Liberal Logic / Abortion Hate Thread

Well let's get to it...

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How many of those species are left now? And how many humans compared to that?

Canada has no abortion laws whatsoever. In my progressive feminist nation we can get abortions at any time because it's the woman's choice.

An egg is just a cell.

so are you faggot

Implying everyone who cares about a species is a liberal.
Oh no wait it's that people can only care about what you care about.
Thanks for stopping by you fail fag dumb shit.

are we an endangered species? no. we're a plague. now fuck off.

Outlaw abortion as soon as humans are an endangered species




Yes, goy, they all deserve to be born!

>Outlaw abortion as soon as whites are an endangered species


>Actually advocating for a larger nigger population
Sweden tier cucked tbqh

Abortion is the most effective method of feral black population control you fucking morons

Anti-abortion is anti-white

I am actually surprised Sup Forums is not for abortion. If you could financially incentivize it with stem cell research, say more money than gov welfare checks for more children you have, it would cure the nigger problem in a generation.

You're also just a collection of cells.

Only difference is you're bigger and more advanced. Which means your beliefs are tribal: anything weaker can be killed at the whim and will of the strong.


>humpback chub

What an awful name

Those are endangered species. Humans are anything but.

I don't see any lime green objects in that gif

t. knicker knackered whore

human's are not an endangered species

animals are not given the same unequivocal rights agreed upon between humans in the US simply because they cant agree. they are animals.

fetus are not human beings. plover eggs are not plovers, sea turtle eggs are not sea turtles, humpback chub eggs are not humpback chubs.

its surprising to me that a political stance that so desperately wants the governing power to stay the fuck out of their business also wants a government to tell you what you can and cant do with your body.

Its inside her body
This is a clear violation of NAP
Get out or get evicted faggot




>pandas and random ass animals who often don't hold any essential role to their eco systems
>these are protected because they're cute
>humans who can literally change the entire global ecosystem
>these are unimportant because there's already many of them
>nevermind that the TPF has been greatly falling especially among white people
>if births don't pick up in the next 20 years, over a fifth of developed countries will be older than 65 years old
>literally any pensions will be impossible due to not enough manpower
>the global population plummets and economy with it

You're right. Fuck people. At least we protected that panda, right??


imaginary consent

>trespass on my bitch
>get shot
No exceptions

>[unfertilized] eggs of [various species] are not [various species].
>therefore fertilized and developed past-the-8th-week human fetuses are not human

Great logic, senpai



Do you want 40 millions additionnal niggers in your country ?

I didn't do a thorough search but a quick google suggests that those laws are for conservation purposes. Comparing them to abortion in humans is comparing apples to oranges.

>your body

>able enough to decide about her own body
>so retarded that unable to take care of contraception

Maybe it's actually best for the baby, that woman isn't actually able to raise one, and it might even be born handicapped

Those other species are protected because the entire species is endangered. Not to mention that fetuses past a certain term are protected.

>Liberal Logic / Abortion Hate Thread
Liberal logic
* Miracle of birth based on 10,000 years of language, law, culture, religion, science and common sense.
* Individuals should have the self-determination (Kantian) right to determine for themselves if they will bear children.
* Totalitarian dictatorships use abortion as a means of control. Hitler, Stalin and Mao all outlawed abortion. More advanced civilizations do not.
* Human embryos not considered human beings yet. Fetus becomes a person and its own living being at birth.

Conservative Illogic:
* Miracle of fucking based on radically departing from 10,000 years of language, law, culture, religion, science and common sense.
* Women should only have the rights we tell them they can have, never any more than that.
* Extremists are rights-grabbers who hate our freedoms. Stalin, Hitler and frogs are heroes.
* Police State worshippers - give more authority to the government and cult of personality for autocratic leaders.
* Emotional pleas rather than rational arguments. {{It's a witty bitty bebe!}} {{It's an unborn senior citizen!!}}

>endangered species don't play an ecological role
Are you fucking retarded?

The fetus isn't born yet.

