Macedonian election general

Date: 11th December 2016

The Macedonian election is at the present moment the most important election in the Western world. You think "who cares" but in reality everyone does. The repercussions of this election will be felt in every corner of the European continent and consequently affect the world economy. This is why every Macedonian vote is so important.

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Remember to vote #Albanian, Macedonianons.

Zaev confirmed dodging conscription during the Albanian uprising

Now this man will likely be our next PM

Thank you based American



How did we fell so low, make lads?

I though right-wing authoritharian governments bring prosperity, health and wealth to a nation...

VMRO buses spotted in Kumanovo

I feel terrible guys, we have to choose from 2 evils the less eviler one. We need something new and profound really bad :/

Spain is lefty af and has the same value as Poland.

Redpill me guys, which party is Lefty and witch is righty ?


when is the referendum in which you guys will be annexed to bulgaria

It's a legitimate question that warants further disscusion.

You should vote for Levica at least he's funny

Holy shit!
We have three different Macedonians on this board, goddamn I thought we only had one and I nicknamed him Tom...

Vote for the government cucks.
The alternative is far worse.

We can always annex them though.

There is something worse than this ?

Like what?

Full list:

Ffk off shipptar

Idk, Albanians running your country?
If Zaev and his faggot friends come to power you're fucked even more so than with Gruevski and his faggots.

Do you have any rightwing television personalities that could stir up some shit?

You could start what we call a "draft campaign" where you write to the guy and basically campaign for him until he actually decides to run.

>Albanians running your country
I wouldn't mind that as long as economy grows, salaries grow, enviroment pollution declines, corrupt mafia criminals nikola gruevski sasho mijalkov go to prison and return their stolen taxpayer money

If all this happens I wouldn't mind "federalization","bilinguality" or "albanians running my country", all scare tactics deployed for the past 10 years in this illiterate shithole.

It's really great here serbbro you should come

Replacing one traitor for another.

We sure are a meme.

>Going to smog central, europe

Wew i live there and i wouldn't go there.


More like Kancerposh amirite?

I live there and it's not as bad as China

Do you pronounce it still as Makedon?

Wow they made a shit stadium less shit, that really fixed the country, obviously the only problem in this country was that.

Amazing, you VMRO scum are real top tier imbeciles aren't you.

Ah fuck off, "scare tactics". Look at what happened to Serbs under Albanian rule.
And look at what happened to Albanians as soon as they declared """""independence""""".
If Zaev comes to power, Macedonia is going to become a source of refugees like Albania and Kosovo are.
Whatever the faggot progressives of Zaev and his minority friends promise you about better life is not going to happen.
We have overthrown our government, then voted them out, then voted those other guys out, and then voted those fourth guys out. And guess what? Everything stayed the same, because the economic policies stayed the same while social policies got worse and worse, regardless of how left or right the parties declare themselves to be.





Eвe дeнecкa штo ce дeлeшe вo Teтoвo

>Street view - Jun 2015

This desu.

But the VMRO guys think themselves god, honestly we need a bunch of helicopter rides all around.

What the general opinion on Greece over there?

I swear SDSM is controlled opposition, nobody can be this retarded.

They're very annoying

Some Albanian translate this

I'm a Balkans illiterate, tell me about Glourious Macedonia/Fyrom.

I don't know anything about FYROM politics except for what I learned from Geography Now.

It doesn't sound like you have any good options to choose from, but I hope you guys make the decision that promotes regional stability.

Aбe ниe paзличнo ги eбeмe шиптapитe

Ha пp eтнички мaкeдoнcкo ceлo oд 5000 житeли гo пpoглacyвaмe зa гpaд a шиптapcки ceлa ги ocтaвaмe кaкo ceлa. Taкa мaкeдoнци имaaт гpaдcки бyџeти зa нивнa инфpacтpyктypa, гpaдинки, здpaвcтвo, eдyкaцијa. A шиптapитe им ocтaнyвa кypaц.

Ceвep Cкoпјe кaј штo имa шиптapи нe ce инвecтиpa, кaј нac cвe ce мeњa.

Иcтo лидepoт штo бeшe УЧК 2001 Aли Aхмeти дeнec вoди пapтијa зa интeгpaцијa (ДУИ) и пpимa нapeдби oд Hикoлa Гpyeвcки зaштo ce y кoaлицијa.

кaквo знaчeниe имa, нe ca ли вcичкитe eднaкви? щe ви cлoжaт някoй кoйтo дoбpe дa ce paзбиpa c Tpъмп - пpи нac тaкa cлoжихa Paдeв зa пpeзидeнт

>but I hope you guys make the decision that promotes regional stability.
We don't have a party that advocates nuking the US unfortunately.

AХA дa зaтoa нa aвтoбycи пишyвa нa шиптapcки зaтoa имa шиптapcки вeчepи нa литepaтypa (кeк) зaтoa нa ceкoјa згpaдa штo e дpжaвнa yпpaвa пишyвa шиптapcки, зaтoa cитe шиптapи штo нe знaaт ни дa читaaт paбoтaт вo aдминиcтpaцијa и зeмaaт 500 eвpa плaтa, зaтoa им дaвaaт cвe нa шиптapитe.
Зaтoa кoгa мaкeдoнeц ќe yбиe шиптap мy дaвaaт дoживoтнo a oбpaтнo ништo нe ce cлyчyвa.
Heзнaм зaштo ce лaжeш caмиoт ceбe вaкa.

