Kris "You have to go back" Kobach wasn't nominated for Secretary of Homeland Security.
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Kris "You have to go back" Kobach wasn't nominated for Secretary of Homeland Security.
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Fuck drumpf
Fraid I'm gonna need some sauce on that
>Tfw no Kris "Build thhe wall" Kobach
Here you go:
Seriously, I'm really disappointed. Kobach would have been perfect for that job.
1. He Has Filed Several Lawsuits Challenging Laws Favorable to Undocumented Immigrants
2. He Crafted Strict Immigration Laws in Arizona & Alabama
3. He Has Also Supported Strict Voter ID Laws
4. He Once Speculated That President Obama Would End the Prosecution of Black People
5. He Strongly Supports Donald Trump’s Immigration Proposals
Hard to say what my views on this are, I can't find anything on John Kelley when it comes to his stance on immigration. But considering Ann Coulter hasn't exploded on twitter, I'm guessing it was a decent pick. It is weird that he's picked three generals now for cabinet positions though.
I think the reasoning behind not choosing him, from what I'm reading, is that he'd be hard to get confirmed. Remember, all his appointments need to be confirmed by congress.
He's too controversial, and has ties to actual white nationalists.Also, too much of a hardliner.
Kelly is a much better pick, and is a general.
Kobach's going to be working under Kelly, where he'd do more good.
A deportation force requires military expertise and Kelly has done nothing but warn Congress about the border for the last 8 years.
Trump hasn't confirmed his pick yet. He hasn't officially offered it to Gen. Kelly.
There's a possibility that this story is a media narrative generated to pressure Trump into picking Kelly over Kobach, but who knows.
It could very will still be Kelly, but again, nothing is confirmed yet -- Trump has yet to formally offer the position to anyone.
Also this. Deputy positions and agency picks don't need confirmation.
He went with Marine General John Kelly, you jews and niggers.
>It is weird that he's picked three generals now for cabinet positions though.
Not if he's preparing for the race war it isn't.
>actual white nationalists
I cringe everytime I hear that. Why is the media allowed to arbitrarily create labels for political movements? Who decided we were white nationalists or "alt right"?
Alt right is a white nationalist movement though and a lot of pol users are white nationalists that don't want non white immigration
Wtf I'm literally starting to hate trump now? He's filling his cabinet with jews, women, people who attacked him, and military men. Shitt Romney is next. Talk about draining the fucking swamp, he dived right in.
He's a dumbass who lets his personal distaste for minorities get in the way of politics.
What the fuck is alt right? You can't just label any cuckservative who isn't a neocon part of the "alt right." It's a wholly fabricated political term made to pigeon whole anyone who disagrees with the establishment (left or right). They're even pushing "alt left" now.
>white nationalists
The label implies that we are the radicals here. When the 1965 Immigration Act passed, Senator Ted Kennedy went out of his way to say that it wouldn't effect the ethnic makeup of the country. Wanting to keep poor minorities out of America was a mainstream idea until the cultural Marxists took over.
The madman, Trump's cabinet is literally just military generals.
The US has legitimately been taken over by the military
Prior to the 1965 immigration act American immigration policy was explicitly racist. To go back is to embrace white nationalism.
so nothing then
fucking media
>prioritizing immigrants from rich countries is waycis
Fuck off.
>tfw barring some other appointment, he'll be my next governor.
Well it is when the only countries you consider "wealthy" enough are all western European.
Kris Kobach is the Secretary of State of Kansas
if only there was a cabinet opening of a similar position.....
Lots of rumors Kobach will be Undersecretary and write the policy. He can get confirmed for that.
It's better to have your firebrands under the radar sometimes.
Sweet Jesus, the shit storm that would cause....
>Hating people that break the law is racist!
I'd be happy to hear of a wealthy black or shitskin country in 1965.
>In response to criticism from the campaign staff of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Kobach called them "left-wing knuckleheads," and remarked that Clinton was getting her "pant suit in a twist," over his stance in favor of implementing some of the toughest voter ID legislation in the nation.
>While speaking on February 20, 2016, to a committee of the Kansas 2nd Congressional District delegates, regarding their challenges of the proof-of-citizenship voting law he championed in 2011, Kobach said, "The ACLU and their fellow communist friends, the League of Women Voters — you can quote me on that, sued," making sure that reporters in the room heard him
Fucking dog shit.
You have to go back, Pedro.
Guys like him always end up getting purged so I don't mind him being in government.
Kobach would have been a tougher sell. He scares the shit out of peeps which is of course why he is our guy. However,
It seems like the plan is for Kobach to get backdoored in as deputy or adviser.
Save your panic.
If Kobach isn't working in the administration in some capacity by Feb 17, then you can get mad.
> If Kobach isn't working in the administration in some capacity by Feb 17, then you can get mad.
>In February 2016, Kobach endorsed Donald Trump in his campaign for the U.S. Presidency, citing his stance on immigration. Kobach has proposed a halt to what he claims to be $23 billion in annual remittances by Mexican nationals illegally living in the U.S. unless Mexico makes a one-time $5–10 billion payment for Trump's proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border
Good, some hard discipline will put us back on track to world domination
that's a lot of fake news in one post
>The campaign thrust Kobach onto the national stage, mostly due to his stance on illegal immigration.[19][30][31][32][33] He was given a speaking role on the opening day of the 2004 Republican National Convention and used his slot to call for the U.S. military to be sent to the Mexican border to block illegal immigration
>The 2012 Republican Party platform included self-deportation as a response to illegal immigration to the United States. Kobach proposed the measure, stating "If you really want to create a job tomorrow, you can remove an illegal alien today."
differently spelt, exact same meaning.
It'd be hard to get him confirmed. He's better off being appointed as a deputy.
I think his last name is the most important qualifer. I don't care about any of his political experience as long as he seems kinda racist
Kris "you have to" Kobach
I really don't understand why Guiliani was only in the running for Attorney General and Secretary of Defense. Homeland Security was always the obvious choice for him, why the hell wouldn't he be considered for it. It baffles me to no end. Why the hell was he even a choice for Defense and not Homeland Security?
so many of you retards forget these nominees have to be confirmed by Congress