Stephen Colbert: Pizzagate Is An Alt-Right Fever Dream

You can tell he's being told by higher-ups to talk about this shit tb.h

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He's so assblasted that he got caught on wikileaks it's hilarious.

Colbert got caught? What?

boy is pizzagate a resilient meme.
>just let it die pls, you had your fun

Oh yes like I would ever believe anything this tool says.

>You can tell he's being told by higher-ups to talk about this shit tb.h
You can tell, but you can also pic related.

>Russia hacked Podesta's emails
When will the MSM stop spreading fake news?

Anyone have that wikileaks email pic? I didn't save it.

John Podesta wiped his emails the day Maddie McCann was kidnapped.

John Podesta is a close match to the police sketch.

Where was John Podesta on May 3rd 2007

Someone explain to me why they stopped understanding that No-Platforming was the single strongest weapon they have against us?

The laughter sounds so...

Theres 65mil who voted Clinton. They're trying to hold onto these libfags

funny he mentioned chucky cheese

>Colbert Is Directly Instructed By Politicians On What To Put On His Show

>Fake News

Is Soros behind the fake news meme? Someone insanely powerful has to be behind it. They're pushing it so hard. It's in international publications, late night shows, they even got the Pope involved. This has Soros written all over it, but has that been confirmed?

When will everyone realise that this is government, hollywood and religious pedo ring and it's all a farce to hide it all.

>Does an interview with Clinton, because an ex-president is a good get
>Gets told partially what the interviewee wants to talk about
Fuckin exposed.

When they do close ups he looks unhinged

The Leftist Mainstream Media has learned LITERALLY nothing from the last nine months.

The fucking takeaway from this whole experience should have been that if you want the public to ignore a story, don't fucking talk about. Don't acknowledge it, don't tell people why it's wrong, and don't spend six hours a day telling people 'hey! you guys here about this? just ignore it.'

It's like the big green face of Oz shouting at you "PAY NO ATTENTION TO THAT MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!" - well now you can't HELP but pay attention to it.

Why are they saying it is fake news without giving evidence to it being fake news? That I find sketchy. You can see they are sweating, profusely as they yell "B-b-but FAKE NEWS!"

(((fake news)))


Does anyone fall for this shit?

they're trying to hold onto the 65mil who voted democrat

"Good get" isn't an argument, it's an excuse.

This is what pure shilling looks like.

those people arent idiots, i think they see right through this as bullshit

You guys never looked into bif and the Hawaii stuff enough, you went for the easy shit that they gave you, and now it's too late. You've lost this one, and anything incriminating will never lead to proof, just like they like it.

As long as their hatred for the right is stronger than the liberal bullshit they watch, they're content. They just want to dominate the white christian male. They're so asshurt that Christians don't walk with sin. Self-worshipping satanists have false gods who cannot forgive them for their lies and sins. Only when they realize Jesus is the one true God will they come to our side.

John, I hope you got a chance to see the The Colbert Report's two special episodes i had them do about CGI U that we taped in St. Louis this weekend. This is the link to last nights with a sketch about commitments and the monologue and WJC interview aired Monday. Hope you enjoy and looking forward to your feedback. Next will be your Colbert appearance!

He's a fucking devout Catholic, of course he's trying to cover it up.

Good thing he has fewer people tuning in to his show than Alex Jones.

So did he show any of the child-friendly and sleepover-friendly restaurant's images?


Oh honey.

There's a reason why people half joke that tired line of "MSM sucks so bad, I can only get my news from Jon Stewart and Colbert".

He's driven by his passionate hatred for the right

well well , what do we have here?

>[email protected]

he's a fucking queer what did you expect?

I dismissed it as people reading far, far too much into the e-mails until the MSM actually started covering it and mocking it.

Also this ridiculous 'shooting' at the DC Pizzaplace - random failed actor wanders in and shoots once into the floor and...that's it? Then makes a point of claiming he was there because of Pizzagate. Absolutely blatant false flag.

just a typo on their part

You know the two episodes in questions he literally interviewing Clinton about that, you aren't connecting any dots.

Milo is a faggot too, irrelevant.

All nice and well though but how do you pizzagaters stretch yourself to prepare for the mental gymnasium I'm about to enter upon asking this question: What about them not even having a basement though?

fuck this guy. why does the absurdity of a claim make it false?

>hacked by russia, and published by wikileaks


Can you say Streisand effect?

I knew that you could!

there has to be a name for this kind of thing

Can't wait to watch Based Water Filter Merchant to destroy this goon. Also, why does Colbert wear those faggy glasses all of the sudden? I don't remember him wearing hipster glasses on his old show.

>Colbert on Alex Jones
Boy I can't wait to actually watch this shit when I get home.

>Colbert got caught? What?

How many times did his mentor/boss Jon Leibowitz visit the White House during Obama years?


roastie sammich
only 4.99 as a combo

>seems like a pattern, I WONDER.

Never went that far into the rabbit hole but the the basement was never the core foundation of pizzagate and it doesn't disprove the rest of the awkwardly worded emails which only make sense with the use of well established pedo slang. The basement hijinks just proves that some folks can be inaccurate with their theories.

