Answer me this
Answer me this
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bump for the leaf
Because the Jews destroyed the World Trees and caused the Great Flood as a result
Why limit success?
try to institute it and you will find out why. you fucking twat.
not an argument
Because its unconstitutional, against free market economics, and destroys incentives to invent, invest, and build businesses.
Simply put, leaf, because it's fucking stupid.
If I told you the best grade you could get no matter what was a C, would you study as hard as you would if you could get an A?
COMMIES you need to get out
Why should there be?
this intrigues me, go on
Just thinking about that shows me that you are bored.
Because it's stupid.
Employers should be given incentives in the form of tax breaks to pay higher wages and benefits, and to keep jobs in the country.
We should be encouraging them to stay here. We should be incentivizing fair treatment of the worker. We can make a system that works for everyone.
What kind of bullshit is this?
There is a maximum limit (A)
It doesn't matter how much you work your ass off or study, you wont get better than A.
Did you just literally BTFO'd yourself?
because that would stop the economy growth
what's the point of working if i've already acheived the god level ?
You anons have no idea just how much was lost in the far past.
What are you a fucking globalist?
>rich people get paid by the hour
governments make money from taxes, the higher the wage the more money they make
Really fires up the neurons.
If you dont even know what a metaphor is maybe you should sterilize yourself.
It would limit the level of greed people have.
Some companies (like Walmart) are worth $50 billion and still growing, still exporting government social programs, still putting other people out of business. They don't need more money, it's pure greed/a game of high score.
The kids who took AP classes and graduated with 4.8 GPA's disagree.
I very well know what a metaphor is and yours is actually a good example for why the point you are trying to make is invalid.
plz tell me, this is bretty interesting
>Get told that you can do anything and be anything, the sky is the limit
>maximum wage
ITT: right wing retards worship their globalist elite overlords
He did, but the point is academic grading is merit-based and institutionalized, while there are no meritorious considerations in the economy. More will always be better.
And how many jobs does that company create every time it expands?
Who does this guy want to answer him? Is he expecting catch the eye of the wage regulator czar just walking by?
But he's right.
Here's one way to look at it... People like Soros have more money than God. As we know, money is power. Individuals have more power than many nations and they are using that power to undo the social fabric of our civilization in order to make more money and fulfill their awful ideology.
If they aren't using that money to enrich and empower individuals for the good of their nation and are doing the opposite, they really shouldn't have access to that kind of power, now should they?
Yes, people that create things should be able to read the benefits of that. But they should be incentivizing them to do good for people... And if they aren't, fuck them.
I haven't had a drink in over a year, but I'd pop the cork if any government had the balls to ruin a terrorist like Soros.
b.c u choose the wage u work @, not the other way around
I would like to know more...
supreme chancellor schrodenmyer is working hard to make sure the regional overlord gets his bonus for productivity each quarter
and a happy regional overlord is a good thing
>Government imposes a maximum wage
>CEOs: "Ok I will just take a stock option compensation package instead"
>Board of directors: "Ok we will pay the employees in gold bars instead"
>CFOs: "Lol thank god, more money for us to blow on a new corporate jet when the board is looking the other way"
There are so many loopholes around a theoretical maximum wage, it would last about as long as it took the Jews to fell the World Trees in one fell swoop long, long ago.
Why is there no death penalty for being a commie?
oh it's this thread again.
there is. your maximum wage can be calculated using your life expectancy.
Diedrich... Get the Zyklon.
>It would limit the level of greed people have.
I have never read something so monumentally stupid on this website, and that's saying something
Because then the company owner would fuck off to a country without maximum wage and all the employees getting minum wage would then have to eat shit.
>2 idiots who do not realize comparative metaphors take complex, abstract ideas and compare them to simpler ones for the sake of comparison
Yeah...and I'M the dumb one....
"Daddy, when Rover died you said it was like sleep but that's a false comparison because death is eternal and unknown while sleep is a measurable temporary state."
Fucking simpletons
As many as it does whenever they invest their profit into new workplaces
What means is the egoism of not investing your money back where it came from
>faggot does not understand effort
Because minimum wage adds restriction to business owners and is detrimental to the worker and the working class. Especially the negro.
Consider this. A man comes out of high school, not very successfully mind you, he barely passed. Needless to say he doesn't continue to go to university or a college.
He goes to get a job at the construction site. He doesn't get the job because the foreman doesn't consider him to be worth 15/$ an hour.
Why? Because $15 is not worth an hour of his hard labour.
His rival Bobby on the other hand has other skills that make HIM worth the $15/hour.
Unfortunately for the guy we have been following, his only bargening tool has been taken away from him: his option to take less pay, therefore be able to compete with his rival Bobby.
Get it now?
why is there non for being a weeb?
Oy Vey! Shut It DOWN! The Goyim Knows!
Jesus ur dumb
That's why the tax code needs to be reformed, senpai.
Because people who make actual money aren't paid wages. They're either salaried or self-employed.
because that would be a self-regulated limit on potential and ambition. dumbest thing I've ever heard.
were the Don to seize Soros' wealth, he would be no better than a communist. There are other ways to make him fall, greater ways.
She'd have just been a vaginal Justin Trudeau and you know it, you little cuck.
It's ok, Burger.
No need to desperately seek an excuse for your nonsense.
