ah the good ol' days, when other middle eastern countries accepted refugees
Ah the good ol' days, when other middle eastern countries accepted refugees
Other urls found in this thread:
>born in the middle east
>died in the middle east
Jesus didn't have sexual emergencies.
Stop impersonating swaglord.
But jesus was an ancient nordic godman who had to flee from evil jews.
i am impostering myself :^)
Everyone knows Japan had it right, Jesus had his brother Isoriki die in the cross before himself traveling to Japan and teaching the word of gawd
>appeal to authority
>i am impostering myself :^)
i am impostering myself :^)
fuggen ban me faggot (i bet you wont)
oh shit its the real mod
dam u should become a gambler
Quality post Sven.
Thread derailed... by OP?
i will ban him instead :×)
i understand the middle eastern part but how was he a refugee? he was born and died in israel as part of the roman empire. if anything, he was a homeless vagrant, but not a refugee
Jesus was the opposite of a refugee. His parents had to return to the land of their birthplace to take part in king herods census. He was born in his par nets homeland.
tell moot I want to become a mood
tfw no gf
he went to egypt for a bit
you do you want do want you do want so you you want
Christianity is evil though, caused crusades and gay oppression so we better don't let more middle eastern refugees in
Why would the Japanese also use a cross?
these lefty fucks dont even believe in jesus lol
nice id
Oh mods
And nobody cared
Because it was the symbol of Isuriki's sacrifice and allowed Mr Jesus-San to move to rural northern Japan and become a rice farmer.
....duh it self explanatory.
Jesus can suck my balls, stupid faggot migrant, should be killed at borders.
Ok solomia
how long until i can do this
no fair
Moar like faglord
>inb4 b&
Check the last 2 digits of my post
Destiny of liberals.
no, but check these
Kek laughs at your pitiful attempts
Jesus was an sand nigger, you know that? And Israel having those genes they still can't stop killing each other, even after 4000 years. All you need is borders, no democracy, no wars, just clean bullet in head when crossing the border.
Solomi boy is pretty upset
Jesus was not a refugee
imposter this you fuck
delete this
Of course here's the mainstream Wikipedia page on that Japanese town.
> en.m.wikipedia.org
Look under "attractions"
confirmed /ourguy/
would swaglord sticky his own thread on Sup Forums?
I am just stating the facts.
Do you realize that modern Israel had 15 confirmed wars since 1947?
That's just confirmed wars in not even 100 years, no mentioning of illegal Mossad operations and their thousands of year old historic wars. That's pure mental illness. All because of Jesus butthurt.
Would a nigger tongue his own anus?
Would refugee Jesus rape in case of sexual emergency?
Jesus would have been a legal resident of the Roman Empire. He would never have been a refugee.
Jesus never migrated to the US though
Also, why do libs ALWAYS love to make claims that Jesus was black, a refugee, non-white, transgender, etc
Why do they never stated that maybe Mohammad was gay or Mohammad was in fact a pedophile?
moot is a faggot
>Jesus as a baby, with his parents fled to Egypt, an immediate neighbour, when a tyrant was killing babies
>once the tyrant was dead, they moved back
>this is somehow comparable to masses of single men, no women or children in sight, many of whom aren't even from dangerous countries, moving through multiple safe nations in search of the ones with the best benefits, and who will almost certainly not leave afterwards
You what a more fitting part of the Bible is? This bit about the punishments for disobedience.
>You shall become engaged to a woman, but another man shall lie with her. You shall build a house, but not live in it. You shall plant a vineyard, but not enjoy its fruit. Your ox shall be butchered before your eyes, but you shall not eat of it. Your donkey shall be stolen in front of you, and shall not be restored to you. Your sheep shall be given to your enemies, without anyone to help you. Your sons and daughters shall be given to another people, while you look on; you will strain your eyes looking for them all day but be powerless to do anything. A people whom you do not know shall eat up the fruit of your ground and of all your labors; you shall be continually abused and crushed, and driven mad by the sight that your eyes shall see. (Deut. 28: 30-34 NRSV)
a wanker for sure
Because 30 years of jesus are missing
>swaglord is redpilled
ur a faggot
nah, that american is a good one, you are just a fucking fag