continuation of old thread
Dickie Spencer discussion
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Sure m8
The important question!
muh civic nationalists need not apply
>muh food
are you saying you cant follow a simple recipe instruction
You want to become a minority in your own country to eat burritoes?
From the thread before they shat it down...
> start
Still not understanding the link between culture and genetics and that everyone is tribal to varying degrees.
Look at every multicultural society
> identity politics
It's impossible to avoid. Alt-right is identity politics for white people. The dindus, spics and asians have been doing it for many decades in the US and have been very successful at it
> white people/men are all bad
> affirmative action
> self-enforced affirmative action
And the voting records of whites vs. non-whites are very clear. Even after 4+ generations.
This is because Western Europans (founded the US) are much more individualistic than everyone else.
hang on a second
chad "make my fucking burrito bitch" thundercock was an advocate for diversity all along??
Last thread replies on phone so fuck you niggers
Make your own media you dolt Hitler made his own newspapers
I'm happy with most representatives of this nebulous movement Millenial Woes and Molyneux
You seem to think we are in 4th Reich rally phase and we need to choose a leader. No everyone must play their small role for now
Spencer and his supporters are entitled losers trying to take the shortcut to greatness and (((the media))) is helping them by trying to steer them off a cliff.
A leader should be great and worthy of respect/praise. Spencer is not great in any way shape or form and couldn't inspire a town, let alone a nation.
Find a worthy white male to make into a hero, not this loser named Spencer.
The volcano
im saying you dont need spics in your country to have spic food like burritoes in your country
spencer is not trying to be a leader hes trying to make alt-right/WN ideas more mainstream
did i miss him announcing running for some kind of office?
oh man what would I do without taco stands on every corner and 600 ways to make something with corn oil
>not trying to be a leader
>his shill army calls him that
Fuck off, you either have a great leader or non at all.
Wtf does this aggies come from now?
If you are a straight white male you are a neo nazi now?
Guess what?
Not an argument.
Spencer is not the leader of the alt-right. He's one guy that has contributed a lot (he coined the term among other things) and no one chose him. He chose himself by getting of the couch and doing things. Like writing articles, making videos, holding speeches, organizing events...
>the mentally ill faction of Sup Forums
Great leader or none at all
Half assing it with Spencer just gives the media a strawman to laugh at.
If he could rally a 10,000 person crowd and give a speech like this:
Then maybe he would be worthy of the attention he is getting
As of right now he's literally a loser with a microphone.
> thinks the alt-right was about civic nationalism
Go back to the_donald.
The (((media))) chose him you retard
>want someone who can speak good publically
>means I am mentally ill
Fuck off leafposter
Based user
Attention whoring is not mainstreaming
If a person doesnt have some good qualities or characteristics he's not going to inspire or convince anyone to give his ideas merit
People like Spencer have been around before and gone on television before they are basically trained monkeys
Its the people with anime avatars on twitter who are mainstreaming this shit
Its the people in video games saying "around blacks dont relax" who are mainstreaming this
We're just anons like you, upset about rhetoric!
the NSDAP started with a handful of people you mentally challenged faggot
you dont just hold speeches where tens of thousands of people attend
Some body needs to Dox this guy and find out which alphabet agency + MSM he is working for. I bet he is connected to Soros somehow...
He has no visible means of support.
plus spencer racemixed AND tolerates fags.
We need to see who his mother is, Other anons and I got a gut feeling his mom is a kike.
>Attention whoring is not mainstreaming
it is precisely that
the more he attention whores the more his views are normalised and people who literally get triggered about that stuff get used to it
emotional reactions become less intense and people and it becomes easier for people to ponder these kinds of views
The NSDAP didn't interupt call hecklers in the crowds to call them dorks and fatties like an immature middle schooler either.
Reminder that protesters were bussed in
Old army Aggies listened politely to lil dicky
The media are useful idiots. They are spreading the ideas of white nationalism.
They are spreading the ideas of white nationalism because they think that the ideas themselves are so "evil" that it's selfapparent.
> I want a country only for White people.
Oy vey. This goy is so hateful.
> Japan for the japs.
> Africa for africans.
Yes, das rite. No evil white men!!
They don't even bother to spin it that much.
White nationalism is not going to be accpted for a long time. This is about spreading ideas, not starting the 4 reich tomorrow.
>a person redpilled on the jq is a shill
Yeah, no
Ethnic nationalism is beautiful because you can immediately detect the shills
Essentially it is shill-proof, in the sense that part of advocating for a white ethnostate is acknowledging the current (((influence))) in American politics
Yeah they beat the fuck out of them, would that sit better with your delicate sensibilities?
Would that garner better (((media coverage)))?