>past the 8th week

is there a logic to this time frame? I wholeheartedly agree abortion shouldnt be performed legally after a certain period of time, but that demands an answer to the question "when is it not ok?" which is when you start getting a whole bunch of bullshit answers.

what I do know is the answer shouldnt be an emotional plea.

to make another point, the idea that murder is a crime is in place to ensure stability of a society where people have no choice but to play nice and get along. we have exceptions to this rule where people go to war, and where the majority of a society agrees a crime was so heinous that the death penalty is just. "murdering a baby" just doesnt have the same weight socially. its not going to affect you or me if a women in new hampshire decides to get an abortion. I dont give a fuck and I doubt you do either beyond a shake of your head. If everyone started aborting their fetuses, we would not see society crumble. it just has nothing to do with you. period. it has everything to do with the mother.

If the problem is it affects you morally or religiously then you are just trying to put up a good defense of your fee fees with a good offense: "what that woman is doing is no better than murder and this should be illegal!"

Try this one on for size- It has a full spectrum of human DNA and exhibits all the 7 indicators of scientific life. Ergo, abortion is the killing of a human being in the embryonic or fetal state, which is murder.


We live in an age of unprecedented birth control availability. Condoms, pills, shots, and IUDs are all readily accessible and presently virtually free with health insurance. Outside of extreme and rare exceptions like rape, a woman's pregnancy should be considered a willful decision regardless of whether she actually intended to get pregnant.

Woman have a choice over their body, and they should use that choice to take proper preventative measures to prevent pregnancy. But once conception has occurred we are talking about more than one person and her right to full autonomy of her body becomes limited by the presence of a second body with that same right.

It takes an extremely misogynistic mindset to believe women are incapable of preventing pregnancy and thus need abortion as an option.

>So edgy that he's arguing all murder is okay

Pro-Choicers everybody

> It has a full spectrum of human DNA
So does your arm. Not an argument.

>exhibits all the 7 indicators of scientific life.
No it doesn't. Any living tissue, like your leg for example, accounts for most of those "indicators" on your list, but embryos can't reproduce other embryos. So you fail and your attempt to baffle with bullshit fails.

>Ergo, abortion is the killing of a human being in the embryonic or fetal state,
False on many levels.
First, a fetus is not a living being, so it cannot be killed like other people.

Second, a "human being in an embryonic state" is just word salad that means as much as walking into a grocery story and asking for a carton of chickens in the embryonic state" instead of eggs. People will laugh at you for being so shockingly fucktarded and you will have earn it.

>which is murder.
If there is no living being, there is no killing. No killing, no murder. Another epic logic fail on your part.

>So edgy that I'm arguing the strawman that all murder is okay

Rights-grabbing Anti-Choicers everybody


>muh womens rights

If women don't want children why don't they just not have them? Seriously, why is this so complicated?

You can have children virtually any time you like, you can also not have children any time you like. The fuck is the problem here?

I assume all of those species are endangered except humans

what did she mean by this?

Proactive measures against pregnancy is too hard.
Abortion is a safetynet.

>If women don't want children why don't they just not have them?
Women don't just spontaneously fabricate children. Get back with us when you finally pass 9th grade biology.

>women don't just spontaneously decide to have unprotected sex knowing the consequences

Get back to me when you stop being a fucking retard

the rest are alive. a foetus isn't. also learn to latin burgers

> but embryos can't reproduce other embryos
By that logic anyone not sexually matured is not alive because they can't reproduce at that immediate moment.
Hell, even humans wouldn't be alive because we can only directly produce embryos and not humans

>what did she mean by this?
She was making fun of the stupidest people on the planet who are radically moving the goalposts to conflate any living tissue to living persons.

That isn't the argument pro-choicers make though. We are arguing that because a fetus is an organism with DNA unique from the mother's that it should be treated as its own person.

Your arm is not a unique person because it has the same DNA that the rest of your body does. It cannot be treated as a simple tissue because it's not the mother's tissue.

