why did KEK and 2016 failed in turkey?
Why did KEK and 2016 failed in turkey?
What is this video?
Because Jews = Turks.
its a picture
Failed coup de tat. I remember ghost losing his shit over it
if the coup succeded there would be civil war on turkey and that means more refugees, i rather have a turkish islamist ruling the country and keeping all the problems contained that another warzone next to europe. Also this gave europe the perfect excuse to reject turkey
Turks are trash and will always be trash. The only solution is extermination. Look what happens when these retards get democracy, they elect an islamist faggot. Just isolate them and leave them to rot. The whole middle east.
those fighter pilots were too beta to shoot down airroach 1
I still think this was a false flag by erogin to snuff out all opposition. Definetly Saddam tier.
>Blood coming out of one nostril
>White snot coming out the other
The colours of the Turkish flag.
Because the coup was a false flag to allow Erdogan to purge all the reasonable roaches left.
You sound like liberals when Trump was elected. If they want to elect Islamic dictator then they have a right to do it.
it would have been much much worse , it pains me to say this but the coup failure was a good thing. It wasnt staged by kemalists or secularists.
supposedly special forces nearly got to him and then spent weeks inawoods before they were arrested, very risky unless they were in on it but got jailed regardless
i always hear that the Sultan is the "good" guy in this case
Is that true?
Wait for it
Well Pekka, the problem is that turkey is in NATO and that means there are nukes and NATO bases in turkey. The only problem is that we and the EU has pretended that the Turks aren't retarded shitskins but they keep proving us wrong, causing major problems from a strategic perspective.
If the turks were left on their own they could do whatever the fuck they wanted, no one would care. But now they are in a position where they can fuck with NATO and the EU by trying to extort us with refugee floods and obstructing our military infrastructure.
I'm not talking about their right to elect islamists, it's the fact that the west is so naive that they couldn't see this happening. Turks will never be our equals.
kek has bigger plans for the Sultan
We need dictators in muslim countries. That's the only way to control them.
Wasn't the guy in OP's picture killed shortly after this?
Is Gulen the Soros of Turkey?
What ever happened to porky?
Listen to me burger. All the west does is supporting this Islamists in our country. EU stopped helping this AKP mafia just 3 years ago.
Please stop Brainsplaining the Ameritard Denmark
>You're probably wondering how I got here. Well.... *record scratch*
Austria surrendered their right to banter when you elected the green president. Not even Hitler can compensate for that cuckoldry.
no, he is the person who brough the coup plotters to their positions in the first place
refugees would likely be the kurds in western turkey and leftie turks
kemalists and islamists would have likely started genociding each other on a massive scale. especially cities like istanbul and ankara would literally turn into hell on earth
no he is not he is a fascist driven by mad for his lust of power. He could be a fascist who cared for his people , he decided to brainwash millions using islam instead.
no he is hillary , gulen is just an implant
Because kek is the god of chaos, he'll have trump killed if he feels like it
Underrated post
I simply don't care about the refugee dispute between Turkish government and EU anymore, it's absurd. If European governments had any genuine will to stop it they would have already done it, but what do we the citizens get here? Teachings of tolerance and multiculturalism.
Also saving refugees from Mediterranean and bringing them to Europe is EU project.
Trust me, our governments and the EU don't care at all about preventing refugees and immigrants coming here.
And America among few European countries as part of NATO are the last countries who can blame Turkey for causing instability and refugee floods. Who took down Libya? Not Erdogan.
Blame our Women for that.
Next time i see a Women get raped here, i will just clap and throw Teddybears at the Sandnigger
Trump wasn't in power yet. He needs to be in position so that the rest of Keks plans can come to fruition.
Does it involve some gallows?
>False flag theory?
>Legitimate coup attempt failed
Even better.
Sharia cannot come fast enough to Turkey. The more Islamic their state is, the less chances are they will be in EU.
Plus some choppers shredded some turks. That's always a win.
In order for a coup to succeed:
1) The mass of people must back it or at least not be against it.
2) Those running the coup must seize control over the media and prevent any other message getting out
3) Those running the coup must secure support of the international community fast
The Turkey lot failed on all counts.
Not all in the military were for it.
Erdogan had many ordinary public supporters.
Erdogan could get his message out still.
International community was pretty ambivalent (see John Kerry and Sergey Lavrov).
It's hard to see how a different strategy could have helped them. Personally I suggest:
Shooting down his plane, solves several problems, can also claim it was a fault if done shortly after take-off.
Securing more support from international bodies (leak info about a purge or human rights violation, since that is the US method for invasion pretexts).
Try to secure more of the army support.
Still leaves the people as a problem.
Can you imagine the smell?
>people wanting to keep government separate from religion
>Government turns it's guns on it's people in a matter of hours.
Kek has bigger plans for 2017!
fooled me
> *record scratch*
> "Yeah, thats me in the middle. So I guess you are wondering in this mess, huh?"
> "Well, its a long story, so hold on tight!"
> Tape rewinds
> **Someboooody once told me, the world is gonna roll meee...**
Because you don't understand Kek's will. Having the coup almost suceeed but then fail is the best way to generate chaos in the long run than just allowing Erdogan to fall.
Kek has a plan for Turkey and keeping Erdogan was a part of it.
What do you mean fail? Everything went according to keks plan. Digita confirma.
that's the perfect excuse for them to want to leave their countries. or to suicide bomb us, for they see us as responsible for their plights. rightfully so.
they're people too, they have dreams of freedom.
you're a retard.
>defeat dictatorship
>muslim brotherhood wins the elections
Every fucking time.
Kek planned it all. In the grand scheme of things victory is closer than they appear to be. Golden age of KEK will be here soon
Turkey coup was 3rd best happening of the year. What a wild ride.
It wasn't a real coup. Gollum manufactured it so he had an excuse to purge and gain more power.
True nobody nuked the fucking roaches (why do it anyway?) Nobody nuked you this year neither :,( What a shitty year then.
no lol
consider it as a lesser evil.
>they're people too
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Why it failed? Pic unrelated...