>tolerates fags
Pick ONE
youre right we should stop caring for our countries because spencer doesnt have the exact same views as us
He's just prioritizing
> save White people from genocide
> go on and on about faggots
And again. Spencer is not the leader of anything. He is just one guy speading the ideas of white nationalism.
>comparing Spencer to the NSDAP
He is literally just a loser with a microphone. Hitler started as a war hero that almost died for Germany.
He actually lived through some shit and made a man of himself before trying to get into the spotlight. What has Spencer done worthy of attention before trying to get into the spotlight? Nothing.
>media coverage = redpilling
No, it really doesn't. Most people will dismiss what he has to say because he is too brash and flip flops alot.
He racemixed, tolerates fags, and back pedalled on the heil trump thing saying, "It was just a joke". He is a traitor.
History needs great men
Don't let (((the media))) pick a movements leader. A true leader should command (((the media))) either by consent, intelligence or if all else fails, force.
Do you temember what Hitler did to fag tolerating race mixers in his own party?
>hint: it involves long knives
if spencer was running for office i would agree with you
but hes trying to advocate for ethnonationalism so im not going to attack him for appearing on the media
it was a joke though
he literally shouted "pepe" 3 seconds later
How to spot a shill
>He racemixed
He is married to a Russian chick
He's a weak, embarassing loser and unlike Trump/Hitler, there's nothing inspiring to find when you dig deeper into who he is.
What has Spencer ever done that shows he is anything other than a loser with a microphone?
Tolerance of gays is many gears of white genocide machine.
It is a degenerate lifestyle choice that spreads diseases, slows birth rates, and is harmful to children because 50% of gays are pedos.
What are your qualifications?
So hes just a social media activist making a retarded movement like White Lives Matter then. If you have to say stupid shit like that, youre weak and you dont matter. Lead by example and people will follow naturally. Spencer is a TERRIBLE example to lead anybody except the lowest of the low, the most desperate of the desperate or the dumbest of the dumb.
That isn't the name of the file you fucking TRS shill.
It has a Sup Forums filename
I'm the smartest user you will ever meet on Sup Forums but that is irrelevant. I'm not perfect and am not doing what Spencer is doing for good reasons, mainly that I have other things I am working on and enjoying in life.
He didn't use them for power, commies tried infiltrating the NatSoc party and turn it into a Marxist socialist system.
wasted quads
>It has a Sup Forums filename
that pic has been posted over and over again by shills, and it doesn't even make sense
shit-tier meme = shill
Political rallies isn't a place for satire style jokes.
>I'm not perfect and am not doing what Spencer is doing for good reasons, mainly that I have other things I am working on and enjoying in life.
This is why people willing to step into the spotlight are important
And you could do much, much worse than Spencer
>He didn't use them for power
he did, he killed them AFTER he got elected
the "leader of the alt-right" meme is perpetrated by the (((media)))
they want to raise him up as a leader so they can shoot him down
in the meantime he drops redpills left and right
>posted by shills
Fuck off, no serious NatSoc likes this cunt and there is proof that TRS tried shilling for him on both 4 and 8 Sup Forums
That seems like pseudo-science
Are there any studies or experiments which back this up or any examples you care to give?
>And you could do much, much worse than Spencer
I'm deeply surprised by some anons and their defense of Spencer
Why cant they see this key consideration?
>What has Spencer ever done that shows he is anything other than a loser with a microphone?
Even if that were true, (it isn't) it is still different than them leading the party (which they never did but were planning on assasinating Hitler so they could)
He is like Strasser and shouldn't be listened to unless you like being a fucking communist jew
This is such a retarded argument. White nationalism is already in the mainstream consciousness; the problem is that it's associated with Nazis, violence, death, genocide, skinheads, and faggots such as Richard Spencer. Inciting Nazi salutes, then dismissing such gestures as """banter""" only reinforces the idea that white nationalism is all about genocide and faggotry.
>if the music is so bad, where's YOUR album?
>if the movie is so crap, why haven't YOU made one?
>if this guy is such a bad speaker, why aren't you speaking?
Im saying this as someone who isnt a naziboo, or a "fascist" or any othere meme
I watched his most recent speech in texas (I think) and he was actually pretty articulate. The only thing is that the moment he realizes he gets stumped on something, he resorts to IRL shitposting. Specifically with that one guy who had a "smash racism" shirt or whatever. The shirt is very obviously about smashing the concept of racism, but Richard took it to mean the guy was going to actually psychically assault him and started freaking out like an autist. Then after the guy mentioned how he was a Phd in genetics after Richard said something like "well what do you know" Richard had nothing else other than to insult the guy.
He also said something really edgy like "no lives matter" and instead of trying to explain this view, he just sarcastically starting saying "bawww human life is so special!"
tl;dr-Dick Spencer is articulate enough when he isnt shit posting/doesnt have an argument
>says the fucking masterful political strategist on Sup Forums
ayy its ghoul
I convinced once liberal people to deny/justify the Holocaust.
