Redpill me on milk, Sup Forums. Why is milk being demonized in the recent years? Is it really bad for you, or is it just """"someone's"""" interest to remove milk from human diet?
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It isn't being demonized but more and research has come out showing veganism is the healthiest diet when done correctly and reduces the risk of a bunch of health issues and diseases.
Milk is good for children and teenagers because it helps them grow taller and provides many nutrients for growing brains. If you have kids you should make them drink multiple glasses of milk a day until they are adults.
Once you are an adult thought these is less reason to drink it and it is much healthier to go vegan
What about testosterone levels? Is it true that milk is an estrogen bomb that kills your testosterone production?
veganism hahahhahahhahahhhhahhhaahhaha will you look at this faggot
Actually, it would benefit some adults to drink human milk. The guts of babies are populated with healthy gut bacteria in part by drinking human milk. A process of replenishing gut bacteria could ostensibly occur by drinking human milk again, as adults, as a form of alternative or parallel treatment for those with digestive disorders. I would drink human milk now, if I could readily buy raw human milk.
its so healthy chicken broth will almost kill you and you cant do shit meat eaters can like grow from age 1 to 16 with that diet or climb a mountain
Because it's mostly only white people who can drink it with no issues.
Look at the countries that are lactose intolerant and look at the countries that aren't. That's all you need to know about milk.
First it was fat, then meat, then gluten, then cooking suddenly gave you mire cancer then usual, then salt and nowcmilk is bad too. Fuck off back to buzzfeed and keep filling your brains with vegan pseudo-science bullshit.
Who knows, just riod up brah
People on Vegetarian and Vegan diets have been shown to have:
(VE = veggy) (V = vegan) (B = both)
>(VE) protection against cardiovascular diseases, cardiometabolic risk factors, some cancers and total mortality (1)
>(V) provides the above benefits and additional protection from obesity, hypertension, type-2 diabetes, and cardiovascular mortality (1)
>(VE) Improved glycemic control in T2 Diabetes (2)
>(V) significantly lower risk for overall cancer (3, 5)
>(VE) lower risks for diabetes, diverticular disease and eye cataracts (4)
>(B) less likely to suffer from hypertension (5)
>(VE) better metabolic profile (6)
>(B) lower anxiety (7)
>(VE) less negative emotions (8)
>(VE) Improved mood (9)
>(V) alleviates symptoms of Osteoarthritis (10)
>(V) healthier gut microbiota profile with more anti-inflammatory and disease-preventing microbiota (11)
>(VE) improves insulin resistance (12)
>(VE) reduces oxidative stress and improves the bodies anti-oxidant status (12, 13, 14)
>(V) half as much risk for developing hyperthyroidism (15)
Japan and Korea seem alright.
I think this works with cow milk too.
I completely stopped drinking milk for 6-7 years, when I started drinking again, it gave me light diarrhea, as if I was developing lactose intolerance, but after a month, I can drink liters of milk without any consequences.
Since I don't have lactose intolerance, I can only assume that some kind of bacteria was missing from my guts.
We also nuked one(twice) and the other can't get their rockets to fly a few miles.
>Japan and Korea seem alright
Are we looking at the same map?
>Is it true that milk is an estrogen bomb
Yes, but it's not really a concern unless you're drinking skim or 2%.
Studies show that skim and 2% have more estrogen than whole.
TL;DR: If you're going to drink milk, avoid skim and 2%
>Why is milk being demonized in the recent years?
It's hard to digest for some people and may create an inflammatory response.
humans are the only species that drink other species milk as adults.
All juvenile animals can drink milk and that's because they have the enzyme lactase to digest the milk sugars. But the genome that makes the enzyme gets switched off when they get to a certain age, so as adults, they can't drink it. Most humans in fact can't drink milk as adults and there’s only a very small fraction of the world’s population who can. What’s really interesting of course is that those people live in a very geographically restricted area, i.e., Northwest Europe and some parts of Africa.
This gets much worse when you look at how milk is actually processed. Pasteurization or Homogenization completely mess with milk, Raw milk is against the law so you can't bypass those.
i had no allergic shit going on on my skin since i removed milk.
That is not your concern
>muh raw milk
Stop being a dumb nigger.
Picture this.
You had fettuccine alfredo for dinner on the first day of your vacation in a foreign country.
Fast forward to 2:38 AM the day.
You're awoken by stomach pains that make 00 buckshot to the gut seem humane in comparison.
