Someone stop this madman !!!
Someone stop this madman !!!
can't tell if he's good or bad, he's funny though, and rational
our guy?
>(((ironicly))) states jew tube is killing his channel for being white.
>(((ironicly))) trump posting, nazi posting, and calling the jew
> was one of the most dickheaded children to ever live (see his remember videos)
>called buzzfeed cucks! (he acutally called buzz feed cucks)
im 100% convinced he stumbled here and this combine with the cuckening of sweaden made him redpilled.
he is the swedish cuckposter who tries to be funny
There's been multiple threads about him lately and the more I've watched the more I'm accepting of this /guy/
Still that makes him our guy. he maybe a shit poster but he is our guy.
Also he should be a bong poster since he live in britain for like 5 years now
fugg, then i duno
maybe he is mummyposter?
holy shiet literally a good 10 seconds of hitler talking at the end
>contrarian faggot
Calm down, faggot. You're no more special than anyone else.
>not seeing the potential that he has to literally crash jewtube with no survivors
Watching his slow descent into madness has been highly satisfying.
It's not madness, it's just returning back to being a normal fucking European man amongst actual madness.
He says he'll close his account once he reaches 50 million subscribers.
I bet once he reaches that milestone, he'll make one last video, and it'll be full on "heil 88".
Yes I know. I like him. I didn't mean to imply this descent into "madness" was a bad thing. He's gotta hit rock bottom. I hope he rises from the ashes like a Phoenix. Regardless of how he got there, the guy's got a huge platform to actually talk some sense into people.
Let's say half his subscribers are fake. Then let's say that half of that number never watches any of his videos. Then let's say that half that number watch every video. That's like 6-7 million people.
Ol' Pewds could do some genuine good in this world.
Isn't there a video of him watching a Hitler speech?
>prevent AIDS
i think we all know what that means
I feel like you faggots are being clickbaited right now
Rock bottom is millions of dollars away, you stupid fucker
Let him know about pizzagate, he has a voice that is heard
>Rock bottom is millions of dollars away, you stupid fucker
No, it's not, dude. Not everyone, including rich people, only care about money. Most, and again I'm including rich people, often care deeply about their reputation and believe in something beyond money. The money makes things easier, yes, but that's not the end all be all.
Watch from 9:21 on:
the act of defiance at the end, not gonna cuck to the kike media distortion
i tried
>He didnt actally say no
His "What if...?" clip was actually called "What if Hitler wasnt bad?" the first few hours. Then he changed the title.
He's just doing this for continued attention.
What's the song? I've heard it before
Did he say
> ~ I'm not a racist
I laughed at the ending
Thanks my dude, downloading Red Alert now
>Literally just got a hitler youth haircut
>that ending
dare i say? is he... /our guy/ afterall???
not explicitly. he mostly said things like
>lol they actually think I'm a nazi
He's slowly becoming redpilled.
He saw his beautiful country turn into a shithole.
He saw the media slander him.
He watched Hitler's videos and found out (((who))) was behind all of it.
The ending made my day. I'm excited to see how the media reacts.
Double checked, he got that haircut literally for this video. It's longer in the one right before. He chose the hitler youth for that extra meta
whatever happen to him.
a youtubers that cater to underage turned into Sup Forumsacks?
Pewdiepie getting the same treatment as fucking sam hyde
fuckin 'ell
At this point, the guy must have made enough Youtube bux to say fuck off to anyone he wants.
Did he get Ben Garrison'd?
no, good, nobody should have to refute the lefts silly buzzwords
That's not a Hitler youth haircut, you retard.
over the last few years he gathered 50 million subscribers only to redpill them now, shortly before deleting his channel. that way, nobody will be able to question the things hes going to say about (((them))).
RA2 is the best but best that you dont try RA3
Please stop making threads shilling for the dumbass. Pewdiepie is a fucking cancer.
Still pretty fashy
It's hard to estimate what Felix earns in hand per year as he is taxed in Sweden (4-50% of hie earnings) and Youtube takes a 40-50% cut of your view revenue. But it's safe to say he's probably got an eight figure bank account. But like he's stated many times he isn't in it for the money (notice adverts don't load on his channels and it's straight to video unless your ISP in ultra-Jew) and even if he earned a fraction of what he does today he would still make videos. Gotta hand it to a guy to stick to his guns like that.
I want tis as a Sup Forums banner.