If it was the mother's tissue she would have the right to remove it. But it's not. It's human tissue, part of a rightful human organism that she has willfully assumed responsibility for by getting pregnant. She has no right to end its life.

I think back alley abortions are better?
The higher fatality rate would kill adult niggers, preventing even more than regular abortion
And no nigger has ever stopped doing something because it was illegal

>By that logic anyone not sexually matured is not alive because they can't reproduce at that immediate moment.
I know, right? Some retard claimed that embryos had "all 7 indicators of life" without bothering to read what some of those indicators might be.

>Hell, even humans wouldn't be alive because we can only directly produce embryos and not humans
Well, no technically we produce gametes and zygotes. Those come together to form blastospheres then embryos. I was using the humans produce humans analogy because ontogeny recapitulates philogeny.

you lack reading comprehension

It's a matter of numbers OP, how many of the first three are there compared to fetuses?

Also why do you want more people in the world especially if you won't put money into funding programs to raise children borne to unfit parents?

When women stop choosing to have unprotected sex, they will also magically be free of it's consequences
>muh pleasure
Yes, hedonism is your ultimate goal here I suppose. It's nonsense to argue with you when you genuinely believe the purpose of life is pleasure

Without abortion 50 million more nigs would be running around, fuck off christfags

i'm against abortion but i'm not against animal control

>muh controlled opposition

>We are arguing that because a fetus is an organism with DNA unique from the mother's that it should be treated as its own person.
So let's consider this for a moment.

The mother gets a blood transfusion. Now "DNA unique from the mother's" is inside her body. Are you arguing that the foreign blood should be treated "as its own person"?

There is no widely available birth control that is 100% effective. You say that people should stop having unprotected sex but what you mean is that people should stop having sex.

its pretty obvious that the government is using abortions as a way to control black populations. do the research, the readings are there. i, for one, thank them for it and want abortions to continue to be legal for that reason

According to Jesus anyway :D

Biologically, that is wrong
Blood is a component of a biological system of an organism.
Like water.
This is a straw man.

If a parasite digs into your skin, guess what. It's a separate organism, feeding off you. It's alive, it can react to stimuli and would die if seperated from the host.

Now respond to my moral arguememt, for which you can't make a shitty allegory

Is blood an organism?

My boogers and my shit contains life with human DNA too, but you're not seeing me holding all of that in and letting it grow.
Abortion=washing your hands. In fact, washing your hands takes a lot more life than abortion ever could but because the embryonic germ has a chance of becoming a human, cuckservatives will bitch out like ugly whales with, "muh feelings." You're the same as SJW's, but on the different side of the fence.

That doesnt mean its right, Jesus wants everyone to have the right to life and the access to his salvation.

>stop having sex if your goal isn't children
That's totally unreasonable leaf, that's implying that the purpose of sex is reproduction
>stop eating unhealthy amounts of junk food regularly you will get fat
That's also unreasonable, that she implying the purpose of food is nutrients, it's about the pleasure of the taste

>a blob smaller than chicken liver is somehow a person

That isn't the same. It's just like the arm argument. We are talking about a unique organism in the case of abortion and you are using the blood transfusion argument to try to treat the blood and the donor as two separate organisms.

The blood is not an organism, it is part of an organism. The person that the blood came from is an organism.

In the case of abortion the entirety of the second organism is contained in the womb. Not part of it, all of it. If after a blood transfusion you went through and eliminated every foreign blood cell, the blood donor would still be alive elsewhere. With a fetus when you eliminate the part contained within the mother you are killing the whole second organism.



>implying Homo sapiens are endangered

It is. Just like an acorn is the same organism as an oak tree.

>implying that isnt the purpose of sex

Are you retarded? That is the purpose of sex whether you believe in evolution or whatever. Its the only reason we can have sex, so we pass on our genes. Thats why it feels so good, so we do it.

Oh fuck me I read your next statement too, have fun in hell you hedonist.

Its not like humans are going extinct OP. And no Im not being edgy I just dont understand why liberals and niggers killing their own spawn matters to you.