With mere seconds to spare, you crawl into your hotel bathroom before exploding from both ends and coating the tile with a horrific mixture of vomit, diarrhea, and cold sweat.
This continues well into the afternoon until all the fluids are sapped from your lifeless, bloated body, but you're still retching over the toilet as an involuntary response to food poisoning.
At 2:26 PM, the house keeper knocks on your door, but you're passed out due to dehydration and crippling pain, so you can't say, "No, stop, don't come in and witness me in my death throes as shit dribbles out my ass and my tongue changes colors."
After a scream, a phone call, and thirty minutes, paramedics arrive to give you and IV and bring you to the hospital before your brain shorts out.
You almost died, and all because the fucking backwoods shitheads in that degenerate country couldn't be bothered to heat their milk in order to kill off the bacteria that found its way into the alfredo sauce that you gleefully slurped down.
Fuck you and your faggot-ass raw milk dogma
I hope you choke.
>or is it just """"someone's"""" interest to remove milk from human diet?
whatever do you mean?
Thanks for the answer. I prefer 3,5 % milk, so this answer was reassuring. Family was drinking have been drinking milk for generations, but it didn't fuck up our health.
It's more or less the fact that cow's milk isn't as good for you as, say, human milk would be. A better alternative would be goat's milk, which is damn delicious and is much closer to human milk.
Picture this.
I understand the risks of raw milk and act like a fucking adult when deciding if I should have it or not.
fucking faggot
>couldn't be bothered to heat their milk in order to kill off the bacteria that found its way into the alfredo sauce
You didnt heat the alfredo sauce up?
Your argument is emotional.
>Once you are an adult thought these is less reason to drink it and it is much healthier to go vegan
Vegetable based diets have been implicated in significant increases in cancer risks (e.g. colorectal) in the following generations.
Great information here. 10/10 post.
>estrogen bomb
Ingesting estrogen or synthetic estrogens has little to no effect on a human male with a healthy diet, low body fat, and decent athletic performance.
Milk can actually increase testosterone as it has nearly everything needed to produce the hormone in it.
If you're worried about xenoestrogens and the like, you've got worst things to worry about. Because your fat gut is letting the jews win.
>needlessly risking food poisoning for no real reason other than pure emotion and infantile whims
One day, you're going to grow up.
You sound like a fucking idiot.
Don't reproduce.
if you cant get raw milk dont bother. anything else is basically water and lactose
Milk is full of sugar is pastorization destroys most the benefits of milk. Adding a glass or two of milk to meals is bad for your diet. I quit drinking it years ago. My grandfather has never drank milk. He says milk is for babies and eats his cerial with water lol.
Virtually all non-whites are lactose-intolerant and dairy is a (currently) cheap form of protein. 10 months ago my cousin and her boyfriend caught a virus that caused them permanent lactose intolerance. They still try to eat pizza and run to the toilet it's funny as fuck. I moved out because they were to fucking stupid to get their acts together EVERY SINGLE WEEK for 4 months they tried to eat pizza just in case they could this time.
But yeah, lactose intolerance virus. straight from a horror movie into real life.
asians and niggers can't handle milk, so they're spreading bs about it. milk is perfect for white people, though
webm version
this is bullshit.
people in south america drink tons of milk.
don't believe everything you find on the internet.
hell 'dulce de leche' (literally 'sweet milk') is a national argentinian dish.
t. my family is german-argentinian
I wanked to that scene so much when I was a kid.
Source? Hard for me to believe without reading the study.
There are a lot of conditions which have many, many implicated causes. Look at western lifestyles, beyond just food specifically. There are food choices made because of certain lifestyles and many non-food related lifestyle choices which correlate with food habits, and and implicated in many of these conditions. Its not as simple as "veganism does" or "vegetarianism does", when you consider the complexity of human studies. It is not just a diet study, and if it is, it is basically useless because of correlated lifestyle choices. It is not considering all the factors and is, therefore, unfounded in making any claims of causation.
How do I acquire a gf who's willing to do milk for me?
uh... source?
>Lactose intolerance virus
Sounds worse than the black death. Thx for giving me the spooks, m8.
Meats and milk have been consumed for CENTURIES how the fuck would mankind have survived primitive times without any kind or type of meat?
>Milk is good for children and teenagers because it helps them grow taller and provides many nutrients for growing brains.
source? the reason milk makes you grow is because it's full of exogynous hormones that are designed to make a baby cow grow in to a big ass fucking adult cow. it's not made for humans to consume.