The only reason why I won't do political rallies yet is because right now wouldn't be the right time or place and I want to give myself a chance at a normal life. (Currently penniless and almost homeless) The iron isn't hot enough to strike just yet.
Plus I do not have the fame or money to be starting some rallies anyway.
>Are there any studies or experiments which back this up or any examples you care to give?
this entire website lad
think how many people become literal nazis after they browse this board for a few months/years
also you have to keep in mind that normies dont think rational they just do what is normal at the time
and when the media is showing this kind of stuff frequently theyll start thinking more like us because the stigma of our ideas is gone more and more
>White nationalism is already in the mainstream consciousness
but its deeply stigmatised and the more it is shown the less scary it becomes to normies
Sup Forums is pretty fucking braindead when it comes to controlling it's own political parties, it's speciality is itvs ability of fooling enemies into elaborate traps that go for it's favor.
Is Spencer uncut? We can't afford to have Jewish infiltrators in the movement. There can be no room for error here so cutfags will have to be forced out of the alt-right and ultimately gassed along with the Jews.
I couldn't do much worse than Spencer because I choose not to run around in front of (((the media))) like an entitled loser with a mic
Like Trump, I will continue living my life until there is an opportunity for greatness that noone else can/is willing to fill and then I will fill that role if necessary.
Great men shouldn't be looking for the spotlight like Spencer is. They should be great men and then when God shows them an opportunity to let their greatness shine, they should take it.
Spencer never became a great man, nor did he wait for the right opportunity. He is a loser who let the media prop him up.
I wouldn't lie. It is actually easy to repill people if you just ease them into it.
I heard Spencer has a jewish mom, I do not know how true it is though.
Literally 0 evidence of this. He tweet about fags was oppressing it was the last stand of western whites, and it's at that level because they go back to faggot Greeks.
>secret king syndrome
why am i not surprised?
Im not lying about much intentionally. I debate and convert anyone around me to truth as long as they wish to learn, but I have a business to run and goals to pursue until God or some spiritual force reveals an opportunity for greatness to me.
Because he's smart? There are still smart hWhyte people in the world.
>until God or some spiritual force reveals an opportunity for greatness to me
you are literally mentally ill
Fuck off with your psychological analysis you retard
I'm no secret king. I'm just a man making choices and living my life.
>Like Trump, I will continue living my life until there is an opportunity for greatness that noone else can/is willing to fill and then I will fill that role if necessary.
Funny how I am like Hitler in the sense if that as soon as I hit rock bottom that I will go into politics.
I don't seek fame or fortune, just the betterment of the world and my people.
I actually hate fame.
Now say something other than ad hominem attacks or fuck off
Get off the board you fucking clown.
> I'm just a man making choices and living my life.
and in the meantime shitting on anyone who tries to make a difference because hes not your 10/10 leader
Sven pls stay
People who seek the spotlight are generally narcissistic losers trying to fill a void
The spotlight should come to you similar to women: Don't chase, attract.
Pick one
Not true.
What he said was clear as day what he meant.
Rome and Greece fell for a reason
you just complained about ad hominem you hypocrite
You do understand tbat this is exactly what Trump did with the media, right?
You're baisically a normie who wants to aspire to Muh Billionaire. The reason Trump got meme'd was literally the wall, getting schlonged, outrageous shit he'd say that signaled a pro-white message. Punching to the right like this makes you a Romney tier Cuck faggot.
>>if the music is so bad, where's YOUR album?
False equivalence
Let me help you out
>member of the band that criticizes the band's music but offers no suggestions
>he is making a difference
Yeah, he is making a difference, a bad one.
I'm just correcting an imbalance that is his rise to fame. He is not worthy of attention.
I would praise any man rising to the top that was actually great, but that man is not Spencer.
Trump is close though and I respect him winning this past election combined with some of the stuff he has said in the past.
Right. "A sort of last stand". Meaning unopposed faggotry is pretty much the end. That's what he saying.
Post rare Spencers
>I would praise any man rising to the top
what do you even mean by that?
spencer is not trying to rise to the top hes trying to advocate his ideas
Baisically your a huge faggot grasping at straws because.. well your a faggot. Spencer isn't running for office, Spencer is making speeches. Your autism is off the charts.
>the "quit punching to the right and don't purity spiral" memes
No one is immune to criticism you assblasted lardass nu-nazi
Fuck off, Trump didn't say many pro-white things, he said many pro-american things.
No it isn't what he said you fag sympathizer
>I've only ever posted on Sup Forums
Richard has been around longer than abc's bullshit you fucking ignorant twit