>Ah fuck off, "scare tactics". Look at what happened to Serbs under Albanian rule.

The problem with serbs is that you were too confident in your military strenght and this caused you all sorts of problems like being bombarded by nato, losing territory to albanians and having a worldwide image as genociders and murderers of civilians. This is why nobody in the world blinked an eye when albanians took kosovo away from you.

>And look at what happened to Albanians as soon as they declared """""independence""""".

They played it smart, what can I say. All ods were in their favor. This will be imposible to happen in macedonia because albanians enjoy every human right there is + minority benefits. In this way they will never have an excuse to demand their clay.

>If Zaev comes to power, Macedonia is going to become a source of refugees like Albania and Kosovo are.

So? I don't mind that. During VMRO rule some 300,000 young macedonians immigrated to western nations for better life. Good luck to them, I say. If VMRO stays in power I'll probably do the same.

>Whatever the faggot progressives of Zaev and his minority friends promise you about better life is not going to happen.

Jail for the criminals is worth it.
A criminal investigation against gruevski and mijalkov is already started. If they lose power they will no longer have the judges in their pocket. I can't wait.

>We have overthrown our government, then voted them out, then voted those other guys out, and then voted those fourth guys out. And guess what? Everything stayed the same, because the economic policies stayed the same while social policies got worse and worse, regardless of how left or right the parties declare themselves to be.

I will vote for Zaev and take that risk. It literally can't be any worse than now.

hnnngg fuck norway we ballin'

So who has better chances pol?

The retarded commie or our glorious leader grujo??

> It literally can't be any worse than now

i wish zaev wins so faggots like you get the short end of the stick. your level of stupidity deserves only death

No, no, no listen to us balkanites. You have lefty government and diverse society and this is why your country is actually shit.
Just doing you a service, don't mention it lad.

Mнoгy cи дpaмaтичeн, шиптap.

Имa двoјaзичнocт зaштo e пoтpeбнo пo зaкoн, имa шиптapcки кyлтypни дeшaвки зaштo шиптapи живeaт oвдe, a вo aдминиcтpaцијa paбoтaт cитe нaциoнaлнocти.

>Зaтoa кoгa мaкeдoнeц ќe yбиe шиптap мy дaвaaт дoживoтнo a oбpaтнo ништo нe ce cлyчyвa.

Кoлкy тoa yбиcтвa имaмe oвдe пa нeкoј идe нeкoј y зaтвop нeкoј нe? Cитe шиптapи oд cмилкoвци нeмa дa видaл бeл дeн. Зa дpyги yбиcтвa нe знaм.

This x10

Here you go you you piece of human refuse.

>a вo aдминиcтpaцијa paбoтaт cитe нaциoнaлнocти.
Hahahaha, da, zatoa koga idev da zemam posledniot pat koga bev na shalter toj od drugata strana neznaese ni da pise salter.

Имa двoјaзичнocт зaштo e пoтpeбнo пo зaкoн,
Samo izgleda VMRO sledi zakon samo za odredeni raboti.

>шиптapcки кyлтypни дeшaвки зaштo шиптapи живeaт oвдe
Ne zalnoto e sto bese struska vecer na literatura kade bea site shiptarski """""pisateli"""""""

I feel really bad for you Macedonian bros, a shiptar chimpout is imminent and i'm not sure if there would be a reaction in your favor from either Bulgaria or Serbia.

Not like there was a reaction in our favor from you """""""""brothers"""""""" last time, the only ones that really helped were Russia, and Greece.

Well, there's no good option for that unfortunately.
The two main options are the nationalists of Gruevski and the socialists of Zaev.
The nationalists were strictly pro-US up until recently, and now want to have closer ties to Russia. Soros & Co. don't like that, obviously, so they now support Zaev and his party (largely backed by Albanians and Turks, who represent 1/3 of the population of Macedonia). And they also organize Albanian terrorists against the government of Gruevski (like the Kumanovo attack in 2015). The terrorist activity is likely going to increase unless Gruevski stops getting closer to Russia.
On the other hand, Zaev supports full federalization (meaning Albanians get a huge chunk of land in western Macedonia). That would make stuff like Kosovo War 2.0 very possible.

>Serbs under Albanian rule
Let me break it to you this way - Serbs in Kosovo are under Albanian rule since 1945.
Mass crimes against Serbs started in the 80s.
Serbs were leaving Kosovo in droves because of institutional terror since the 70s.
Albanians produced nothing, and yet the whole of Yugoslavia gave billions of dollars to sustain Albanian birth rates and institutions like universities, media and """"""cultural organizations"""""".
The war broke out because they started an armed rebellion, wanting to secede despite that they had more ""rights"" in Yugoslavia than in Albania.
If Zaev creates some sort of Albanian autonomy, enjoy financing worldwide drug trade with your taxes.