> If you have kids you should make them drink multiple glasses of milk a day until they are adults.
>make them
do you not understand communicating needs and feelings? why the fuck would you make your kids do anything and not let them choose for themselves after informing them on facts, truth, and your feelings and needs?
It is the native populations. Lactose tolerance persistence (into adulthood) only developed relatively recently, and spread through populations of Europe/Asia more readily, but it was never developed in Native Americans, etc. and not introduced until mixed race children got it from a European/etc. parent.
you probably think the government should pass a law that mandates when you go to sleep every night, to avoid needlessly losing sleep.
dafuq do you have a problem with what I drink?
lucky kid
it's all about language.
Fifteen years ago if someone said that "X had been linked to X" we would reply "and?".
Now that phrase is common place and it makes people actually believe the implication.
Milk is homogenized 99% of the time.
Homogenisation creates broken triglycerides, broken protein chains, basically they define it as digestable, because in a test the parameters used to detect digestion will come up as digested, but what actually happens is that the broken up molecules take too much energy to repair so that they can be broken down, but randomly ARE, and create frankenstien molecules which only have parts of their original molecule.
Imagine a circuitboard you broke in half, it now only has half the functions, and if it still worked, it would be fucked up
they cause all sorts of damage the body has to repair, and most of it is completely random.
Avoid homogenised food, and pressure treated food in general at ALL COSTS.
Someone told me that it can clog up your lymph system and hamper your bodies natural detoxification.
Seems to do that for me because every time i drink a lot of milk i get bad acne and clammy skin. when i avoid milk i get no acne.
All you faggot-ass homosexual vegans are the dumbest motherfuckers on the face of the planet and need to get the fuck off Sup Forums.
A single case of food poisoning from unpasteurized milk would send you skinny, frail, AIDS-ridden hipsters to the hospital.
You painfully stupid motherfuckers can't come up with a single study or valid argument against pasteurization.
The only reason you whine about pasteurization is because some patchouli-smelling hippie from the 60s told you that it's "not good, man."
You fucking twinks probably buy organic fruit and pretend that you're extra healthy for wasting money at Whole Foods.
The ability to drink milk is white privilege.
They may not have. That's not the argument. The point he is trying to make is that RIGHT NOW we are learning that a plant-based diet has MANY health benefits and is more often than not less deficient than an omnivorous diet. Just because our ancestors did something or believed in something does not mean we should. eg slavery, rape, murder, geocentric model, etc.
>sees flag
of course
Milk is the number one source of estrogen, meat is the second. We have so many NUMALES because we are eating 3 pork chops a day and then flushing it down with a glass of milk.
veganism is a trend you melon
it's all a marketing ploy. do you know how much money they make selling overpriced vegan products.
your average vegans care more about their body than you average omnivore. there. you can throw your 'research' into the trash.
What Jim Carrey movie is this?
nigga you dumb
1) Most of those studies control for those sorts of factors by making sure the control group is relatively healthy etc.
2) The Meat industry stands to lose billions of dollars when people eat less meat and have an entire industry of paid researchers who shill for meat being healthy. On pubmed it lets other researchers post public comments on articles that are visible and show up under the article. Whenever there is a study with serious methodological flaws there are comments published about the flaws under it or actual papers criticizing the study. There is none of that for these studies I linked, if there were any flaws in the methodology meat-industry shills would have pounced on them and wrote public criticisms of it.
3) It's not just that there are studies showing vegans/vegetarians are healthier but we know that meat itself is unhealthy through a bunch of mechanisms. Here is just one for example. There is a glycoprotein in meat that is not removed by cooking and that glycoprotein causes inflammation and cancer progression and likely indirectly contributes to a bunch of other issues as inflammation is at the root of almost all illness, see:
Man, this thread is either full of retarded lactose intolerant shitheads or fat americans tryign REAL hard to attribute their unseemly lard tub selves to milk.
How about you fatties start beign active instead of whining like little bitches
ohhhh ok that makes sense.
yeah the 'native' population doesn't really exist anymore, only mestizos or 20th century 2-3rd generation european immigrants.
my favorite is vegan hamburgers and hot dogs.
I would normally just laugh, but I got dragged into a posh vegetarian restaurant recently and it was one of the worst experiences of my life.
Mods come get this faggot
I caught it too it took 2 weeks until I could drink milk again. Even our dogs caught it, pic related. Out of the five of us, to this day I am the only one that can eat a cube of cheese and not shit myself.
me myself and irene
i miss 90's - early 00's jimmy. the best comedies imo
Me, Myself & Irene
Some very Sup Forums themes related to blacks.
