Diversity is our strength.
Damn.. really made me think
Leftie racism.
>those dolls are the most attractive thing horsey has ever drawn
"all white people look alike lol"
now say that about literally anyone else
Horsey's gone off the deep end
lol id rather bang the dolls than those rat faced whores
Can we start Ben Garisoning Horseys cartoons? This faggot really needs to get rekt
I am going to predict Horsey's next cartoon 100% accurately right now.
Republicans/conservatives/Christians = bad, democrats and liberals = good
Screencap this
>Horsey tries to make some type of insult
I guess what he's saying is that they're all white???
If he wanted to make the argument more compelling why did he choose white little girls who are opening up the gifts?
because no body is going to buy barbies dolls of short fat hobbits like those bitches above
Bitch please, the one with the redneck girl leaning against the pickup is the most attractive girl he's drawn. I just can't seem to find the fuckin thing...
>conservative girls
how can a child even have political preferences?
No one is going to be that stupid, that's the only thing horsey can understand, everything he does are dichotomies
yeah you fucking leftist shits, start attacking white women, worked out well when you attacked white men...
Ben Garison edited his own cartoons, to get his real message out.
He is an old fag who lurked /r/ + /ic/
Why are conservative women more attractive?
Why are Westerners so incapable of drawing cute lolis?
Because we're not degenerate paedos who will hang ourselves when we realise that we're so pathetic, the only love we can hope for is the automatic, unconditional love of children who know no better?
Tldr; Kill yourself.
Diversity is only good when there's only black people according to The Wiz
>not degenerate
We both know that this isn't true.
wtf guess i'm now a left winger
You have a point, burgerbro.
Body shaming!
Someone drew rule 34 of her too. Some user pls post
like poetry
>women are only strong and opinionated when they agree with neo-feminist ideals!
Not an argument
I never understood how this comic was even meant to be insulting, other than the woman is kind of fat which is fatshaming which supposedly against SJW ideals.
>all blonde white women look the same
Gee Horsey, sounds kinda racist to be quite honest.
Can somebody post the original?
Appropriate use of trips, leaf. Cute as fuck. Thank you.
>white 5 year old girl
>having leftwing identity politics wedged in her head
I wonder who's responsible for this because it's not fucking natural at all.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: pedophilia is an attraction toprepubescentchildren.
Some of the cases she talks about here are not incidents of pedophilia but ratherhebephiliaorephebophilia(an attraction to children on the cusp of/in the midst of puberty and attraction to children just out of puberty). In some cases, it's eventeleiophilia(attraction to sexually mature children - ie: 16/17 year olds).
It actually makes biological sense to be an ephebophile or a teleiophile. You would want to have the youngest sexually mature mate possible in order to ensure the success of your genes. There is no biological justification for pedophilia.
The point I'm trying to make is that there's a huge difference between having sex with a 4 year old and a 17 year old. Should we really be lumping these two groups of people together? Neither one of them is right by any societal standards, but I'd argue that one of them at least has a biological and evolutionary basis
That's incredibly racist. Plus what kind of disgusting faggot insults little kids?
>Libshits delusions shatter when they find out that the heartland has the states with the highest IQ
Their poor trashy redneck stereotype doesn't hold much water up north.
Someone paint these dolls black and edit the names
>dolls are white
>these dolls are bad
>whites are bad
>mfw costal liberals think I'm a hick as I sit here sipping red wine reading philosophy books with a beautiful mountain view
>conservatives are all the same
Oh ok.
>those speedbumps
>mountain view
laffing to be frank, Frank.
Go choke on a potato cunt
>hehe I, a "grown" """""""""man""""""""" will masturbate to all the little chinese cartoon girls I want because I think animated chinese little girls are fucking hot, and if you disagree with this go fuck yourself I'm better than you xD
Japanese culture obsession among white men is one of the worst fucking things ever. Grow up you insufferable faggot.
Is Horsey so borderline suicidal that he has to write soft ball bull shit into all of his comics?
He sounds like the kind of guy who want's to make unLiberal speech illegal but dares not say that directly.
I bet if you gave him a loaded rifle on the wrong night he would either shoot himself or shoot somebody else.
>Oy fucking vey
Lol faggots like you can't separate fiction and nonfiction.
omg they are hot blond conservative women
>Dilbert getting some pussy in the background
Always knew he was one of us.
I wasn't aware the US had real estate on the Equator.
This is what happens when you tell a mentally ill person they need to draw pictures of their thoughts every day
>every white woman looks the same
>dude fuck white people lmao
Its socially acceptable to hate on blonde white women.
>talking a stranger into breeding with you
this is my fetish
you are welcome
Ann coulter's a cute
I like where this doujin is going
>1 post by this ID
Goddamnit you people are literal RETARDS
Fun fact, an actual jew would do it. He wasn't even trying to push a message, he did it for shits and giggles. There's a screencap somewhere, but hell if I know where
Easier said than done desu ;_;
wow you can really feel all of his impotent anger and frustration in this piece