God looks like
would you kindly fuck off? The fact that you're trying to troll for anti-semitic posters is lost on basically everyone here because they are morons
I just use the word faggot, as an insult.
>being a filthy fedora
All the long lived people in Genesis were pre flood people. Life expectancy dropped off significantly after the flood, so human health did deteriorate to what we would see as a normal life expectancy within a few generations.
Also ancient life expectancy figures from historical reasons are skewed due to both infant death rates and war casualties. In any society with the basics of civilization, living to be around 70 was not unheard of provided you were lucky and some external factor did not get you before then. The Bible actually cites "three score and ten" as each man's allotment of years.
So if an earthquake wipes out a city, or a child gets leukemia, is that because of "free will"? Christcucks are actually retarded.
Actually the wee dash in the name of his god made me call him out on his kikery
True enough, but the Leftist stance on abortion perplexes me completely.
>It's a woman's right to get an abortion! Abortion is JUST FINE, SHITLORD!
>Omg you had an abortion just because the baby was going to have (insert physical and/or mental disability here)? FUCK YOU!
That doesn't work either, because they give the dates that people had children and if you do the "month as year" thing one of them was like 8 when he begat.
>you are transparent; I see through you
>I see plans within plans
How did you derive that from what the other user said, you're actually autistic.
A+. 99% of Sup Forums is to fucking retarded to pick up on that. this guy has been posting for like a day or so with similar tactics
I really wonder who/why people bother with this shit
Yes because that was the result of original sin fucking the world. Atheists really need to read the literature before they come argue. I forced myself to read "The God Delusion" you can take one for the team.
90% of fedoras don't believe in God because they are fat or ugly, or something else bad happened to them in their lives. They can't think past the preschool notion that he's there to make our ~60-80 years happy or give them candy or something. So therefor to them there is no other option than no god at all. It's a retarded babby tantrum is what it is. For the other 10% they just can't stand the fact they don't understand something because of hubris
But why does she speifically have to suffer like that? Why would God single her out like that? Just to bully her?
>That's better than most of us who have to work for it.
Are you suggesting that she wouldn't have to demonstrate any sort of kindness or willingness to accept God? She gets a free pass even though its only her body thats affected and not her soul, so her soul can be pure evil but she gets into heaven because she was born a freak? Or are you saying that being born like that is somehow an easier life than someone who has to work for a living? Either way you're a retard lol
To be honest I think Sup Forums is one of the very few places on the internet that would even recognize that was a Jewish custom, and we've been trolled with it enough that it's simply too low-hanging of a fruit to entertain anyone here anymore
He created us as sheep without conscience. We couldn't "sin" because we weren't capable of understanding what is good and what is evil. We were hollow beings made for a sole purpose of witnessing and worshipping Jahwe's existence.
The serpent (prometheus,lucifer,son of morning) however gave us the most precious gift. Knowledge of good and evil also known as a fucking soul. The fact that most fail to make use of that gift is their own fucking fault.
You worship a shitty god christfags.
Naw m8, I'm not a fedorafag, but I think natural disaster happens because shit just happens.
>Human sized deepthroater
>This is bad
I would not say that. A lot of atheists I know have had some tremendous loss in their lives, not like they lost their waifu pillow I mean like their mom died of cancer when they were very young or they were molested.
The best part is they will never ever cite their trauma as a reason, never admit that they may have a bone to pick, because they insist their their opinion is based on fact, not feeling.
keep talking shit about her, but don't blame us when space starts folding around you.
Made by cousins fucking, like Pakistan.
And shit happens because the world is not perfect.
How does it eat?
I guess you never thought much about the meaning of "image"... Do you expect it means a perfect copy, or clone? Would God be copied onto matter? All matter is imperfect. Pointing to imperfections in matter is like observing that water is wet.
God is a fictional character, so it's anything you want.
This is not what "image of God" means.
The child has genetic deformities. This is one of the things that can happen. Nothing to that.
But the image of God is not a physical image. God is not a floaty man in the sky.
How is that horror movie called, where vagina has teeth?
I expexted better of you Poland.
There was a perfectly clear understanding of sin because there was exactly one rule with one clearly defined consequence. Sin at its core is a usurpation of God's authority. Hissy tells Eve and Adam that the fruit would make them "like God's". The first thing they felt after eating the fruit was shame, not any sort of enlightenment. When caught they immediatly started pointing fingers at each other, the snake and God Himself.
Seriously man, you could not find one priest in all of Poland to explain this to you? Were they busy screwing in lightbulbs or what?
Dentata I think
i wanna fuck its mouth
vagina dentata
You realise you are a definition of a cuck? Discarding the gift you call "original sin" because of your weakness and submitting to a selfish imperfect archon that denies you the true enlightment and ascension.
>Anyway, her soul is perfect even if her body is not.
>That's better than most of us who have to work for it.
>denying original sin
>asserting justification by works
Wew lad this is some heresy
why are people atheist again?
>standard atheist level of understanding
Hahahha holy shit you people are children.
Because God doesn't exist, basically.
Where did the bad man touch you user?
Personally, I like more the idea, that if there is a God, it is a creator god - but just the creator of self-creating (evolving) universe, then he just laid back and has fun observing.