These hormones are not bioavailable, orally, you scientifically illiterate nigger.
>you probably think the government should pass a law
I think the government should pass a law that makes it legal to put hippie-hipster faggots like you in work camps.
You painfully naive cunts are just as terminally retarded as anti-vaxers because you take pride in ignoring decades of research and science.
You would slurp sperm all day if some alternative healer on some anti-establishment website told you that it's "a natural remedy."
Mainline some THC and kill yourself.
>faggot-ass homosexual vegans
>skinny, frail, AIDS-ridden hipsters
>You painfully stupid motherfuckers
>patchouli-smelling hippie
>You fucking twinks
Wow brother, you seem to be feeling really frustrated about what others are choosing to consume. I would reccomend meditation to you. It has really helped me be more concerned with improving myself and I generally give less of a fuck about what people think.
Having said that, your entire argument is totally invalid. Vegans don't drink milk and if they did, yes. It may end up in a hospital visit. The reason being their gut does not have the needed enzymes to digest the milk because they don't consume it
Veganism is retarded and makes you dumb, but milk is bad for you if it's not organic. It's loaded with hormones and steroids. Go for organic milk or fermented dairy drinks like kefir which are hell of a lot healthier.
Milk is racist because only white people can drink it.
numales are the product of late XX.- XXI. century, our ancestors ate meat and drank milk on a daily basis, but they didn't become numales.
So do lectins.
Almost all food has evolved to try to kill you.
Because SS+GOMAD
Fucking dyels here
how cute, you are one of those fags that like to be told what to do.
>I would reccomend [sic] meditation to you
I would recommend you suck-start a shotgun and cry harder about Hillary losing the election.
Hippies like you have a mental illness need to be removed from the gene pool.
Your imaginary friends won't save you from food poisoning or AIDS from your gay sex habits.
But did you know, Hanz? Argentinians are white.
come on
4scoops c'mon
Dude, milk is actually very bad for your bones.
Bro-science the post.
All of that is completely irrelevant if we are healthier without it now in this modern age. Something that may have been an important source of nutrition in the past is not as valuable when we now have access to other sources of nutrition that don't have the same health consequences.
Some of it may be due to hormones, although I recall reading that there is some other stuff involved. Regardless of what is causing it the research has mostly shown drinking milk while growing up is linked to being taller
>Of the foods/nutrients studied, dairy protein had the strongest association with height growth. These findings suggest that a factor in the non-lipid phase of milk, but not protein itself, has growth-promoting action in girls.
>In summary, in our prospective study, we observed a height gain in the children who consumed a high amount of cow milk. Finally, height gain in children may depend not only on the calcium in cow milk but also on some of its bioactive components.
>I post over a dozen studies showing that it's obviously healthier
>hurr durr it's just a marketing ploy
Statistics don't lie Hans. See this post for an explanation of why the research is solid
Milk is being demonized because only white people can consume it without issue. Got to hide those racial differences and make the invaders more comfortable!
4 scoops c'mon!
Its starting to make me throw up when I have a glass
Its getting worse the older I get
Same with bleached white bread
Its not horrible, but its certainly not great.
>veganism is a trend
No,Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.
It's the fastest growing social movement in human history.
>overpriced vegan products
I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to here, but I think you might be talking about most meat and cheese replacements. The reason these are expensive is because there's not really a large market for them. In terms of actual cost and labor to produce, vegan meat and cheese are vastly easier to make than meat and dairy cheese. But as far as my diet goes as a vegan, I spend a lot less on food than I used to as an omnivore.
I drink a gallon of milk a day.
Yes, but even with that being true the research shows vegans and vegetarians being healthier even with the higher consumption of lectins so it's obviously a tradeoff that is beneficial.
Its not an issue.
People are trying to make it an issue for virtue signaling.
Same with breastfeeding in public.
No one cares.
>i'll let some quack naturopath with no medical background or college degree on some uncredited website tell me what to do all fucking day and consider it gospel
>milk is actually very bad for your bones
That's not what the Nesquik rabbit told me...
>tfw breast milk fetish
>big titty gf doesn't know
>Dude, milk is actually very bad for your bones.
Not stressing your bones is bad for you. Milk has calcium which is good for your bones.
Lol this is the first photo I found when searching vegan bodybuilder. Can you really achieve this on a vegan diet? Are steroids vegan?
Opinion discarded