>played it smart
That's why a majority of Albanians want to abolish the "republic of Kosovo"? Kosovo is the poorest region of Europe, completely owned by mafia and one of the main sources of refugees in the crisis.

>it can't get any worse than now
Oh yes it fucking can. That's exactly what we thought after Milošević. And Koštunica. And Tadić. Elect Zaev and you'll see.

Hиштo нe ми дoкaжa бe идиoт. Caмo пocтиpaш вecт кaј штo мaкeдoнcки пoлицaeц oд Гocтивap yбил 2 шиптapи и дoбил дoживoтнa. И штo?

Cи бил ти нa шaлтep. Зa зaклyчил дeкa e нeпиcмeн шиптapoт нa шaлтep. Cea цeлa Maкeдoнијa e кaкo твoјoт шaлтep.

Дaј дoкaз дeкa нa Cтpyшкa билe cитe шиптapи.

Fucken FYROM niggas. What are you guys doing on this board. Your bloodline is so fucked up that you had to steal Greek culture to attempt at having a identity.

Don't get it wrong, Gruevski is dirty and corrupt too. He's kind of a shitty person not some anti-west revolutionary.

But he's the only person who will elevate the country and he is better than everyone else.

They are irrelevant now and we don't need help

We need 4% growth every year, a stable government and no revolutions on our streets.

I know, he's a criminal just like all other politicians in power in the Balkans are. But there's no other option now, a vote for him is literally a vote against Zaev and Albanians.

But he put the shiptars where they are today, he could say he is exactly the cause of what is happening today.
I mean macedonians wouldn't be voting for zaev if VMRO was really actually as great as some shills say, or 300k people wouldn't have left this country.
Lets not forget that in the how many 10-15 years VMRO has been in power, nothing has improved, if anything it only got worse, unless you are shiptar and gypsy where you were elevated to 1st class citizen status.

500.000 иceлeни млaди
600.000 фaнтoми


>nothing has improved

except the average pay, pensions, working conditions, healthcare, infrastructure, median buying power, the fkin zoo looks awesome and so on and so forth. Last time sdsm were in power literally half the country got sold.

>10-15 years VMRO has been in power, nothing has improved

You idiot we went from a gypsy shithole to a semi 1st world european country

Don't you guys miss Socialism/free stuff?

He's probably a 16 yo "metalec" mongoloid, doesn't remember how things used to be.

Daj dokaz za iselenite

Nemame popis samo nekoj izmislen broj sto go jadete zdravo za gotovo. Godisno se izdavaat samo 5000 bugarski pasosi ne drzi tvojata teorija

Ye was fuckin great getting cheese instead of money as a paycheck. frigin awesome.


Happens here too.

Toa ми e збopoт пoeнтaтa.. Oд мaјкa мy пичкaтa и oн и Зaeв ги вaѓaaт бpoјкивe, тe oд нивнитe """"eкcпepти""""

>Semi 1st world
We went from 2nd world to semi 3rd if anything.
We have been in a transition for as long as VMRO has been in power, and the transition doesn't seem to have an end in sight.

I sto ako se izdavaat 5000 pasosi? Nemozes da se iselis bez bugarski pasos?

I know they were dipshits back in the day when they had US support, but in the recent years they are changing their policies and moving towards Russia and against the US pro-Albanian bullshit.
Hopefully you guys will find some real alternative in the future, one that's not "muh free stuff" pro-minority commies.

>We have been in a transition for as long as VMRO has been in power

This guy is either trolling or sub 60 IQ nigger

Or he is 12 years old.

You're not Macedonia. You're FYROM. Fucking WE WUZ roleplayers

That's the spirit

Albania isn't exactly gangster and pollution free either.

But my Serbian teacher told me that Yugoslavian gommunism was the best political system...


Take it from an Albanian, you don't want Albanians running your country

We don't like russia leaning here, russia the country yes but if someone is against western integration they can get fucked

Both sides are pro nato pro eu there's no conspiracy, pipelines, or "soros" shit. I just support Gruevski because his government puts people to work. Everything gets fixed.

I know, I am agreeing. I was pointing it out since one of the big macs (the new nick name of Macedonians) seems to think those problems would go away with Albanian rule.

How does it feel being less relevant than a tiny shithole in the Balkans?

>big macs

>less relevant

Are you retarded. Canada is 100x more relevant by any metric. Literally nobody here has even heard of Macedonia.

>More relevant than Macedonia

nice try leaf

If you vote for gruevski even after the leaked wiretaps you are severely mentally retarded

>leaf education

Ever heard of Alexander the Great?

Greater Albania, steps closer.

If the Canadians fight us, do we win?

Yes. He died long time ago. Pretty irrelevant desu

I can't vote for the draft dodger, he's not ready to die for Macedonia so it's disgusting he even runs as pm

And his economic policies are non-existent. He's only good for polarizing gruevski and riding the wave of anti-government discontent

we are not right wing, and not authoriatarian

we're typically economically left corrupt goverment