Everyone thought sweaden was a nice country up to a few years ago before the cancer methastasized. He probably experienced first hand the cucking of sweaden and only recently managed to get over the grief that his country is fucked. I honestly think him moving from sweaden was not to make his yt channel this big but rather run away from the massive cuckery. Hell i still am left leaning but i became more and more racist the more i read about niggers here... so just imagine seeing your own country hitting the shitters. Immagine the inpact.
Pewdiepie threads should be purged.
It was his end game. He's 60k away to reach 50 million subs. If he's man of his word, he will gladly close the channel..and that scene at the very end will be the conclusion.
I'd argue the opposite actually. He was one under the bond of the Old Gods like everyone else, but has been slowly breaking free from the madness of the Old Gods and is becoming Enlightened.
He poses a significant threat to the Old Gods, and can potentially free the minds of the masses that watch him.
wtf i love denmark now
Nope. This is /ourguy/.
This one is slightly higher quality and without a watermark
it’s free real estate
hi pdp
Kek. Most of the comments are from young teens/kids making comments in agreement with him. He is definitely /ourguy/. No wonder this generation is the most conservative since WWII - he's red pilling millions of people.
Memes truly are weaponised autism.
Please stop shilling for this guy. He's never going to get to 50 million by mobilizing Sup Forums and anonymous. You know that's what he's trying to do. He's a shit youtuber who copies other youtubers like FilthyFrank.
If you are fucking retarded and can't see his jewry through to boost subs, then yeah, he's "your guy".
this explains why my 8 year old nephew walked in sieg heiling the other day
He's literally like 40k subs away from hitting 50 mil.
He's been gaining like 30k subs a day or some shit.
That can't be real. I'm off to Google!
Well I'll be damned
He lives in England though so he isnt taxed in Sweden
He deletes his channel tomorrow. :(
holy shit
Please go away. We know you're shilling for this fuck. I'd rather sub to Fred than PewDiePie, especially when his fans flood my board trying to convince me about how 'red-pilled' he is in his campaign to 50 mil.
Part of the redpill is accepting self interest isn't inherently wrong.
is there anything worst than a clickbaiter complaining about clickbait ?
I'm not a fan. I want him to delete his channel so I subscribed.
People who complain about people who complain about clickbait.
>tfw we're finally making anime real
This guy does nothing wrong, he provides subtle redpills for the youth while remaining entertaining to them
He isn't for us, but we can appreciate someone who is able to reach gen z and isn't indoctrinating them with fag shit
Since watching this guy my nephew now tells his mom that the media is full of lies and he's saying "I'm a nazi"
>I'm only ironically shilling this guy so he will totally ironically delet his channel >:^))
Mods please ban
There's also one with the swastika in the background.
>right sentiment is resurgent
>biggest youtuber suddenly tries to woo this group
WooooWeeee what a (((coincidence)))
Not as long at the top but it's pretty close.
Jewgle is on full damage control right?
Don't have anything against the guy and haven't really watched his videos but has his voice always been this broken? He's got millions of subscribers but he seems very unpleasant to listen to.
Is this just because he's having a breakdown or did he always sound like this?
his rise to fame was sperging out and screaming while playing video games, people found that entertaining I guess
There is compiled evidence that PewDiePie is an "Alt-Right" racist.
Why the fuck do you care so much? If he doesn't do it, I'll instantly unsub, no big deal.
Where exactly are these people coming from? All of a sudden Sup Forums keeps getting these PewDiePie threads to help him get to 50 mil. Do you people really think we're stupid enough to not realize you're trying to turn Sup Forums into your personal army. Get the fuck out. You try to wake the anonymous dragon for something stupid like this and you're going to get more than you bargain for.
He's literally one of us.
are you reverse shilling? because I'm going to sub to his channel on all 8 of my accounts because you're such an annoying faggot
I've been on this site since 2006 where the fuck you come from?
Well I just unsubed from all 8 of my accounts. So there.
Why are you so intent on shilling for this guy on Sup Forums? Maybe it's actually him guise. One of us kek!
Seriously, you are a cancer for coming here and trying to mobilize us for PewDiePies stupid 50 mil campaign. When has PewDiePie ever red pilled anyone when it wasn't for the sake of views and youtube drama. Just thinking about someone bringing that stupid drama here disgusts me.
You think Sup Forums is stupid enough to not see through his facade? Think again you dumb cunt.
Shitposting is the only requirement to being our /guy/
Post related
isnt that a soviet uniform? and the theme song for red alert 2?
Kek this dude is unreal.
And I just subbed with my 11 accounts.
Go be a special snowflake elsewhere, you little faggot.