On what plane of natural existance - one without the planetary disease of sentient life, maily humanity - is it beneficial to limit potential? Every socialist economy has failed of its own accord. Purr capitalism is similar to Darwinism where the strong prevail and the weak succumb to death.
Documentary from last time. English dub
Basically everyone I know with three exceptions were tacitly unqualified to continue into university and they did. Never compare university education and intelligence ever again.
>The Earth's current volume of organic life is 1/20,000 the size it was in ancient times
>When the world ran out of space on the ground to for life to inhabit, it expanded vertically
>Animals and plants kept getting bigger across generations
>Larger animals and plants put immensily larger levels of CO2 and oxygen into the atmosphere, making the upper parts of the atmosphere warm and supportive of life
>The World Trees, a select few trees that grew to inconceivable heights relative to our tiny frame of reference of how tall things can be, were capable of housing immense amounts of life throughout their canopies
>Evidence of planet-wide wildfire is found deep within glaciers in the polar regions in the form of high levels of CO2 frozen into the ice
>Somehow, it appears that at one point the entire earth caught ablaze, perhaps because of a great war amongst the ancients, and all the World Trees disappeared in the flames or were cut down with advanced technology
>When they fell, all the water that their massive roots used to hold onto was released into the oceans
>This caused the Biblical Great Flood, which destroyed all remnants of the ancient civilizations that thrived in the canopies of the World Trees and buried all their technology at the bottom of the oceans
Earth in 2016 A.D. is a literal biological desert compared to what it used to be. Like Amazon rainforest to Sahara desert levels of global destruction of wild life. Humans used to be giants capable of climbing up into the trees with ease, but the loss of so much oxygen and CO2 in the atmosphere when everything burned away meant that our former large bodies could no longer get the oxygen we needed to stay fully healthy, so we gradually became smaller with each generation until we have the modern man, a frail shadow of his former glory.
You have now taken the treepill.
'A' is a limit you stupid kuck
why does it take over an hour to prove this point?
Ive seen it well explained in less than 10 minutes
He should freeze his assets and send special operations teams to capture or kill him. Soros is Bin Laden tier national security threat.
>inb4 they get triggered by the narrator saying "do a 360 and walk the other way" and close out before they learn anything about the nature of humanity's past
for a human to mate with a fallen angel was an abomination
the russians dug 12 km in the earth
well below the "water table"
they found water all the way down
pray it does not swell again
We micronians now.
it's ALWAYS americans
link us your video
No, he should bait Soros into going full retard and pissing his money away into a leftist revolutionary force, then squashing it and sending him to prison for the rest of his life. That way, he looks like the hero and not the villain.
this is some warcraft 3 shit right here
You've been playing too much Legend of Mana my dude.
wtf i hate wages now
I thought the great flood was at the end of the last ice age. There is strong evidence that the melting of polar ice caused the sea level to rise, destroying the few seafaring civilizations that used to exist.
Its actually a very good argument you fucking commie bastard
Because you can always pay off the people enforcing it
no video but i there is stuff like solipsism or extreme skeptism that you can understand pretty easily with no effort of an entire hour
unless i got the video wrong somehow
A maximum wage sounds like something intended to prevent fat cats getting fatter off wage slaves, but IMO you're just going to harm those you want to help while the fat cats find loopholes.
You're better off abolishing all wage regulations and allowing people to aim for what they want.
shut the fuck up my man
This is true actually. I read that article saying it seems likely that there are indeed humongous oceans with their own currents and everything swirling around deep, deep below the surface. Pic related.
To think that in the past, something happened to allow it to come to the surface for some time is apocalypse-level frightening. And it's all still there, ready to do it again to avenge the World Trees. Who knows what sort of life thrives down there.... in that warm water heated by the magma and heat coming from the core.... god knows what sort of marine beasts live in that eternal darkness
The human mind's capacity for imagination is based off DNA-encoded memories passed down by our ancestors. Why are tree elves and giant forests such a common theme in fantasy settings? Dwarves who live deep within the earth's interior?
Perhaps there were two floods. One far before the Ice Age which destroyed almost all life on earth and as a result was a catalyst for everything to freeze over while nature figured out how to rebuild itself after such destruction.
There is no such system yet
How can there be loopholes of it?
Because the money you make is proportional with the amount of effort you put into your work, and there shouldn't be a maximum limit on your efforts.
Who the hell are you to tell me how much I should pay someone for his work?
Fascist piece of shit.
Are you trying to tell me that this mountain is a tree stump?
because jews
Look at this picture with a fresh set of eyes and ask yourself how this landform came to be despite being surrounded by nothing but flat land for miles in every direction.
Protip: It was not erosion
Unless you seize the assets and money of the rich, they still have bargaining chips with which to incentivise the creation of loopholes.
That is if the phrasing of financial payments as things other than a wage, like a bonus or similar, doesn't already qualify as a loophole.
Why should there be?
Only a leaf would think that it's a good thing to put a limit on how far you can go in life.
There is. The most an unskilled talentless teenager or person just as stupid can make, is what we call "minimum wage".
But trees are made out of wood, not rock
What if we punish Loppholes and their usage?
It's not necessarily a bad idea. Let's say there's a maximum wage, any surplus should be reinvested in the business and improving working conditions and salaries.
The maximum wage should be something like no more than x times the lowest salary in the business.
this question assumes that all humans should be wage slaves. If you don't find this offensive, you should
So billionaires put in hundreds of thousands of times more effort than industrial line workers?