>“In a world where the president makes fun of handicapped people and fat people, how do we proceed with dignity?” Fey asked. “I want to tell people, ‘If you do two things this year, watch ‘Idiocracy’__ by Mike Judge and read [Nazi filmmaker] Leni Riefenstahl’s 800-page autobiography [Leni Riefenstahl: A Memoir] and then call it a year.’”

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Fat people are a fucking waste

Did she watch her own show? They have whole episodes making fun of fat, poor, rich,disabled, good looking, etc etc people

I thought better of Tina fey


The meme that never ends.

All you had to do was show a picture of Tina Fey, and now I don't feel bad at all for voting for Trump.

based mark wahlberg telling celebrities to stfu when it comes to politics

>800 pages
Is watching Triumph of the Will good enough?

>read Nazi filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl’s 800-page autobiography
I'd rather just wathc some of her footage tbqh

>comedians should be held to the same standards as the POTUS

Are all female comedians created in the same shitty liberal cesspot?

it's a better cinematic experience

>how do we proceed with dignity?
You don't because you're a shameless (((industry))) whore. We have proceeded with the dignity of being white and American (ie the greatest people to ever exist) by voting in Trump. Tina Fey can take her mangled face and beta-male orbiters and fuck right off.

>Another fucking Liberal acting like Idiocracy was a documentary
It was a bad movie that was only funny when cursing.

Who is this ugly cunt and why does it matter.

W...what happened to her?? Her eyes... the scar on her face and slanted mouth.... did she get hit by a car????

Thought better why? The only reason that cunt is known at all is because of her slight resemblance to Sarah Palin. She's not funny at all.

being a literal liberal with this word, aren't we? Also, this dipshits want to play politics and then hide behind the clown mask. Fuck that, they are just mad that Trump can make their entire show irrelevant with one tweet.

>fat and retarded people have such a fragile ego that middle aged white women need to stand up for them

> watch ‘Idiocracy’
Idiocracy can easily be interpreted as making fun of the fact we're heading towards a low iq spic filled future.

>people with low iq tend to have more children is the whole background for the movie
>non whites have low iqs and have more children.

>they have different jobs so she's not a hypocrite
Kill yourself

>fat people
Good. Fat people should be mocked mercilessly until they lose weight. They'll thank us when they can still walk aged 50.

But its different if you make fun of people to their face lmao

it's Liz Lemon

I agree that making fun of handicapped people is a little low. The thing is, Trump never actually made fun of anyone for being handicapped, despite what the liberals tell you.

Making fun of fat people is fair game though. You can't control being handicapped, but you can definitely control being fat. Fat people are weak, lazy gluttons.

Is Mike Judge the most genius man on Earth?

>The president is black
>Obama was black

>The president was also a wrestler
>Trump was in a ring once
>Just hired Linda McMahon

Literally anyone can quote this movie and think they made a point

honestly who gives a flying fuck about what any celebrity has to say about politics?

>accepting Idiocracy as legitimate social commentary

fucking hell, that's well beyond plebbit tier

based on the american election results, absolutely no one

Ugh. She needs to go away, it's not 2008 anymore.

>hurrr people with different values than me must be slobbering idiots.

Do these people just make it into showbiz b/c looks and connections? There's no way anyone with an iq>115 would have a worldview that ignorantly black and white.

Also when you're a jew

Sup Forums BTFO

“I promised myself I wouldn’t get up here today and talk about the election, because when I get written up in Breitbart, I want it to be because they’re mad that I’m making an all-female Hitler biopic,” said Fey at the Hollywood Reporter’s annual Women in Entertainment breakfast, in reference to the ultra-conservative website.

Lesbo bitch stfu

Liberals do not even know how to pronounce "Drumpf" cus they got their IQ from late night shows and are not even white.

She's a hypocrite. Comedians should not be the ones calling out the president when they do worse shit on the daily.

>tina fey
ayyyy lmao


Yes. They don't achieve fame or success otherwise

hes up there. quietly and consistently putting up iconic tv shows and movies. i cant think of many people who have been hot as long as him without burning out.

>muh feels
>muh dignitah
OK lady

>proving yet again that women aren't funny

Oh so it is she who postin? No one needed your Shitlary Clinton k? We hate that bitch here in EU too so GTFO media fake news jew whore.

Liberals think it's about rednecks
Conservatives think it's about blacks and hispanics

Why can't they both be right?

>Tina Fey has a sitcom on Netflix basically about the Ariel Castro kidnapping

I'm some what surprised by Fey. She's obviously a liberal but I assumed she had more self awareness than that

Fuck she looks old. Its like her face is about to fall off

The last episode of 30 Rock really made fun of Tumblrtards injecting their cancer in to everything.

I still knew Tina Fey would be a liberal shill though. She's a woman, that's how you know.

>Is against eugenics.
>Tells people to watch a film about the decline of humanity caused by dysgenic breeding.
>Then tells people to read Leni's autobiography.
Tina, you are sending mixed signals. Would still bang though.

I would watch that and feel not one shred of guilt for enjoying it.

>literally "It wasn't supposed to be a documentary guys!"


Didn't she make a guy KILL HIMSELF by parodying him on Kimmy Schmidt? Yes she did! What a hypocritical cunt. They made fun of that hollywood plastic surgeon and the real guy fucking killed himself. What since she's a "comedian" she can get away with poking fun at people at their expense but the president can't? Fuck her dude.

In what way is it hypocritical for a comedian, even if it was an insult comic, to say that the President should not make fun of people?

the best thing is hillary made fun in her emails of killing ghadafi, destroying lybia and fucking up the middle east, but I guess this is nothing for her compared to making fun of a handicapped or fat people (something all comedians do)

>because when I get written up in Breitbart, I want it to be because they’re mad that I’m making an all-female Hitler biopic,
I dont get it... Was that a joke? Is that a Trump is Hitler reference? Or is she actually writing a book or what... If its a joke it is really bad...