This. Because of him thousands more people at least know about pizzagate and a few out of those will look into it further.

Pizzagate gunman:

Literally, a fucking actor.

I think they have one tb.h

They're not trying to attack the alt right. they're trying to hold onto the 65mil who voted dem out of hatred for christians who walk without sin thanks to asking Jesus for forgiveness for their lies and flaws.

Which should be more proof that this is all a massive gaslighting operation to a) drive the truth community insane with all the loose ends they PURPOSEFULLY left and b) have an excuse to shut down free speech via fake news legislation. At the end of the day, satanists win, khazarian empire rises

It's like they aren't even trying anymore

im not trying to connect the dots between colbert and clinton she is clearly on his show.
>we don't need wikileaks for that.

neither of those are good gets wtf are u smoking

James said they had a basement years ago.

You don't realize that the majority of Hillary voters are driven by hatred for The Right/White People/Straight Men/Christians Who Walk Without Sin

Stephen Colbert is doing the right thing for the left. Trying to hold onto the 65mil slaves who voted Democrat


>Millennials aren't watching cable because it's owned by monopolies that overprice their shit.
>Newspapers are going out of business because their business models are outdated.
>Meanwhile, the news networks have destroyed their own credibility trying to stop Trump.

Solution: Attack the credibility of internet news sources. Attack internet movements as neonazis and white supreemists.

It doesn't work because the internet is its own platform. The old media is in decline, and there's no end in sight unless they adapt.

If it's fake then why do they try so hard to bury it?

The german green party has several politicians with child sex scandals who are still untouched.
Guys like Volker Beck and Daniel Cohn-Bendit.

They also look like typical pederasts for some reason.


Holy shit. That article is real.

>Don't think of an elephant
>Don't think about elite DC politicians kidnapping and raping children

Did they even read Scott Adams? Did they even stare at his girlfriend's tits?

They're about to lose the working-class people to the Republicans even more.

Alex Jones conspiratards need to fuck off to /x/ with their retarded Pizzashit. Damaging the reputation of the Right with this bullshit.

Spics, Niggers, Women, Fags/Cuck/Numales

I really can't stand these liberals getting into a fit of clapping and shouting over nothing.

>Damaging the reputation of the Right with this bullshit.

>reputation of the Right

Implying that the RNC primaries didn't already do that with their shitshow of candidates. Just stop shilling, you fucking leaf.

The Right is Christian Ancap. Not Faggot Fascist Socialist like u

> (((Stephen Colbert)))

Holy shit. Pizzagate fags BTFO.

How will they ever recover?

>anyone who disagrees with le pizzameme retard theory is a shill
How delusional can you brainwashed faggots get?

Fuck the right and the left faggot. What's more important, the "reputation" of some made up ideology, or stopping real children from getting actually raped?


i wanna suck that pizza >,

>ignoring me asking if you want to see some pictures.

Don't worry your pretty little head absolutely NO child abuse is taking place garunteed 100% true garunteed nothing to worry about.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think a single government agency has said that the Podesta hack was by Russians besides an agency or two saying "yeah, it's possible". I only remember reading about a private security agency saying there was "evidence of Russian influence" or something.

Thank god Trump won if only to maybe get on good terms with Russia

In the last part of the episode, he talks about the pre-interview he had with he and Trump before he went on the Colbert Report.

Colbert says "I have the transcript, but I'm not going to read it, because we both have a tacid agreement that this is private."
*puts in shredder*
*fake boos*
"But I have another copy"
*fake laughter*
"but I'm not going to read that either because, you see folks, here's what these conspiracy theorists don't get. There's a difference between a conspiracy and an agreement. A conspiracy is what villains do. An agreement is what adults do. Look around the country. Wouldn't you agree that we need some more adults? So Wikileaks, Alex Jones, and Subreddit Subgeniuses - I mean this in the nicest way possible - GROW THE FUCK UP."

Can somebody tell me what the fuck did he mean by this?

8 now news is a hoax site

he mean't

He's fucking panicking.

This is awesome

Do you realize there is an actual information war of the people vs the system?

They're going down.

What will they say once people find out they're pedophiles as well?

I'm all on the Trump train, but we need to stop with grasping at straws over the pettiest shit.

T-there's no basement? What did he mean by this?

Jesus Christ, what show is this? He spent 10 minutes talking about that? Did he have any viewers who stayed tuned in that long? How is this on a major network?

Was getting caught part of his plan?

I remember when I first saw Stephen Colbert as a humble liberal comedian on Colin Quinn's Tough Crowd.

It's kind of a shame to see his transformation into a corporate shill just for the dosh.

isn't it an illegal conflict of interest for Colbert to joke about pizzagate when podesta has been telling him what to put on his show? Or are we still pretending that this show is not a news source for people?


I find it amazing that he is still there after the wikileaks. Actually I don't, which is sad as fuck.

It still amazes me that this garbage is mainstream now
a year ago, alex jones would never be shown

If you're a democrat, you've got a lot of fucking nerve claiming that the RNC was a shitshow.

Remember when late night was funny and no bit went over 40 seconds?

Holy shit!