>fetus are not human beings

Prove it retard. They meet all of the biological requirements for life and they have the 46 chromosomes of an independent human organism. What the fuck are they?

List of things that DON'T matter in the abortion debate:

- whether a fetus has human DNA
- whether a fetus has a soul
- whether a fetus has an heartbeat
- whether a fetus is conscious
- whether a fetus is a human
- whether a fetus can feel pain
- whether a fetus has legal rights
- whether people should not have unprotected sex
- whether the world is overpopulated or underpopulated
- whether the world needs more X race or less of Y race

List of things that DO matter in the abortion debate:

- Is it a parasite?

If something is attached to your body against your will you can chop it off.

In being sarcastic you fuckwit
Jesus hates morons

>When women stop choosing to have unprotected sex, they will also magically be free of it's consequences
You're so obsessively worried about this, so you make sure women have access to low-cost or free contraception?

Or you just want to punish women in general for constantly rejecting you and this is your evil plan? They're out having a good time, you're stuck at home in your dungeon er, basement and you're just seething with resentment? Now it's all starting to make sense.

>hedonism is your ultimate goal
It's everybody's goal. Hedonism is the philosophy we call capitalism in economics. - people pursuing their own self-interests.

>you genuinely believe the purpose of life is pleasure
Does controlling women give you pleasure? Or does just trolling give you pleasure?

Capitalism/hedonism needs some basic checks and it sounds like you agree. I believe in a good measure of altruism/socialism too. Some stick, some carrot.

Human fetuses are absolutely protected by law. It's illegal to abort someone elses baby you dunce

>earth is a mother
>humans are a parasite
Just killyourself DESU leaf lmao xd

i only want abortion legal for black humans, is that ok?

>Biologically, that is wrong
>Blood is a component of a biological system of an organism.
Okay, I can be wrong on occasion. What about the gut bacteria? Is it a person?

>against your will
Less than a hundredth of a percent of pregnancies happen without the consent of the mother.

If you have unprotected sex, you consent to have a child, and then you are beholden to it. Rape victims should be using Plan B, anyway.

Rake yourself.

the placenta is the babies private property.

It is not biologically a parasite. The biological definition of parasitism deliberately excludes parts of the life cycle related to reproduction because that is a different process.

It's astounding that you composed this post as if it was the end all argument, and the one thing you tried to hammer home was blatantly wrong.

It all makes sense. Human fetuses are good for food

no. the same number if buglers that get aborted is equal to the amount of whites.

Actually he hates sarcasm because its a prideful lie.

Your move user

>a carton of chickens in the embryonic state
Wow what a fucking idiot, you don't know the difference between an embryo and an un-fertilized egg.

By the way, an embryo has the same potential and ability to reproduce as a four year old does. Guess that means four year olds aren't living humans either.

This is actually the only viable argument in favor of abortion, and it's weak as fuck.

The baby has no culpability in its existence and is solely the result of decisions taken by the father and the mother. The same argument might as well be made for new born babies or toddlers -- the mother withdraws consent and suddenly the kid is on its own. That's not how it works.

Even if the mother was raped and is not personally responsible for the existence of the baby, 9 months of pregnancy can not be weighed on a moral scale against murdering the baby. And the baby still has no culpability in its existence.

Yeah, it doesn't happen spontaneously, they have to choose to have sex in order to fabricate the child.

>that shifting of goal posts

Looks like a well adjusted human to me, why, it could go to law school right now despite not have a mouth or developed brain! Yeah, that thing isn't human.

kill a pregnant woman? double homicide, kill an embryo? fine as long as the woman has "decided" that the embryo is not human. we have left the most important moment that classifies humanity up to a flighty "decision" made by whores and incompetents. seems like a good choice.

>With a fetus when you eliminate the part contained within the mother you are killing the whole second organism.
It's not a killing. Not legally, not technically, not biologically. The organism is not its own living being yet. We celebrate the beginning of the organism's life at birth.