>how to dig a deeper grave for yourself
it's like they don't realize that the more you attack trump the more you fuck yourself over. how can this be? it's been more than a fucking year and he WON THE FUCKING PRESIDENCY and they still don't have a goddamn clue? a bunch of fucking idiots, desu.

That didn't seem to stop anyone from attacking Obama.

it was not her fault guise. Really. He was sad from the start. He definitely didn't kill himself because of her mean spirited Trump style joke


that was one of the worst movies I have ever seen

yeah well obama is not trump, false equivalency.

If Idiocracy proves anything it's that the left would have destroyed this country with their live for minorities.

SNL stopped being funny in the 90s. Tina Fey's claim to fame was dressing up as a cheerleader and doing panty shots.

Just in case you didn't already hate her, enjoy pic related.

This. People BARELY knew who she was before Sarah Palin came along.

>I can make fun of whoever I want to the point of suicide
>you can't make snide remarks or you're Hitler
Are you retarded?

>watch idiocracy
That actually speaks worse for the left than the right.

But she'd never realize that.

Like all good science fiction, it is more a social commentary than anything else. By that metric, it is pretty good for the medium. I don't think she was recommending it for the comedy.

So trump is a waste? Dudes a bitch titted faggot

I just don't feel the need to pretend a comedian making a joke about someone is the same as a state leader doing so.

I look around me thinking, Chris Farley died for this? Shame

It's a female-Ghostbuster's cast joke.

Dog attack

Who would they cast as Adolfa Hitler?

First off, what joke did trump make about someone? Secondly why? Why should the president have to stop joking around?

I'm almost surprised there hasnt been an anime along those lines. Ultimate waifu material.

Before she's a comedian, she's a human. And all humans should avoid hypocrisy.

In this case, she's not speaking as a comedian. She's trying for moral highground -- as a fucking hypocrite.

Yet worse, she speaks of "Idiocracy" when the left literally uses comedy shows as their fucking news source.






If you read the whole article you can tell how sarcastic she's being.

>“But I have to say, I think the real reason that Hillary lost ― and it’s the thing that people are afraid to talk about ― not enough celebrity music videos urging people to vote,” she continued through laughs. “I just think if there had been, like, one more funny rap, or like, another ‘Hamilton’ parody, or something. Just like a little more hustle from Liz Banks and we could’ve taken Michigan.”

Then she tells people to watch a movie about dysgenics and read an autobiography by a career woman who thrived under Nazi rule. Tina Fey is objectively redpilled.

>Comedians should get involved in politics

Comedians don't have a monopoly on jokes you stupid fucking ANCAP




>the POTUS should have standards set by some random vagina who works in entertainment

Being less relevant is not the same as irrelevant. You know damn well a sizeable portion of the American populace takes the musings of these comedian activists quite seriously.

Less and less people are buying the "lol, it's just jokes" narrative anymore.

The way I see it it's a distorted liberal vision of a real new phenomenon which is liberals/cucks not making kids anymore (whereas they used to, even faggots used to) while conservatives make kids above replacement level (something like 1.2 vs 2.4), so Darwinism is taking us towards a conservative future. Of course if you're a liberal bigot that means knuckle-dragging conservatives everywhere.

>in a world where we put on blinders to corruption to spite stereotypes

when she was litle, her and a friend were playing and some dude just went up to her and slashed her face.

that story haunts me for some reason. who does that to a child. /r9k/ tier shit

Don't bother, user. A woman has criticized Trump and thus Sup Forums is obligated to point out how incompetent and/or stupid she is.

So you are saying that Trump's insults are not the same as a comedian's jokes? I agree.

>Before she's a comedian, she's a human. And all humans should avoid hypocrisy.
It is not hypocrisy for a comedian to make fun of someone and then criticize a state leader for doing the same. There are different standards of behavior for the two occupations. Similarly, a male dancer who swings his cock at females is not a hypocrite if he criticizes a kindergarten teacher for doing the same.

>Yet worse, she speaks of "Idiocracy" when the left literally uses comedy shows as their fucking news source.

I don't understand how you can complain about this when every thread on Sup Forums complains about how shit MSM is.

Tina Fey

>why does it matter
It really doesn't

I hate tina fey. I could cave her skull in with a fucking club and not feel the least bit of remorse.

this, it's pathetic, they claim others are ignorant but they can't even ask anyone who actually knows German how to pronounce Drumpf properly

>le dwuh-mf haha ebin


As a fatty, I can confirm this works to some degree. I'm fat, yea, but I still walk around despite probably weighing enough to be legally disabled.

>all-female Hitler biopic
>this is what liberals think triggers conservatives
she should make Hitler a black one-legged jew. Reeeeeee that would make me so mad

Making which show irrelevant? SNL? Lmfao every time he tweets about it more people tune in. He's giving them free publicity

Just about everything in the movie is something that is considered stupid by both sides. And all the people breeding at the start of the movie are considered undesirable by most everyone. The movie is as neutral as it gets, just showing what an objectively stupid world would look like. Any divisions are because of someone on the left or right saying "that's exactly what will happen if _______ happens!"

Good enough for me.

>still hasn't provided evidence of said "insults"

30 Rock is probably the best comdey show of the last decade.
Baby Momma was pretty funny. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot was good too.

Her work is hit or miss, but mostly miss. She isn't smart enough to be a voice for politics however, and in 30 rock she acknowledges she represents an urban, upper white class that doesn't relate to most of America. She often portrays the fallacy of her own groups assumptions of the rest of the world in a comical way. But she seems to have forgotten this quite quickly.
